HCA 13/70 f.722r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.722r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 20th she saith she hath often seene the sayd shipp
the Sampson att Amsterdam, and saw her last there about
five yeares agoe, and further saving as aforesaid cannot

To the 21. and 22th she sayth she is not concerned having
not so deposed.

To the 23th she sayth, she lived in Amsterdam in the beginning
of the yeare 1649. and there continued till a little after the
beginning of the late warr, and then came with her husband
to England, and lived a yeare and an halfe in Saint Catherines
and since that in the Minneries aforesaid with her sayd
husband. And fyrther cannot depose.

To the 24th she saith she never was att Cadiz.

To the 25th she saith she never saw any sylver delivered out
of the sayd shipp the Sampson to any person whatsoever att Amsterdam
And further she cannot depose.

To the 26th she sayth she never heard the sayd Otto George since
the peace betwixt Holland and Spayne say that his sayd shipp did
belong to Amsterdam, but she did heare him speake the words above
rehearsed whereby she did gather that he was bound to Amsterdam
with the sylbver now in question. And referring to her answers
now made to the 15th Interrogatory she cannot further depose

To the 27th she sayth she never saw any of the shipps interrate
att Cadiz.

To the 28th she saith she hath not deposed of any report that was
att Cadiz

To the 29th she saith she knoweth not what shipps or masters were
att Cadiz in the tyme interrate

To the 30th she saith she hath not deposed of any goods taken
out of the prophet Elyas.

To the 31th she saith she knoweth not for whose accompt any
of the goods in question were laden, nor hath heard the sayd
Otto George say for whose accompt the same were laden
neyther did shee see any of them laden.

To the 32th she is not concerned to answer having not so deposed.

To the 33th she hath seene diverse shipps of severall Nations together
att Amsterdam and beleiveth the like of other ports. And
further to this Interrogatory knoweth not what to answer. And
otherwise she cannot depose
