MRP: Dame Mary Bloodworth will

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Dame Mary Bloodworth will

PROB 11/398 Dyke 1-44 Will of Dame Mary Bludworth, Widow of Saint Anne Aldersgate, City of London 04 March 1690

Editorial history

21/11/11, CSG: Added transcription

Abstract & context

Née Butcher, and widow of Henry Benn, slopseller of London. Took as her second husband Sir Thomas Bludworth, SVJS investor, who she outlived


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Dame Mary Bludworth widow of the parish of S:t Anne Aldersgate London being sicke and weake in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God for the same doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say

FFIRST and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting and assuedly beleiving that by and through the meritts of my Saviour Jesus Christ I shall receive the free pardon of all my sins and life everlasting in the world to come And my body I committ to the earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter menconed And as concerning that temporalll estate with which it hath pleased God to blesse me I give and bequeath the same as followeth

IMPRIMIS I give to my eldest sonne S:r Thomas Bludworth the sume of Tenne pounds to buy him mourning

ITEM I give unto S:r George Jeffryes the sume of One hundred pounds to buy mourning for him selfe and family

ITEM I give to my Daughter Dame Mary Moore Widow the sume of ffive hundred pounds And to my daughter Mary Bludworth the Annuity or yearly sume of One hundred and fifty pounds to be issueing and payable out of my estate hereinafter given and bequeathed unto my sonne Charles Bludworth at the foure usuall quarter dayes in the yeare by equall porcons and likewise I give unto my said daughter Mary Bloodworth the sume of Three Hundred pounds provided alwayes and the two last menconed legacies are upon this condicon That my said Daughter doe abide and stand to the termes and condicons that she hath engaged to doe by her Bond or Obligacon made to me for that purpose

ITEM I give to every one of my Grandchildren the sume of fifty pounds a peece

To my brother and Sister Peirce Twenty pounds for mourning And to every one of their children five pounds apeece for mourning

To my brother Bludworth and his Wife twenty pounds for mourning

To my sister Clay Tenne pounds for mourning

ITEM I give unto M:r Saltonston and his Wife the sume of Twenty pounds for mourning

ITEM I give unto every one of my servants that shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease ffoure pounds apeece for mourning

ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish where I now live the sume of ffive pounds to be distributed amongst them by the churchwardens of the same parish to the Poore of the parish of S:t Katherines neare the Tower (where I was borne) the sume of tenne pounds to be distributed at the discretion of the Churchwardens of the said Parish

All the rest and residue of my goods chattells debts ready moneys jewells and Estate whatsoever (my Debts being paid and funerall expences discharged) I wholly give and bequeath unto my youngest sonne Charles Bludworth of Christs College in Oxford And my will and desire is that he bury me very decently without pompe and that six Aldermen be invited to hold up the Pall and that none else be invited to my funerall but such only to whom I have given mourning

And I doe make and appoint my said sonne Charles Bludworth and S:r George Jeffreyes joynt Executors of this my last Will and Testam:t

And I doe hereby revoke and make void all former Wills Legacies


and bequests by me at any time heretofore made given or bequeathed And doe confirme this only to be my last Will and Testament

In Witnesse whereof I the said Dame Mary Bludworth have hereunto sett my hand and seale the seaventeenth day of January Anno Dom One Thousand six hundred eighty two and in the foure and thirtyeth yeare of the reigne of King Charles the second of England xr:

Mary Bludworth

Signed, sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix for and as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us Elanor Bradshaw Dorothy Bailey Joseph Stratton Scr. at the Bull head without Newgate

PROBATUM fuit humoi Testamentum apud London coram venti vivi Henrico Newton Legum Doctore Surro Ventis et egreij vivi Dui Richardi Raines Militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curix prarogativx Cantuariensis Maari Custodis sive Comissarij XXXX constituti Quarto die mensis Martij Anno Dui (stilo Anglia) Millimo Sexcento Octogeno XXXX Juramento Caroli Bludworth XXXX Executoris supstitis in humoi Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administraco omnium et singularum bonorum xxxxx Dei Evangelia Jurat Pranobili et Honorando vito George imper Duo Jefferies Barone de XXXX altero Executorum in dicto testamento nominato demortuo. Ex.X
