HCA 13/68 f.698r Annotate

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Sarah, three of which Sarahs Company were taken into the sayd
Man of warr and the sayd Lockyer have order to carry the Sarah to
England, and accordingly the Sarah shaped a Course thitherward
And further he cannot depose.

To the 10th and 11th he saith that the sayd vessell in he Course for England
did meet with a storme and was cast away in that storme
and all the sayd Lockiers men that were in her were drowned
but saith the sayd shipp was not cast away by the violence of
the storme but the unskilfullnes of the sayd Lockiers men none
of whome one man excepted could or did mannagge the sayles
or doe any other necessary worke in such a case, one of the sayd Lockiers
men being a land [?soule] and [XXX] and 2 more boyes unable to worke in a storme
and the 4th who did assist was an impotent old man that wanted
strength requisit in such a case: and saith that in case the sayd
persons had beene skillfull and sufficient seamen the sayd barke
and lading might easily have made to Land and bene
preserved. And further he cannot depose saving that this deponent
and the sayd old man did their best endeavour to preserve the
sayd vessell ad her lading aforesayd.




The third day of March . 1653

Examined upon the sayd allegation

On behalfe of the sayd}
Gilbert Keat}
against a 16:th part}
of the Hanniball}

Smith dt.


Richard Bea[?n]e of Gravesend merchant aged
60 yeares a witnes sworne and examined
deposed and saith as followeth vizt.

To y:e 1 and 2. arels of y:e sd allon This deponent saith that
in y:e yeares 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. and monethes
therein respectively ?concurring the arlate Timothy Sharpe
was and att p:rsent is Owner and proprieto:r of one
sixteenth pt of the sayd shipp y:e Hanniball and of 1/16:th pt
of her tackle furnitire and apparell and so accounted the
p:rmisses he knoweth to be true for that during all y:e sd tyme
he had bene and is a ptowner of y:e sd shipp himselfe and knoweth
that y:e sd shery did occasion y:e building of her in y:e yeare 1647. for
Captaine ?TaXXX y:e ?for Ma:r of her and that he did contribute to
y:e building and setting forth of 1/16:th pt of her and her tackle
and that in or about y:e yeare 1648 a dividend of y:e sd shipps
profitts was made at Lisboa where y:e sd Sherry and this deponent
att that tyme both were, the sd shipp being then there likewise
and that y:e sd Shery as owner of 1716pt of her as aforesd did
then receyve his proportion oy y:e sd Dividend, and hath ever
XXXXXXX continued Proprietor of y:e sayd 16:th pt of the
sayd shipp and for such hath bene and is accounted by this depon:t
and other the Owners thereof and others that know y:e sayd shipp
and the Interest of her right Owners therein And further cannot

To y:e 3. & fourth . XXXX. he cannot depose saving as aforesd

RICHARD BERE [His signature]