HCA 13/63 Deponents - by folio

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HCA 13/63 Deponents - by folio

Editorial history

Created, 05/07/14 by CSG


To list all 868 deponents mentioned in HCA 13/70 in order of appearance

References to IMG_XXXX refer to digital images taken on a Canon camera

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Annotate HCA 13/71
Annotate HCA 13/72
Annotate HCA 13/73

HCA 13/63 Deponents - by folio

HCA 13/70 Deponents - by folio
HCA 13/70 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/70 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/70 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/70 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/71 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/72 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/73 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Occupation



Edwardus Garrett de Lymehouse infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 54 annorum [f.1r]
Simo Dunawag [f.2r]
[?Septimus] Martyn filius naturalis et legitimius Thoma Martyn partis productus in hac [?XXX] aetatis 20 annorum [f.2v]
Willi,us Martyn supra Interrogatorys 2nd loco [f.3r]
[?Hugo ?Nordes] ad Interrogatorys 2nd loco [f.3v]
Henricus Fisher de Saint Mary Axe London Nauta ubi mora [?fecit] [?XXXX] annos ult [?XXXXX] [?XXXX] aetatis 48 annorum [f.3v]
Claus Johnson de [?Jackehewsen] on Hollandia Nauta ubi mora [?fecit] [?XXXXX] vita sua [?XXXX XXX XXXX] aetatis 50 annorum [f.4r]
Robertus White de Shadwell infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi m,ora fecit per [?XXXX XXXX XXXX] aut [?XXXX] aetatis 50 annorum [f.5r]
Johannes Williams de Ratcliffe in Comitatus Middlesex Nata ubi moa fecit per 20 annos [?XXX] [?XXX] aetatis 36 annorum [f.5v]
Nicholaus Bray de Plymouth in Comitatus Devon 24 annorum [f.6r]
Andraus Cratney de Popler parochia de Stepney in Comitatus Middlesex Nauta aetatis 26 annorum [f.6v]
Thomas Brawsie de Ratcliffe parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 45. annorum [f.7v]
Abraham Blundell de Wapping in Comitati Middlesex Purser ubi mora fecit per tres annos aut [?XXXX] aetatis 22 annorum [f.8v]
William Jones de Wapping in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta famul[?is] productis Captaine Johns aetatis 20 annorum [f.9r]
Abraham Blundell ad Interrogatorys [f.9v]


Johannes Robinson parochia Sancta Maria Woollnoth London Cives et Mercator London aetatis 34 annorum [f.10r]
Sylvester Bayly of the liberties of the Tower of London Blacksmith aged 40 yeares [f.10v]
Henricus Hunt de parochia Sancti Martin Outwick London Cives et Mercator London aetatis 64 annorum [f.10v]
Hanniball Cox of Ratcliffe in the parishe of Stepney and Countie of Middlesex gentleman aged 35. yeares [f.11v]
Jeremias Blackman parochia Sancti Olavi infra Burgum Southwark Mercator aetatis sua 42. annorum [f.11v]
Willimus Rider parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London Cives et Mercator [?einsdem] civitatis aetatis 42 annorum [f.12r]
Franciscus Hammond de Shadwell parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis sua 24. annorum [f.13r]
Josias Church de Shadwell parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlsex Nauta aetatis 27. annorum [f.14v]


Richard Stevens of the paarishe of Saint Catherine neare the Tower of London Marriner aged 56 yeares [f.20r]
Richard Stevens of the paarishe of Saint Catherine neare the Tower of London Marriner aged 56 yeares [f.20r]
Richard Stevens of the paarishe of Saint Catherine neare the Tower of London Marriner aged 56 yeares [f.20v]
Richard Stevens of the paarishe of Saint Catherine neare the Tower of London Marriner aged 56 yeares [f.21r]
Jacobits Merrit de lymehouse parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Aquarius aetatis 42 annorum [f.21v]
Jacobus Symmes de Lymehouse de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Aquarius aetatis 39 annorum [f.24r]
Robertus Dennis de lymehouse parochia de Stepney Aquarius aetatis 33 annorum [f.26r]
Willimus [?Churer] de Lymehouse parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Aquarius aetatis 43 annorum [f.28r]


