HCA 13/54 f.4v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/54 f.4v.

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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/54 f.4v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Ad 14um affirmat That at the tyme of the departure of the sayd shipp the
Castle from the port of London to the Newfoundande she had in her but
twentye three men and a boye and after she had taken in all her
ladinge the sayd Taylor the master hired ten men more to serve in the
sayd shipp, and he beleiveth that if those men had bene hired
before she came thither or when she begann to take in her
ladinge of fish, she mighte have taken in her ladinge with the helpe of
those ten men a greate deale sooner then she did, for he sayeth that the
sayd shipp stayd at the Newfoundland in carrying
and stoppinge of her leaks and in takinge in her ladinge by the space
of tenn or twelve weeks. Et alr nescit deponere./

Ad 16um affirmat That the sayd Taylor the master and most of his company
did carrye some fish with them from the Newfoundland in the sayd
shipp for their owne accompts but what particular quanitye either the masteror any of his company
caryed with them he knoweth not savinge he sayeth that he this deponent
carryed with him five score of dryed Newfoundland fishes and
noe more or other goods Et alr nescit deponere./

Ad 17ym nescit deponere.

Ad 18um nescit deponere for that he was discharged from the sayd shipp
in the river of Thames before any of her ladinge was
delivered, but he beleiveth that al the sayd shipps ladinge of salte might
have beene delivered out of her in the space of two dayes for that she tooke
it in within two dayes tyme.

Super reliquis arles non examinat ex directione

Idem super Interrogatoria/

Ad primum rendet That he was borne at Harnestoe neere Lincolne
and that he hath lived in the parish of Saint Olave in
Southwarke by the space of nyne weekes or thereabouts, and before that in
Rosemary Lane within the parish of Whitechapple by the space
of twenty three weeles or thereabouts, and before that he was at sea
on the voyage in question; and that he knoweth not the parties producents
but hath lnown the sayd Pickeringe and Taylor ever since the beginninge
of the voyage in question, and that he favoreth the parties in this cause
indifferently and if it laye in his power would give the victorye
to them that have most righte thereunto.

Ad 2um nescit rendere alvis predepoita per en/

Ad 3um rendet That all the fish laden by the master and companye
of the sayd shipp was stowed in the Lazarita betweene her decks
and noe part of it in her hould, which he knoweth to be true
for that he helped to stowe the same Et alr nescit./

Ad 4um rendet That there were a great many deales used and
imployed at the Newfoundland in the stoweinge and pressinge of
the fishe, and some of them were spoyled and shaken to peeces, and
about a dozen of them (as he hath heard the company say) were
throwen over bord in a storme, but this rendent did not see
any of them throwen over bord Et alr nescit rendeere.

Ad 5um rendet That the sayd shipp was trymmed at a Carpenters docke
before her goeinge forth on the sayd voyage, and at her first goeinge forth
she was not leakye. Et alre qua prins nescit rendere savinge he sayeth that
the sayd shipp the Castle went forth from Dover in company of a shipp
of London bound for the Newfoundland, and in foule weather loste the