HCA 13/68 f.153v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.153v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd John Schrothering and George Scrothering, but to what value
he remembreth not.

To the .17. negatively

To the 18. he saith he cannot depose

To the 19. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof

Martin holst [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]


The sixth day of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation.


Hendrick Freke of Hamburgh Mariner
Purser of the sayd shipp the Neptune aged
one and twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
followeth videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that
in the monethes of March Aprill May June July and August last
past 1653 the arlate Lewis de Boyes and Company Merchants and
Inhabitants of Hamburgh were and now are the rightfull Owners
of the sayd shipp the Neptune whereof Martin Holst is master and
Part owner, and for such the sayd de Boyes and Company were
and are commonly accounted which he knoweth being Purser of the
sayd shipp and an Inhabitant of Hamburgh. And otherwise cannot

To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that
in the yeare and monthes aforesayd the arlate John Scothering and
George Scothering and others merchants and Inhabitants of Hamburgh
were and att present are the lawfull Owners of the Oyle Almonds
Annis seeds galls and other merchandizes aboard the sayd shipp (the skipper and mariners goods onely excepted) and
for such were and are commonly accounted, which he knoweth being
Purser of the sayd shipp whereon the same were laden, and knoweth
that they were so laden for Reckening and Risko of the sauyd merchants
and otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that about the
monethes of March and Aprill last past the arlate Joachim Lorenz
and David Zollicoffer and Thoams Van Dobbar or Bevar att Marselles
did lade aboard the sayd shipp all the sayd oyle and other goods for
the proper Accompt of the sayd Scotherings and other merchants
of Hamburgh to be in the sayd shipp transported to Hamburgh abd
there to be delivered to the sayd Owners thereof for their own accompts
and somuch the sayd factors did declare att Marseilles in the [?presence]
and hearing of this deponent. And otherwise he cannot depose
saving he saith the Master and Mariners did lade their owne goods