HCA 13/72 f.229v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.229v.

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Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
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sand and that there was about halfe a tonne of it throwne aboard the sayd
shipp while this deponent stayed there And further hee cannot answere/

To the 5th hee saith hee knoweth not what goods the hope was laden with the
tyme Interrogate nor whether ot bee necessary In stoweing of dry goods to have
dry ballast for that hee knoweth that shipps which carrie Corne or other drye goods have usually
dennageing of wood and matts and the like upon their ballast though it bee never soe
drye the better to preserve their goods from dammage And further hee cannot answere

To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith that at the tyme Interrogated the Interrogate Bourman
and the rest of teh producents had noe wharfe to laye ballast upon, but of this
deponents knowledge were then well provided with at least a thousand tonns of
dry and good ballast which they kept in a readinesse aboard lighters to furnish
shipps with./

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith hee is at present a reteyner to the Interrogate
Bourman Lidington Williams and Clarke and imployed by them to the effect
in his answere to the first Interrogatorie mentioned And saith hee hath formerly
for divers yeares wrought for other Grantees for the office of ballast in taking
up of Ballast in the River of Thames for their use And that hee hath knowne
ballast within these tenn yeares last past sold sometymes for two shillings
sixe pence a tonne and sometymes for twelve pence a tonne and sometymes for
sixe pence a tonne and hee this deponent hath receaved after all those rates
within those twelve moneths last past for ballast by him sold before the office
for ballast was settled upon the producents And he saith that the usuall rates now
taken by the sayd Bourman and the rest of the now Grauntees, for ballast by
them furnished, is, of Collyers Tenn pence a tonne, of other English merchants
shipps Twelve pence a tonne, and of all forraigners sixteene pence a tonne
And further hee cannot answere./

The marke of the sayd
William WW' Tayler [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd petition/

Rp. 2us

Symon BoXderman of the parish of Allhallowes Barking
Ballastman aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts a
wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the sayd petition hee saith that hee knoweth that the office for ballasting
of shipps was in the moneth of September last graunted by Pattent from
the Lord Protector unto Thomas Lodington George Bourman Samuell
Clarke and Oliver Williams parties in this suite which letters pattents hee hath seene And
hee hath Credibly heard and verily beleeveth that the sayd office was aunciently
grauntable by the Crowne of England and exercized by the severall grauntees and
the officers imployed by them for ballasting of shipps and obedience given
to the officers thereof from tyme to tyme by Masters of shipps and others
who had occasion to use ballast, and soe ought now to bee And knoweth that
since the sayd graunt thereof in September last to the sayd Lodington and
the rest of the present Grauntees they and their officers (whereof this deponent
is one) have bin and are in the actuall exercise and possessopn thereof, and
in order to the exercise thereof according toi graunt made to them have made
publication of the authority in that behalfe committed to them by the affixeing
of printed Papers upon the Exchange London and the Custome house
and at Billingsgate, Tower hill and other places neere the River of Thames
as hee