Johannes Ledman de Lymehouse parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Joyner aetatis 54 annorum [f.30r]
Willimus Hooke servus et Apprenticismus Richi Hussey partis prodiction in [?XX XXX] aetatis sua 19. annorum [f.31r]
Johannes Badge familus et Apprenticismus Rich Hussee de Lymehouse infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Natua aetatis sua 18. annorum [f.32r]
Richard Haddocke filius malis Willimis Haddocke partis production in h[?uc] [?caa] aetatis sus 21. annorum [f.33v]
Daniel Bunt[?erninge] famuens domesticus Thomas [?Conne] [?XXX] Sancti Michaelis Cornhill London Scriptoris [?XXXX XXXX] famulus per 4 annos et [?dimXXX] anni aut [?XXX] aetatis 17 annorum [f.35r]
Johannes Stephens de Lee in Comitatu Essex Nauta ubi mora fecit per [?XXXX] [?XXX] de debtford in Comitati [?Kentij] ubi mora fecit per 8 [?moneyes] aut [?XXX] [?alastis ?XX] annorum [f.35r]
Georgius Gillman parochia [?StXXX XXXXX] London Purser ubi mora fecit per decem menses ver [?et ?XXXX] aut [?XXXX] aetatis 32 annorum [f.36v]
Robertus Fisher parochia Sancti Dunstans in orient[?X] London Nauta ubi mora fecit per duos menses [?XXX] infra parochia de Rederiffe in Comitatu Surria aetatis 24 annorum [f.37v]
Thomas Thoren[guoll] de Lymehouse [?infra] parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta ubi mora fecit per [?XXXXX ?XXXX ?XXXX ] aetatis 39 annorum [f.39r]


Thomas Wysse de Lymehouse in Comitatu Middlesex Marriner ubu mora decit per 5 annos aut [?XXX] aetatis 23 annorum [f.40r]
Willimus West parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex per de[?XXXXX] etaap[?XX] aut [?XXX] aetatis 50 annorum [f.42r]
Stephanus Hamett de Lymehouse infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex [?XXX] ubi mora fecit per 6 annos [?XX XXXXX] aut [?XXX] aetatis 21 annorum [f.43v]
Willimus Abrahall de Towerstreete London Pourser ubi [?XXX] fecit a nat[XXXX] fore sua ibm arlate aetatis 21 annorum [f.45v]
Jacob Stephens de Lambeth Marsh in Comitatu Surria Mercator ubi mora fecit p[?XXXXXX ] sua
[?XXX] aetatis 19 annorum [f.47v]
XXX [f.48v]


George Webber Merchant rsident of the Canary Islands aged 22. annorum [f.50v]
Edward Crosse of Saint Martins in the Vinry citizen and merchant of London aged 30ty yeares [f.52r]
John Paige of the parishe of Saint Maria Hill London merchant aged 23 yeares [f.53v]
Bartholomew Grute de Aveton Gifford in comitatu Devon nauta aetatis 55 annorum [f.54r]
Richardus [?Xong] famulus et apprenticius Magri Thoma Barbe[?o] parochia [?XXX] Barking [?XXXa] Tower Hill, aetatis sua 18. annorum [f.55v]
- Drunkenness onboard ship
Elias Stawling de Waooing infra parochia die de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex Chirurgus aetatis sua 56 annorum [f.56v]
John [?Suthion] of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Marriner aged 30 yeares [f.59v]
- To collect cotton wool from Porstmouth (arrived from Scanderoone) to take to Haver de Grace


Hugh [?Aldrive] of Lymehouse in the parishe of Stepney in the county o Middlesex marriner aged 31 yeares [f.60v]
Richard Tyler of the Towne of Southampton marriner late master of the ship the Providence of the said port aged 26. yeares [f.61r]
- Mentions sending of cotton from Barbados to London
William Everist of the towne of Southampton seaman aged 19. yeares [f.62r]
Johannes Heyward de Wapping comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 35 annorum [f.62v]
Alexander Eaton de Wapping parochia Sancta Maria Matsellon Whitechappell, in comitatu Middlesex civis et apothecarius London aetatis sua 35 annorum [f.63r]
Georgius Hanger de Thrednedstreete London mercator ubi mora decit per [?XXXX] uit [?XXXX] aut ea mora [?XXXX] apud [?seXqua] in [?pXXXus] [?assXX] aetatis 34 asnnorum [f.64r]
Johannes Bellamy parochia [?XXX] [?XXXX] Barkeing London cicis et wine cooper [?XXX] civitatis aetatis 26 annorum [f.65v]
Thomas Wood parochia Sancta Maria as [?XXXXX] Billingsgate London famulus domesticus Johannis Chambers nuus [?XXX] famulus per [?quarXXannum] [?XXXX] aut cora aetatis 21 annorum [f.66r]
Edward Baddy of the parishe of Saint Thomas Apostles London merchant aged 22. yeares [f.67r]
Ludovicus Boulden parochia Sancti Olavj infra Burgum Southwarke nauta aetatis sua 50 annorum [f.69r]
John Every of Salcombe in the County of Devon[?X] marriner aged 24 yeares [f.69v]


Thomas Clerk de parochia Sancta Catherina Coleman in ffenchurchstreet London clothworker aetatis sua 51 annorum [f.71r]
Christopheras [?Viazie] parochia ain [?scoon] Barking London wine cooper aetatis 24 annorum [f.71v]
Thomas Gates de Reddriffe infra comitatu Surry nauta aetatis sua 23. annorum [f.72v]
Richardus Cord[?a] de Kingstreet proper Wapping in comitatu Middlesex cooper ubi mora fecit per 5. hebdomadas autea nira [?faria] apud Redriffe ubi mora fecit per 4 annos aut [?XXX] aetatis 28 annorum [f.74r]
Georgius Elliott de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi mora fecit per sixteene annos aut cora aetatis 32 annorum [f.75r]
Willimus Avery de Truro in comitatu Cornwall nauta aetatis sua 50 annorum [f.77r]


Johannes Dyet de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex [?Coprarius] aetatis sup 45. annorum [f.80v]
Jacobus Perrott de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 37. annorum [f.83v]
Thomas Awre parochia Santa Catherina prope Turrim London Nauta aetatis sua 22 annorum [f.86r]
Willimus Rider de Harwich in comitatu Essex nauta aetatis sua 35. annorum [f.87r]
Thomas Awre [f.88r]
Henricus Bennet parochia Santa Catherina propa Turrim London nauta, aetatis sua 24 annourm [f.87r]


Thomas [?Feilder] de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney alias Stebenenheath in comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi mor fecit oer fourteene annos [f.90r]
Richardus [?Lestocke] de Poplar infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi mora fecit per sixteene annos aut [?XXXX] aetatis 42 annorum [f.91r]
Johannes Ateroll de Rederiffein comitatu Suria shipwright ubi mora per 20 annos aut [?XXX] aetatis 37 annorum [f.92v]
Josephus Bayly de Shadwell parochi de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi mora fecit per dias [?XXXX] [?autea] infra parochia de Stepney per duos annos aut [?XXXX] aetatis 23. annorum [f.93v]
Johannes Sa[?myne] de Bromley Hall propa [?XXX] in comitatu Middlesex [?XX] ubi mora fecit per primum ret [?elapps] aut [?XXX] aetatis 30 annorum [f.95r]
Rogerus Bennet famulus [?XXX] [?JohXX] [?pXX] [?pXXX] cuius [?Xecit] famulus per 4 annos aut cora aetatis 22 annorum [f.95v]
Thomas Awre de parochia Santa Catherina propa Turrim London nauta aetatis sua 22. annorum [f.97r]
Willimus Ryder de Harwich in comitatu Essex nauta aetatis sua 35 annorum [f.98v]
Willimus Johns famulus [?XXX] Johns [?XXis] [?prodXX] in [?XX] [?XXXus] [?XXit] famulus per [?XXX] [?XX] annorum [f.99v]


Georgius Swanley de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta ubi mora fecit per 23 annos [f.100v]
Abraham Blundell [?famulus] [?XXXX] John [?fecit] ....aetatis 22 annorum [f.101v]
Georgius Chambers de [?Bolmsgate] [?London] Cives et Draprt London ubi mora fectot per 22 annos aut cor[?X] aetatis 35 annorum [f.102v]
Georgius Drew De Dover in Comitatu Cantabria Nauta ubi mora fecit per 30 annos aut circo aetatis 35 annorum [f.103r]
Willimus [?Mosse] parochia Sancta Maria Magdalena Bermondsey infra Brugum Southwarke gentleman aetatis sua 45. annorum [f.105r]
Symon Bayly of Lymhouse in the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged 30. yeares [f.107r]


