MRP: John Drax will

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John Drax will

PROB 11/338 Eure 1-54 Will of John Drax, Gentleman of Saint Michael Island of Barbados, West Indies 16 January 1672

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See HCA 13/73 - Case: Rowland Hill John Hill and Company own:rs of the Oporto Merchant vs. Sir James Drax et al: Deposition: 1. Thomas Chevers, of Limehouse, Stepney, Mariner, Master of the Oporto Merchant, aged 28: Date: March 9th 1658

See Barbados

To do

(1) Check the transcription


Transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Drax of the parish of S:t Michaels in the Island of Barbadoes Gent being sicke and weake but of sound and perfect memory praised be Allmighty God doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

That is to say ffirst I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator by whom I trust to be saved and received into eterenall life through the merritts of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth to be decently buried

And as for and touching the estate which it pleaseth God to blesse mee withall I dispose of the same in manner and forme following

ITEM my debts and ffunerall charges being first payd I give and bequeath to my dearely beloved brother Henry Drax Esq:r ffifty pounds stock to buy him mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to my to my dearely beloved sister M:rs Meliaca Drax Three hundred pounds sterling to buy her mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to my dearely beloved sister M:rs Elizabeth ??Skatterdale Twenty pounds sterling to buy her mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to my sister M:rs SPhallatia Dray Tenne pounds sterling to buy her mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to my Uncle Edward Pye Esq:r ffifty pounds sterling to buy him moruning

ITEM I give to my Cosen fferdinando Gorhes Esq:r and his wife Twenty pounds sterling a peice to buy them mourning

ITEM I give to my Cozen Hannah Drax Tenne pounds sterling to buy her mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to my honoured Cozen Coll: Cristopher Codrington Deputy Governour of this Island and to his Lady Twenty pounds sterling a peice to buy them mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to y cosen John Codrington Esq:r Twenty pounds sterling to buy him morunng and my silver Cimiter

ITEM I give and bequeath to M:r Richard Guy Twenty pounds sterling to buy him mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath to Henry ??Waltroud jun Esq:r James Elliott Esq:r John Parnell gent William Weldeon gent and John Stonehouse gent Tenne pounds sterling a peice

ITEM I give to Elizabeth Stonehowse wife of the said John Stonehouse my bed and all the furniture thereto and chaires which belong to it

ITEM I give and bequeath to my servants Orlando ?Deale fforty pounds sterling with all my weareing Clothes linnen and woolen swords belts and all things else I have in the house not before bequeathed



EXCEPTING bils and beside moneys ans sugars

ITEM I givea nd bequeath unto Richard Hughes ffive pounds sterling

ITEM I give and bequeath to my dearely beloved brother Samuell Drax gent and to his heires for ever All the rest and residue of my estate both reall and personall to be devided into Seaven equall parts and to be paid and delivered to him yearely and every yeare next after my decease for the space or terme of seaven yeares by my Executors hereafter named and appointed

And lastly I doe nominate and appoinnt my said dearely beloved brother Henry Drax and my said uncle Edward Pye to be my Executors in Trust to see this my Will performed Revoakeing and by these presents makeing null and voyd all former and other Wills by me made and published declareing and ratifying this only to be my last Will and Testament And I doe alsoe nominate and appoint the aforesaid Coll: Christopher Codrington and Richard Guy to be my Executors in trust in this said Island of Barbadoes whom I earnestly desire to collect receive and take into theire possession all my estate in this Island and therewith to pay all my just debts in this said Island and the remainder to return to my aforesaid Executors in England to the end it may be payd and delivered with all the rest of my estate to the uses before appointed

IN TESTIMONY whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale This ffive and Twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred seaventy and One I doe alsoe give my servant Griffith Lettsham his ffreedome and ffive pounds sterling to be paid and performed immediately after my decease


Signed sealed and published in the presence of (the line and halfe last writt were added before sealeing and publishing thereof)



BARBADOES. This day personall appeared before mee John Gouldingham gent and made oath on the Holy Evangelists to that he did see the above named John Drax deceased signe seale deliver and publish the abovewritten as his last Will and Testament and that he was then in perfect sense and memory to the best of the Deponents knowledge.

This will proved att the request of Cap.t Richard Guy One of the Executors in Trust in the said Will nominated Given under my hand this 8:th day of August 1671

Chr: Codrington

A true Coppy attested the 15:th of August 1671 p Richard Noke Dep:t Serv:t



Possible primary sources


E 134/2Jas2/Mich39 Meliora Pye, widow and administratrix of Robt. Pye. v. Edwd. Pye, Peter Smyth, and Eliz. Pye (an infant), by her guardian).: Goods and chattels and debts of Robert Pye, deceased (plaintiff's late husband), an annuity payable out of the estate of Robt. toEdwd. Pye (one of the defendants), and the jointure lands of the plaintiff, lying in Mynde, Kilpeck, Much Dewchurch, and Saint Devereux; and touching a meadow called "The Long Meadow," parcel of the manor of Kilpeck, and an annuity of 100l. payable to plaintiff (before her marriage with Robt.) out of "some estate in the Island of Barbadoes" settled upon her by her father, Sir James Drax, &c., &c.: Hereford: 06 February 1686 - 05 February 1687

PROB 11/307/384 Will of Sir James Drax of Saint John Zachary, City of London 14 March 1662 Laud 1-52
PROB 11/308 Sentence of James Drax of London 20 June 1662 laud 53-107
PROB 11/315 Sentence of Sir JameS Drax of Hackney, Middlesex 14 November 1664 Bruce 97-143
PROB 11/316/341 Sentence of Sir JameS Drax of Middlesex 19 April 1665 Hyde 1-56
PROB 11/316 Will of Sir James Drax of Hackney, Middlesex 27 April 1665 Hyde 1-56
PROB 11/325 Sentence of Sir JameS Drax of Saint John Zachary, City of London 29 January 1666 Carr 117-176
PROB 11/332 Will of William Drax, Merchant of Saint Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex 07 January 1670 Penn 1-66
PROB 11/338/22 Will of John Drax, Gentleman of Saint Michael Island of Barbados, West Indies 16 January 1672 Eure 1-54

PROB 32/18/1 Deceased: Drax, John, Barbados Islands, Inventory. Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Files of Exhibits pre 1722. FILED EXHIBITS WITH INVENTORIES: 1662-1720: 01 November 1679 - 30 November 1679
PROB 32/18/18 Deceased: Drax, John, Barbados Islands, Account. Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Files of Exhibits pre 1722. FILED EXHIBITS WITH INVENTORIES: 1662-1720: 23 October 1679 - 23 October 1679

C 110/41 DRAPER v DRAX: Copies and extracts of wills of Sir James, Henry, Dorothy and Thomas Drax 1659-1702