HCA 13/68 f.62r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 62 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/03/2018 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9677.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/03/12 |
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To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the arlate
don Sebastian da Cortizes is one of the Asssentistaes of the King of Spaine
and an Inhabitant of Madrid and a subiect of the sayd King and
so accounted, which he knoweth being secretary to the Lord Ambassafor
of the King of Spaine Resident here in England. And otherwise cannot
To the second third fourth fifth sixth and seventh articles of the sayd allegation
This deponent saith that he hath seene and perused a letter from his
Catholique Majesty the King of Spaine date the 24th day of Aprill
last past signed by his sayd Majesties owne hand and directed to his Ambassador
here Resident in England, wherein, after Recitall made that the sayd
Sebastian Cortizes had laden aboard the sayd shipp Saint Augustin att Alicant
to be transported to Venice and there delivered to Augustin ffonseca arlate
111 sackes of woolls of Segovia and 9 sacks of woolls of [?Quenta] and that the
same were the woolls of the sayd Cortizes, and were for supply of his
sayd Majesties owne affaires and Armye in fflanders according to Contract
made by the sayd Cortizes in that behalfe; His Majesty did require
the sayd Lord Ambassafor to seeke for restitution of the sayd woolls in the behalfe
of his sayd Assentista, of and from this Commonwealth and Parliament
and Courts of Justice thereof, into whose hands the sayd woolls were come
by vertue of a seizure made of the sayd shipp Augustin by some of the
shipps of this Commonwealth; And this deponent hath likewise seene
another letter dated 9. April 1653. from Madrid from his Excellency Don
Lewis da Hara duke da Olivares his sayd Majesties first and cheife Minister
of State directed to the sayd Lord Ambassador of Spaine here Resident to the same
effect and purpose with the Kings aforesayd lLetter. for which reasons
this deponent beleiving that the sayd Sebastian da Cortizos is lawfull
Owner of the woolls arlate, and that he did lade them by his factors att
Alicant for his owne Accompt to be transported to Venice, and that the
sayd woolls were and are for supply of his sayd Catholique Majesties
Occasions. And otherwise cannot depose. [#]
saving he saith he hath likewise seene and perused a letter sent to the sayd Lord Ambassador from Don Diago Henricques de Castro Paymaster Generall
of his sayd Majesties Army in fflanders to whom the proceed of the sayd woolls was to be remitted from Venice for the uses aforesayd bearing date .10. August .1653. to the effect predeposed. together with a Procuracon
made by the sayd Paymaster Generall to him this deponent and bearing date .5. August .1653. which Procuracon now
is in this deponents possession in order to seeke and expedit the Restitution of the sayd wolls for the use and supply
of his Majestyes sayd affaires and Armies in fflanders.
To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first. negatively.
To the 2. he saith he knoweth the sayd Sebastian Corteres onely by fame
and letters, and hath so known him [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] and by common fame he
hath inhabited in Madrid for many yeares past.
To the 3. he saith he knoweth nothing of the buying of the woolls on question
nor can depose otherwise than as aforesayd.
To the .4. he saith he was not att Allicant when the goods in question
were laden, but saith his sayd Catholique Majestyes letter reciteth the
sayd woolls to be laden att Allicant by one ffrancisco Jaspar [?Muxisha]
and this Rendent never saw the sayd woolls in the producents possession
and otherwise cannot depose.
To the 5. negatively.
To the 6. negatively.
To the 7. he saith he was borne att Leige in Germant and liveth in
London and otherwise negatviely.
To the 8. 9, 10. and 11. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
Egidio Mottet [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before dorctor Clarke and Godolphin.