HCA 13/72 f.52v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.52v.

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1. for the summe of six hundred and thirtie gilders Hollands money, which hee
2. knoweth being present and acquainted with the said buying and selling
3. and on behalfe of his said father and mother paying two hundred and thirtie
4. gilders of the said summe by the said Adrian Jorison Coninckes order, and to
5. his use, and being acquainted with the payment of the rest of the said money
6. to him in full payment and satisfaction of and for the said shipp, and saith
7. that upon the ...... said buying and selling, the said Adrian Jorison Coninck
8. delivered the first schedule annexed (and now shewed unto him) to his
9. said father, to make appeare that the said shipp was cleare to be sold.
10. And having soe bought the said vessell, hee saith his said father and
11. mother very shortly after sold ............... to three fourth parts of her
12. to the said producent harry Baldero, retaining the other fourth to
13. themselves, And saith the said henry Baldero and company aforesaid since
14. such their having ........ proprietie of the said vesselll, have bought and
15. bestowed anchor two new anchors, a new rablX, a hatcher ˹and other necessaries˺ and bestowed
16. much cost in repaireing ˹furnishing and˺ fitting her amounting in all to one
17. thousand, one hundred and eight ............ ˹giders˺ or neerethereabouts, which hee
18. knoweth being by them constituted master of her, and acquainted with
19. the premisses, And saith the said shipp is by the said cost and furniture
20. by them bestowed on her better by the said summe of one thousand one
21. hundred and eight gilders, than shee was when they bought her of the
22. said Adrian Jorison. And having nowe seene the subscription of the
23. second schedule annexed, hee saith hee well knoweth the hand writing
24. of mr Von Vliert Secretary or towne clarke of .............. ˹delft haven˺, and hath
25. often seene him write, and well knoweth the said subscription to be of
26. his hand writing, and verily beleeveth the contents of the said schedule
27. to be true.
29. To the Interrogatories. CENTRE HEADING
30. To the first hee saith that mr George Baldero brother of the said
31. henry (residing in this citie) spake to this deponent to come and bee
32. exámined of the truth touching the said shipp, wherein hee hath noe
33. interest otherwise than by him being sonne at the said Thomas and Aeggon
34. and master of the said vessell.
35. To the second hee saith hee came first aboard the said shipp when the
36. said buying of her by his father and mother ˹and mr Baldero˺ and then received possession
37. of her to their .. use from the said Adrian Jorison who to that time
38. was in possession of her. And saith that beside the said ......... two
39. hundred and thirtie gilders soe paid in part of payment for the said
40. shipp by this deponent by order of the said Adrian .......... hee sawe
41. his said mother ˹at delft haven˺ pay about 250 gilders to the said Adrian in further
42. part of payment of and for the said shipp, and about 150 gilders hee
43. saith the said Baldero paid by the said Adrianes order at dort to one
44. John Clerke, and all this hee saith was paid ver very shortly after
45. the said buying and before the shipp proceeded to sea.
46. To the third hee saith that the said shipp hath made ............ voyages ˹since the buying as followeth˺
47. ......................................................... ˹videlicet˺ from dort to Colchester
48. and thense to Croisick in ffranse and thense to lime in dorset shire, thense
49. where shee now remaines as hee beleeveth. And saith for the voyage
50. to Colchester hee received ..... ˹XX˺ thirtie pounds, seven shillings and six pense freight
51. and thense to Croisick and thense to lime hee hath received ... two and
52. fourtie pounds, out of which this deponents ..... stiersmans and companies
53. wages being and victualling and charges being ˹XXX XX˺ paid, ...............................
54. ................ ˹and stiersmans, .....˺ wages ˹sixe˺ .............................................................. pounds sterling
55. or thereabouts, and to this deponent all his wages is yet unpaid.
56. To the fourth fifth and sixth hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
57. and cannot otherwise depose.

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HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner