HCA 13/53 f.22v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/53 f.22v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/53 f.22v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



8th ffebruary 1636.

Samuell Jourdayne of the parish+ of Saint Olave in Southwarke Joyner aged about
55 yeares sworne before the worshipfull Joseph Martyn doctor of Lawes Surrogate
to the right worshipfull Sir Henry Marten knighte Judge of his Mayestyes high
Court of the Admiraltye and afterwards examined
on certayne Interrogatoryes sayeth and deposeth therunto as followeth videlicet

To the first Interrogatory hesayeth That uppon the seaventeenth day of August 1636
last past righte over against
fferryes his wharfe in the river of Thames fourtye yards and upwards
above London bridge, there was putt aboard the boate or engine in
a cetayne quantitye of gravell
or sande; but this deponent at the tyme that the wager in question was sayd
to be winn) did not see the sayd gravell or sande weighed, but
there were a great many spectators at that tyme (who as they sayd)
saw the weighinge therof, and by their generall report, there was above
five tonns and a halfe of gravell or sand putt into her, reckoninge twenty hundredw
weighte to every tonne, but this deponent sawe and tooke notice of the place
where the sayd boate or engene then laye when she tooke in the sayd
gravell, because he dailye worketh at the bridge house beinge imployed by
the Cittye to carrye timber for the mendinge of the bridge and to sett the
workemen to worke and hath sene it measured by a lyne from thence to the sayd bridge/ And he verilye beleiveth that the tyme in question there
were above five tonns of greavell abord the sayd boate, for that at divers
other tymes he hath seene and taken notice of the weight of the gravell putt into her above
five tonnes of greavell, and there did but halfe a shovell of
gravell fall out of the basketts wherein it was weighed after the weighinge
and puttinge thereof abord the sayd boat or engine, the sayd Mr Busmer
would commannd and cause his men to putt in a shovell full of gravell for it,
And further he cannot depose/

To the second he sayeth, That teh tyme in question when the sayd wager was
wonne videlicet the seaventeenth day of August last aforesayd
none of the sayd gravell was taken out of or fell of it selfe out of her in cominge
from the place where she tooke in the sayd gravell untill she went
through the bridge Eastward about fiftye yards
then she lett fall all the gravell which was in one position or houlde of her
the sayd boate returned westward through the bridge and went up to the place
where she tooke in her ladinge videlicet above fourtye yards westward above the sayd bridge and three discharged the rest of her ladinge
and did not lett fall any parte of her ladinge neither was there any part therof
taken out of her in her returne to the place aforesayd./ The premisses he knoweth
to be true for that he this deponent understandinge that the sayd boate or