MRP: Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 5

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Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 5

Editorial history

16/12/11, CSG: Restructured page


(MS. 27,999, f. 223)
Printed as Letter XCII in D.E. Gardiner (1933: 111)


I have sent you my cotch this night, because I would have you take your owne time to goe tomorrow morninge, which I did concevye could not be so conveniently done if it should not have come to you untill the morninge: - especially the weather being so variable as it of late hath bin. Tomorrow morninge I have appoynted Wm. Dane, the garner, to come to me about agreeinge with him, if I can, for the plantinge of your ground at Lodgleese with pease.

I doubt by his discourse I shall not bringe him to plant your Land upon so good tearmes as I did myne owne, in two respects, the one for that he will not beleive that your land is so good as mine was, and the 2:d because it is farther from him and more out of his way, but assure yourselfe of this, that I will do my uttmost endeavour to bringe him up to the best condicions I can. Pray commend my best respects to my sister, my good neice and yourselfe, that am

Your very affectionate uncle

21 Febr. 1635

My wife shall tell you how the busines goes with Dane, for I intend god willinge very early on Tuesday morning to goe for London, but I shall not stay there above a weeke, my daughter Dalison being not very well.
