HCA 13/72 f.244r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.244r.

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HCA 13/72 f.244r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 22th of ffebruary 1657 English style/

The Clayme of Arnold Vander hemel Isaack)
Courteins and Company Inhabitants of Middle=)
brorugh in Zealand Owners of a certayne hoy or)
vessell called the hare of Middleborough whereof)
hubert Goslinge was Master and of her tackle and)
furniture and of Certaine goods and Merchandizes)
lately seized in the sayd vessell)
Watson Budd)

examined on an allegation given in the second
session of hillary Terme 1657 on the behalfe of
the sayd Vander hemel Isaack Courteines and


Rp. 1.us

Frauncis Beyer of dover Merchant
aged twenty three yeares or thereabouts a
wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent being
an Inhabitant of dover when the hoye or vessell called the hare of Middle=
borough was brought in thither which was in the moneths and tyme arlate knoweth
that the arlate Arnold Vanderhemel Isaack Courteines and Company were
then commonly accompted to be the lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the
sayd hoy or vessell and of her tackle apparrell and furniture and the arlate
hubart Gosling was then reputed master of her and this deponent being a
servant to Mr delabarr and mr de la Vall Merchants of dover who were and are
Correspondents of the sayd Arnold Vander hemell hath since the sayd Vessell
was brought into dover seene divers letters from the sayd Vander hemell
expressing him and the sayd Courteine and others their company to be the owners
of the sayd vessell and her tackle and furniture And further to this article hee cannot

To the 2 hee cannot depose

To the 3 hee saith that by letters of Correspondence which hee hath seene come from
the sayd Vander hemell hee hath bin given to understand that hee the sayd Vander
hemell and the sayd Courteines and the rest of the Owners of the sayd Vessell are all
Zealanders and Inhabitants of Middleborough and fflushing and subiects of the
United Provinces and such hee verily beleeveth them to bee, and for such commonly
reputed And further to this article hee cannot depose not knowing how longe the sayd
Vessell the hare hath belonged to Middleborough./

To the 4th and the first and second schedules therin mentioned hee saith hee did not
see the arlate hunert Gosling subscribe the bill of ladeing arlate and therefore
cannot positively depose the same to be the sayd Goslings hand which is subscribed
to the sayd bill, but having seene the sayd hubert Gosling sett his hand to divers
bills of ladeing and other writings, hee is thereby well acquainted with his the sayd huberts
hand writing and thereby beleeveth the bill of ladeing arlate to be subscribed with
the proper handwriting of the sayd hubert Gosling And alsoe beleeveth that
all things were soe had and done as in the sayd first and second schedules are
expressed and that Isaack Courteines and the parties named in the sayd two
schedules and the vessell and merchandize in the sayd schedules mentioned and Isaack
Courteins and the parties in the suite and the vessell and merchandizes seized by the shipps of
this Commonwealth are the same persons vessell and goods and not divers And
further hee cannot depose./

To the 5th and 6th articles hee cannot depose not being aboard the hare of Middle=
borough at her seizure, but saiyh the sayd vessell the hare of Middlesborough was
of this deponents knowledge within the tyme aforesaid brought into Dover wuth eleaven tonnes and a halfe of wine aboard her as being seized
by some English shipp And further hee cannot depose/