Lewes Scarlatti

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Lewes Scarlatti
Person Lewes Scarlatti
First name Lewes
Middle name(s)
Last name Scarlatti
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Merchant
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation
Associated with ship(s)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s)
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Signature
Has opening text N/A
Has signoff text N/A
Signoff image (Invalid transcription image)
Language skills Portuguese language, Italian language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street
Res parish
Res town Lisbon
Res county
Res province
Res country Portugal
Birth year
Marriage year
Death year
Probate date
First deposition age
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s)
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s)
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship N/A
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

Lewes Scarlatti (b.?; d.?). Italian merchant from Florence in Tuscany, who was a long term resident in Lisbon.

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

April 1653

Thirty-four year old Antwerp merchant Peter Deuwerders deposed on April 29th 1653 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined on the claim of "Lewes Scarlatti and ffrancis Pardini for goods in the Foure Cardinalls and Conrad. Deuwerders stated he had known both Scarlatti and Pardini for twelve years, and that during this time they were and are "merchants of Lisbone in Portugall of greate trade and commerce, and such as doe usually and frequently traffique to England, Holland, Germany, ffrance, Italy and most other places of trade". Deuwerders had lived in Lisbon as a factor, where he had known the, prior to coming to Antwerp, and knew that they were merchant strangers in Lisbon.[1]

It is clear from Deuwerder's evidence that Scarlatti and Pardini were partners. Indeed, the sign with which they marked their goods was a heart containing the letters S and P, united by an F.[2]

In this particular cause Scarlatti had laden oils for himself and his partner Pardini onto two ships, the Foure Cardinals and the Conrad, bound both from Lisbon to Rotterdam.[3] The goods were to be sent on arrival at Rotterdam on to Amsterdam. Deuwerders himself had been on the Conrad on its voyage from Lisbon to Rotterdam, when it had been seized by the English.Deuwerders believed that both Scarlatti and Pardini were Florence born, were subjects of the King of Portugal and were bachelors.[4]

May 1653

Fifty-three year old London merchant Nicolas de Ferari deposed on May 9th 1653 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined in the above claim by Scarlatti and Pardini for goods on the Foure Cardinalls and the Conrad.[5] De Ferari had known both Scarlatti and Pardini for five years threough letters and correspondency concerning merchandizing and confirmed that the two men were Florentines living in Lisbon, with an extensive trade across Europe. De Ferrari claimed, that he was "very intimately acquainted with the affaires negotiations and accompts" of the two men, and stated that he knew the men's Amsterdam correspondent, another Florentine named ffrancis Teroni, from whom De Ferrari had received a number of letters regarding theri affairs over the last five years.[6] Another deponent, London merchant John Chaworth, adds that Teroni was the agent in Amsterdam of the Grand Duke of Florence.[7]

March 1657

Thirty-six year old London merchant Francis Pardini deposed on March 10th 1657 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined on the claim of "Lewis Scarletti an Italian merchant resident at Lisbone for five chests of white sugar fower half chests of white sugar and three chests of muskavadoes of the first marke, seized in the shipp the Nightingale whereof Henry Classaw was master, and of Anthonio Maria da Coule Italian merchant resident at Lisborne for two bales of cinnamon and one half chest of sugar of the second marke, and of Gregorio Diaz of Lisbone merchant for five chests of white sugar and five chests of muskavadoes of the third marke and underwritten all seized in the said shipp by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth.[8]

Pardini stated that Scarlatti was a "native of Italy" from Florence in Tuscany, and that he had resided in Lisbon for the space of ten to fifteen years.[9]

Comment on sources

  1. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1634
  2. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1636
  3. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1634
  4. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1635
  5. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1706
  6. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1707
  7. HCA 13/67 unfol. IMG_117_07_1709
  8. HCA 13/72 f.2v
  9. HCA 13/72 f.3r