HCA 13/68 f.383r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.383r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


seizure shee came from Saint Martin in ffrance for Dantzicke.

To the 6th hee saith hee this deponent bought provided and laded the present lading pf
goods aboard the sayd shipp at Saint Martins in ffrance by and with the assistance of one ffrancis
Claeson a ffactor residing at Rochell, and paid for the said goods with readie monies
which hee receaved of the said ffactor by the order and appointment of the said Lucas
Lucie. And saith the salt aboard his said shipp was bought at Saint Martin aforesaid
of one Monsieur de ran, and that the bradewine s aboard were bought at Rochell, but of
whom hee remembreth not. And otherwise cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saith hee is a Native of Noortstrand in Holsteyn, and is a Subject
of the Crowne of Sweden, and otherwise negatively saying the present shippes
ladeing ws and is totally and solely for the accompt of the said Lucas Lucie, And
further cannot depose./

To the 8th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoingd eposition/

To the 9th hee saith hee is a Burgher of Stockholme in Sweden, and hath no part or
any manner of interest or share in the said shipp or goods laden aboard her, nor doeth hee
expect anyadvantage by the restitution thereof.

To the 10th hee saith, the said shipp began her outwards voyage from Blackwall
towards Dunquirke about 4 monethes and a halfe agoe in her ballast and about 5. or 6. chests of sugar and from thence
to Saint Martins aforesaid, and saith the said Chests of sugar were taken in at
Gravesend by the appointment and for the accompt of the said Mr Lucie And
otherwise cannot depose:-/


To the 14. hee saith the saiid shipps present lading consisteth of 1201. quarters
and about 58. measures of salt bought and laden at Saint Martin aforesai, and
20. peeces of brandewine bought at Rochell, and all bound in the said shipp for
Dantzicke as aforesaid, and saith that none of the said shipps lading since the
time it was received, hath of this deponents knowledge beene unladen before
her late seizure.


To the 18th hee saith there were one bill of lading, a Dunquirke Attestation
and some other papers aboard at the time of the seizure, all which this deponent
immediately after the seizure shewed to the said Vice Admirall, and saith that
since his coming from Saint Martins as aforesaid there were no papers burnt
torne or throwne over board his said shipp concerning the shipp or lading or