HCA 13/72 f.510v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.510v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second article he saieth, That hee well knoweth the
shipp the Nostra Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo arlate
and that the said shipp in the Companie of this deponent and of his
shipp the fortune of Lisbone did depart from the Port
of Lisbone towards the Brazeele in or about the moneth of
december 1656. and arrived also in Companie with this deponent
at fernambuco arlate, (where the said shipp Nostra Seniora
remained) and that such their arrivall was in or about the
beginning of the moneth of March next ensueing, and that
the said shipp nostra Seniora was sett out from Lisbone aforesaid
by one John Martines Cascaias (whom this deponent conceiveth
to be the person in this article corruptly sett downe, but meant [?and]
included by the name of John Mestues Costuhos) a [?Merchant]
of Portugall and a Subject of the king thereof and the Owner
of the said shipp the Nostra Seniora and for and as such generally
reputed and accompted at Lisbone, And that the designe and
imployment upon which the said shipp went was to lade sugar[?s]
and other goods and merchandises at the Brazeele in the
Dominions of the king of Portugall, and to bring the same
from theare to Lisbone, And soe much he saieth was and is
at Lisbone and the Brazeele aforesaid publique and notorious
of this deponents certaine knowledge who sailed in Companie with
the said shipp both to and from the Brazeele upon the [?XXX]
designe And further to this article hee deposeth not/

To the third article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That upon
arrivall of the said shipp the nostra Seniora at ffernambuco
aforesaid, the ffactors and Agents of the said Brazeele
Companie and others all Subjects of the said king of Portugall
there and thereabouts residing as ffactors in or about the
moneths of Aprill May June July and August 1657. at
fernambuco aforesaid or other parts thereabouts all in obedience
to the king of Portugall, did, (as this deponent hath most credibly
heard and constantly beleeveth,) this deponent being then at the Bahia
lade or cause to be laden in and on board the said shipp Nostra
Seniora de Rosario Saint Gonsalvo the number or quantitie of
Three hundred and fifty Chests and fetches of sugar and
Tobacco or thereabouts and a cost and quantity of Brazeele wood to be
carried and transported in the said shipp from thence to
Lisbone and there to be unladed out of the same, And that this
deponent having taken in his shipps lading of Sugars at the Bahia
returned thence to ffernambuco designed to sett saile from
thence in Companie with the said shipp nostra Seniora
(where this]