John Croxton of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney and County of Middlesex Marriner aged 45. yeares [f.112r]
Thomas Bennett of Saint Catherines neare the Tower of London Marriner aged 27 yeares [f.114v]
Henry Carter of Wapping in the Countie of Middlesex Marriner aged 49. yeares [f.117r]
Symonis Bayly [f.119v]


William Cooke of the parish of Saint Buttolph without Algate London Marriner late Master of the shippe the Rebecca of London aged 30. yeares [f.121r]
James Russell of Ratcliffe in the parishe of Stepney Chirurgeon aged 40 yeares [f.124r]
Lewis Price of the parishe of Saint Mary Magdalen Vermondsey within the Borrowghof Southwarke Sea man aged 50 yeares [f.125r]
Elias Stawling of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney Chirurgeon aged 56. yeares [f.129r]


Francis [?Aneith] of Saint Michaells Woodstreet Chirurgeon aged 22. yeares [f.133r]
Beniamin Rose of Dukes Place London cittizen and merchantaylor of London aged 32. yeares [f.135r]
John Kennett of the parishe of Saint Martin Ironmonger Lane London gentleman late purser of the ship the Pear[?ey] pf London aged 32. teares [f.138r]


Richard North of the parishe of Saint Michaells Bashishawe London servant and apprentice to Captaine Edmond Mison, aged 16teene yeares [f.142r]
- "a Pox take his French Tongue, for if hee could not have spoke French, wee had never lost our shippe." (f.140r)
ffrancisco Pratt de Redriff in Comitatu Surria Ship Carpenter ubi mora fecit per annos aetatis aut [?XXX] aetatis 23 annorum [f.145r]
Nicholas [?Conditt] de [?Brixam] in Comitatu Devon Nauta ubi [?XXXX] fuit aetatis 26 annorum [f.146v]
Robertus Edward[?s] de Radriffe [?XXX XXX] de Stepney inm Comitatu Middlesex Nauta ubi mora fecit per 6 annos aut circe aetatis 30 annorum [f.147v]
Franciscus Ansell parochia Sancti Michaelis Woodstreete London Chyrugeon aetatis sua 22. annorum [f.148v]


Danyell Bradley de Lymehouse famulus domesticus Capitany Jones cuis stetis famulus per sexent[?XX] [?etapXX] aut cora aetatis 22 annorum [f.150r]
Willimus Hart de Wappin infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 48. annorum [f.151v]
Johannes Symmonds de Wapping infra paarochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 23. annorum [f.153r]
Richardus North Apprenticismus Capitanes Edward Elleson partis productis aetatis sua 16. et [?dxxx] annorum [f.154v]
Rogerus Kilvert de parochia Sancti Benedict ffinke London civis et mercator einsdem civitatis aetatis sua 63. annorum [f.156v]
Abraham Greaves de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex naupegus aetatis sua 33 annorum [f.157v]
Johannes Bennett de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 36. annorum [f.159r]


Jonathan Eldred famulus et apprenticius Edwardi Bushell parochia Sancta Hellenae minoris London Mercator aetatis sua 19. annorum [f.160r]
Egidius Litcott famulus et apprenticius Edwardi Bushell parochia Sancta Hellenae minoris London Mercator aetatis 17. annorum [f.161r]
Thomas Browne parochia Sancta Gregory propa [?XXham] Sancti Pauli London Submarescallos [?huis] Cur [?XXXs] aetatis sua 30. annorum [f.163r]
Carolus Moore servus [?magistri] [?JaXXXXX] Martin huis Cur Regrar deputato aetatis sua 20 annorum [f.163r]
Henricus Bennett de parochia Sancta Catherina priope Turrim London Nauta aetatis sua 24. annorum [f.163v]
Thomas Awre de Awre in Comitatu [?Glocester] Nauta aetatis sua 22 annorum [f.164r]
Edmundas Batherne de Debtford in Comitatu Cantabrij Nauta ubi mora fecit per tres annos aut [?cura] aetatis 27 annorum [f.165r]
Abraham [?Patch] de Radcliff infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta ubi mora fecit per 10 annos ult [?XXXXX] [?cora] aetatis 40 annorum [f.166r]
Jacobus Hall de Ratcliffe infra parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta ubi mora fecit per 20 annos [?XX] [?XXXX] aut cora aetatis 50 annorum [f.167r]
Salomon Carlisle de Rederiffe in Comitatu Suria Nauta ubi mora fecit per sixteene annos aut cora aetatis sua annorum [f.168r]
Gilbertus Lilley de Ipswich in Comitatu Suffolk Naupegus aetatis sua 35 annorum [f.169v]


