HCA 13/67 f.26r Silver IMG 117 07 1476 Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/67 f.26r.

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HCA 13/67 f.26r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayeth That he hath knowne the arlate John Lowe for theis twenty yeares and hath bene his
mate or Steeresman of the Shipp the Saint Michael for this nine or tenne monethes and is very
well acquainted and well knoweth his hand writings and as much as it is possible for him to iudge
of a hand wherewith hee hath bene for divers yeares familiarly acquainted Hee is verily
assured and perswaded in his conscience That the Bill of Ladeing arlate was and is firmed and
signed by and with the propper hand writeinge of the said John Lowe Master of the said Shipp
And otherwise referring himselfe to the said Bill of Ladeing hee cannot depose

To the third and fowrth articles of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth That after the said Shipp the
Saint Michael had taken in said barrs and packets of Silver predeposed and the rest of her Ladinge
at Cadiz as afforesaid The said Shipp with the said Silver and her Ladeing did sett syle from
Cadiz afforesaid bownd for Hamborowe, and in her course thitherwards hee sayeth That the said
Shipp and her whole Ladeing in or about the moneth of November last past were taken att Sea
neare the Isle of Wight by a ffrigott belongeing to this Commonwealth whereof the
John Bonner was Captaine and Comannder whoe together with his Company haveing
seized the said Shipp the Saint Michaell brought the same and her Ladeing into the River of
Thames the premisses hee knoweth being Master his Mate aboard the Shipp the Saint Michael
afforesaid att the tyme of her seizure and sawe the said Silver soe marked and numbred as
afforesaid taken out by some of the Comissioners of the Prize Office as he conceiveth whoe caused
the same to be unladen and taken out of the said Shipp at Blackwall and carryed the same away
with them And further hee cannot depose saveinge That for his part There were not any of the packes
of Silver predeposed to his knowledge opened or any part thereof imbezelled by him this deponent nor
any of the rest of this deponents said Shipps company as [?he ?knoweth] but that the same remayned safe
and the packes sealed upp as is arlate att the time of the seizure of the Saint Michael afforesaid
And further cannot Depose saveing his foregoeinge his Depositions

To the 5th article of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth That hee this deponent hath bene an
Inhabitant of and hath had a howse wife and ffamilie in the Citty of Hamborowe for
theis twenty three yeares last past thereabouts and well knoweth the arlate Danyel Brands and
Jeronimo Snitger and soe hath donne for theis sixteene yeares last past dureing all which tyme hee
sayeth The said producents have lived in Hamborowgh afforesaid Whereof they
are comonly reputed to be Burghers and Inhabitants and have had and keepe howses and familyes
respectively in the said Citty And further cannot depose.

To the 6th article hee sayeth and deposeth That hee hath beene a neere neighbour to the producents
Danyell Brand and Jeronimo Snitgar for many yeares And well knoweth
for theis twenty yeares past or thereabouts the said producents respectively have driven
a constant and usuall trade from Hamborowe to Saint Lucar Cadiz and other Ports and places
in Spayne for Silver and other merchandizes which hee knoweth for that he this deponent
hath bin imployed by them in voyages from Hamborowe to Spayne and from thence hath
brought home goods wares and merchandizes and others of this deponents knowledge have
brought silver from Spayne to Hamborowe for theire accompt and soe much is generally knowne
in Hamborowe amongst such as knowe the producents and each of them And further cannot

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory hee sayeth That hee this rendent came first on board the shipp the Saint
Michel att [?fflinsbugh] in Holstein about nine moneths [?XXXXX] and ever since hath belonged to the