Tools: Week Four

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Week Four goals

In the fourth week of the MarineLives Summer Transcription Programme we will:

(1) Review and edit the transcriptions done by each team member in week three

(2) Discuss tricky words and expressions team members have come across

(3) Do a further two pages of transcription each, this week chosen again from HCA 13/68

(4) Develop search strategies to find and synthesise material on the Three Silver Ships project and review progress to date in terms of generating new content

One to One calls to be held with each team member

There will be no Sunday Skype call this week for either Team One or Team Two

Colin will set up 1:1 calls with each team member lasting roughly 30 minutes each to review week Three and Week Two transcriptions, to discuss palaeographical issues, and to explore search strategies for the Three Silver Ships project

Click here to see Sara Kerr's blog entry about using the software package to create a database of Silver Ship depositions

Team One

Calls booked


Team Two

Calls booked


Learning from each other

Click on the links below to take a look at some Team One transcriptions:


Click on the links below to take a look at some Team Two transcriptions: