MRP: Sir John Nelthorpe will

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Sir John Nelthorpe will

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I S:r John Nelthorpe of Grayes Inne in the County of Midx Baronett seriously weighing and considering the frailty of mans life, how that the dayes of his Pilgrimage are few and evill And that when wee least thinke of it Death many tymes Knocks att our Dores, And when wee imagine our mountaine most strong then are wee nearest being ?removed ?hence thereupon esteemed it my duty in tyme of health to thinke of sicknes And in XXXdest of life to prepare for death Not onely by recomending my soule into the hands of my most ffaithful Creato:r whose it XX and for and by whome it is and was Created But alsoe by setting my house in order before the evill dayes come upon me even those wherein I shall say XXXXX noe pleasure in them That soe when myne appointed tyme comes I may have nothing to doe but to dissolve and be with Christ which is best of all ??This Eleaventh day of September in the One and Twentieth yeare of the Rayne of our Soveragne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the ffaith xr ?Annoys Domini One Thousand Six hundred Sixty Nyne have made this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto all and every my Tennants in Market Rasin Killingholme Kerington North Kelsey Clamford Briggs Messingham Ulceby ?Horncasth West Ashby and Upper ??Tointon in the County of Lincoln And in Beverley in the County of York All their arreares of Rent which shall be due to me and unpaid att the tyme of my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Brian ?Coverdale Thomas Appleby and my Tennant the Blacksmith of Barron in the County of Lincoln to Thomas Horneby Nicholas Bates widdow Brampton and William ?Douse of ?Lehesby in the said County of Lincolne And to all and every my other Tennants in the said Leggesby and in South fferreby in the said County of Lincolne whose respective Rents for the lands they doe hold of me doe not severally amount to about Tenn pounds per Annum All their Rents then in arreare

ITEM I give unto the Right Honourable George Lord Eure Richard Bet?inson of Hatton Garden in the parish of S:t Andrewes in Holborne in the County of Middlesex Esquire Vincent ?Amcots of ?Netlam in the County of Lincolne Esquire and George Evelin of Hunterscombe in the parish of Burnham in the Ciounty of Buckingham squire their heires and assignes for ever To the onely use and behoofe of them their heires and assignes for ever upon such trust and confidence notwithstanding and to such intents and purposes as are herein and hereby hereafter menconned expressed and declared. All that my Manno:r or Lordshipp of Leggersby aforesaid with the rights members and aoourtenancfes thereof All my lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever in the said Leggersby Bleasby Markett Rasin South fferreby barrow Killingholme Kerrington North Kelsey Glamford Briggs Wrawby Messingham Gainsborough Horncasth ffullesby Ulceby and West Ashby in the said County of Lincolne And in Beverley in the County of Yorke (That is to say) To the intent and purpose That the said George Lord Eure Richard Betinson Richard Amcots and George Evelin the Survivo:rs and Survivo:r of them their heires and assignes shall in convenient tyme after my decease by good conveyance and assurance in the Law as shalbe advysed by the Councell learned in the Lawes settle my Tythes of Markett=Rasin aforesaid ffor the Maintenance of a Minister to Preach a weekly sermon every Lords day in the Afternone for ever in the Parish


CHURCH of Markett Rasin And alsoe shall be like conveyance and assureance shall settle my Tythe Beans and Peas in Barrow aforesaid for the maintenance of a Minister to preach a sermon weekly every Lords day in the afternone for ever in the Parish Church of the said Barrow. And alsoe shall be the like conveyance and assureance settle the Tythe hay in Bleasby in the Parish of Leggesby aforesaid for the maintenance of a Minister for to Preach a weekly sermon every Lordsday in the afternoon for ever in the Parish Church of XX Leggesby. And alsoe shall in convenient tyme next after my decease out of the rents issues and Proffitts ariseing from the land and premisses hereby devised to them Build our ?faXX schoolehouse with a dwelling house of Bricke To be for ever for the Master and Usher of the said Schoole for the tyme being to dwell in upon some part of my Close called ?Townnsend Closes in the Parish of Wrawby aforesaid which art neare adjoyneing to the Markett Town of Glamford Briggs aforesaid And shall endow the said Intended school with all the remainder of the said ?Closes And with all my lands Tenements and hereditaments which I purchased of one Hutchinson and of Beniamin Dennys lyeing in Horncastle and West Ashby aforesaid with all my