MRP: Gilbert Morewood will

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Gilbert Morewood will

PROB 11/212 Pembroke 55-109 Will of Gilbert Morwood of London 21 June 1650

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG. Created page & posted partial transcription

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See HCA13/64
- P109051, f. 23v.: Gilber Morwood (then deceased) was a part owner of the XXXX, according to the deposition of XXXX

To do

(1) Complete the transcription


This transcription has not yet been completed

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the eleveanth day of May in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred and ffifty: I Gilbert Morrwood of London Esquire beinge sicke and weake in body but of sound and pfect minde and memories praysed be therefore given to Allmighty God doe therefore make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme ffollowinge, (that is to say)

FFIRST I doe commend my Soule into the hands of my heavenly ffather through Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer whoo in Comending his owne Speritt in to his ffathers hands their did lay up the safty of all treue beleivers, and I doe by assurance ffaithly apprehend that by the mercies of god the ffather the Allsufficient merritts of his Sonne and my Saviour Christ Jesus and the love of the holy gost my poore Sould shall be prsented before the throne of any Just God and gratious Redeemer puer whole and ?reconourished washed in the pfctions ?blond of that imaculate lambe and by his power and Spritt kept to eternall Joy and Salvation, And I doe triely beleive that my body shall in due tyme bee reunited to my Soule and both Soule and body by the merritts of god and merritts of my Sweet Saviour bee made partakers of eternall happiness & my body I Committ to the Earth from whence it came to be decently interred as bexxx worth the body of a Christian in such place and in such manner as my Executors shall bee thought meete

And after my body buryed I will that all such debts and dutyes as I shall owe in right or in ?Cousrience shall bee truely payd soo soone after my decease as conveniently may bee And I allsoe will and ordayne that all and singular my goods Chattells ready money debts and other my personall Estate which god of his infinite goodness hath Lent mee in this world after my debts paid and funerall Charges wholie defrayed shalbee disposed of in such manner as is hereafter in and by this my last will and testament expressed and declared, And whereas I did promisse to ffrances my loveing wife before intermarriage and alsoe by agreement with her father to leave her if shee should survive mee one thousand pounds in Estate for the which I gave my bond to bee performed Nowe in as much as god hath blessed mee and my poore labours with a more plentifull estate of his moore and ffree mercies Which I must ever acknowledge in that bond and ?leive thereof am Willinge shee shall have and enioy that parte and share of my Estate which I here by give and leave unto her and which by gods blessing will amount to greater proportion than the said somme promised before marriage,

ITEM I give and bequeath to the releife of the poore people of the pish of ?Benefeild in the County of Yorke Where I was borne twenty pounds to be distributed amongst them by and att the discretion of my Cosen Rowland Morewood of the Okes

ITEM I give and bequeath towards the releife of the porre people of the pish of saint Sepulchres without Newgate London where I was apprentice, one hundred Marks to bee distributed amongst them in greater or lesser ?pressx by the discretion of the Maior pte of the inhabitants of that pish at their vestrey in the said Church,

ITEM I give to the pish of S:t Christopher in London where I nowe dwell that debt of Eight pounds which I lent to the pishners towards the repairs of the ir pish Church for which I have the Church Wardens note, And I devyse to the poore of the said pish twelve pounds in money, And I give to the poore of the pish of Nethersale Tenne pounds To be distributed amongst them the next S:t Thomas Day after my decease,

ITEM I give to Elizabeth Parker my sister Gartrudes daughter nowe wife of (BLANK IN ORIGINAL) Parker tenne pounds;

ITEM I give to my sister Sarah Morewood widdow Thirty pounds to buy her blackes if shee thinke fitt; And for the like use and purpose, I give ffifeteene pounds to her daughter Cosen Elizabeth

ITEM Z give to Rowland Morewood Sonne of my brother John Morewood Tenne pounds for the like purpose and my best Cloth Gowne,

ITEM I give to every and each of the brethren of the said Rowland Morewood, except my apprentice Beniamine twenty pounds apeece of lawfull money of England to be severally paid to them when and as they shall severally attaine their full age of ffoure and twenty yeares

ITEM I give to every of the daughters of


ITEM I give and bequeath to the said ffrances my wife dureinge her naturall life And after her decease to my nephewe Beniamine Morewood and his heires forever All that my Messuage or tenement With the appurtenances thereunto belonginge scituate and being in Cornhill in the pish of S:t Christopher in London, hee the said Beniamine beinge helpfull and assistant to my said wife and to see my debts honestly paid”


Possible primary sources


PROB 11/212 Pembroke 55-109 Will of Gilbert Morwood of London 21 June 1650