HCA 13/68 f.41v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.41v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


from thence it was as he beleiveth stolln or taken away but by who
he knoweth not nor knoweth where it is. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the seventh he saith he saw none of the bedds books sugar or other things
opened before the damages but saw the beds opened after the sayd damage
and saw likewise 4 Chests and one dry fatt opened after the sayd damage the sugars whereof
were spoyled and consumed and turned into water and saith he knoweth
the damage in the sayd bedds and other goods happened by meanes
of bilging the Abraham as aforesayd upon the anchor of the supply
as well for the reasons aforesaid as for that the Abraham was a tight
a stanch shipp before the bilging thereof as aforesaid and otherwise
cannot depose.


Repeated before Dr Godolphin
and Dr Clarke


The 12th day of October 1653

The keepe of the Liberty of England by}
Authority of Parliament against a certaine }
shipp or vessell named the Lewis of Rochell (whereof}
one Dominicas Merseria was Master and her tackle and}
furniture and whatsoever goods wares and merchandizes}
aboard the same taken and seized by certain shipps in}
the imediat service of this Commonwalth. Jacob}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalf
of the sayd Keepers of the Liberty of
England by authority of Parliament.

Jacob Reynolds of the Citty of London Captaine
or Commander of the Kentish frigott in the
immediat service of this Commonwealth aged thirty
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followth vicidet

To the first second and third and forth articles of the sayd allegations this deponent
saith and deposeth that about the beginning of July
1653 last past This deponent being Captaine and Commander of the
sayd shipp the Kentish frigot in the immediat service of this
Commonwealth did wish the sayd frigot take and surprise the arlat
shipp the Lewis with all the goods and lading in her, which sayd
shipp Lewis as by the confessions of the Master and Company of the
sayd shipp upon Oath and by the papers found aboard her did appear
came from or began her outward voyage from Rochell in ffrance
and having taken her lading in Greenland was bound for the Texell
meaning by their said confessions as this deponent conceyveth the Port of Amsterdam, and saith
that this deponent by and with his sayd shipp the Kentish frigot and
all other Captains with their shipps in the immediate service of this
Commonweath had and have full power and Authority to take and surprise
the ffrench King or his subiects or the States of the united Provinces
the sayd King and States and their subiects respectively to this Commonwealth
voluntarily declared to this deponent that his shipp was bound for the Texell
as aforesayd and that she would have gone thither had she not bene by this
deponent intercepted. And otherwise he cannot depose saving his subsequent

To the fifth Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd shipp
the Lewis was taken neere to a place called Holygolam and saith the sayd