Robertus Cawley de Reddriffe in Comitatu Suria Nauta ubi [?mera] fecit per 5 annos [?XX] [?XXX] cura
aetatis 51 annorum [f.170v]
Richardus Ryemond de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 61 annorum [f.171v]
Johannes Birt de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney Nauta aetatis 46. annorum [f.172v]
Captaine Galfridus Dare de Redriffe in sua comitatu Surria Nauta aetatis sua 30. annorum [f.174r]
Anthonius White de Ratcliffe infra parochium de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta, aetatis sua 31. annorum [f.175r]
Henricus Evans de Shadwell parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis sua 31. annorum [f.177r]
Willimus Hooper de Plymouth in Comitatu DEvon Napegus aetatis 35. annorum [f.179r]


Rowlandus Searchfeild parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London Cives et Mercator London aetatis sua 41 annorum [f.180r]
Johannes Kennet parochia Sancti Michaelis Ironmonger lane London gen. aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.181r]
Willimus Cooke de parochia Sancti Butolphi extra Allgate London nauta, [?XXX] [?XXX] navis the Rebecca of London , aetatis sua 20ta annorum [f.182v]
Beniamine Rose de Dukes Place London gentleman aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.183r]
Johannes Kennett [f.183v]
Richardus North apprenticius Capitanei Edmondi Elleson, nauta in [?sua] parochia Sancti Michaelis Bashishaw London aetatis sua 16. annorum et sex mensi[?XX] [f.184r]
Johannes Kennett parochia Sancti Michaaelis Ironmonger Lane London [?genasus] aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.185r]
Thomas Grove de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 56. annorum [f.186r]
Robertus Jones de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 46 annorum [f.187v]
Johannes Fakeman de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex naupegus aetatuis sua 24 annorum [f.189r]


Richardus Peachye de Redriffe in comitatu Suria nauta aetatis sua 21. annorum [f.190v]
Henry Hopkins de Lymehouse infra paarochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex naupegus aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.192r]
Thomas Johns de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 42. annorum [f.193v]
- Risk of master and crew being made slaves if depart Candy without leave of Turks
Richardus Hopkins de Thames street infra parochiam Sancti Buttolphi Billingsgate London cives et salter [?XXsdem] civitatis, aetatis sua 30. annorum [f.194v]
- "a salter by profession and useing to trade and traffique in the buying and selling of oranges and lemmpms"
- Ship the Phenix in dock of Billingsgate; George Chambers had in the ship 157,500 oranges and 14600 lemmons brought to London from Vigo
- Hopkins bought the oranges at the rate of 19 s per 1000 and the lemons at the rate of 35 s per 1000 [f.194v]
- Hopkins claimed that if the oranges and lemons had been brought to Billingsgate 20 days earlier than April 14th 1650, the oranges would have sold for 30 s per 1000 and the lemmons for 40 s per 1000
Thomas Wood famulus domesticus Gergij Chambers partis prodcon aetatis sua 21. annorum [f.195r]
- the oranges and lemons were gathered off the trees at Vigo at the end of February 1650; however the ship did not set sail for London until April 13th (new stile)
- Of the 280 oranges laden at Vigo, there were but 157000 or thereabouts "good and well conditioned att the tume of the inladeing of the same", and of the lemons there were left only about 14600 or thereabouts(f.196r]; perished or rotten fruit amiongst the good "doth much hurt the same"
Jacobus Lance parochia Sancti Gabrielis ffenchurch London mercator, annos ahens 55 [f.197r]
Johannis Bancks parochia Sancti Hellena minoris civitatis London mercator, annos agens 22 [f.197r]
- "hee this deponent living with and keeping the books and accompts of Edward Bushell"
Rogerus Machim parochia beata Maria ad [?Mouten] civitatis London [?XXX]
aetatis 40 annorum [f.199r]
Edmund Ellison of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex mariner aged 33 yeares [f.199v]
John Kennet of the parish of Saint Martin Ironmonger Lane London merchant, aged 32 yeares [f.199v]


Christopher Poore of the towne and county of Southampton merchant, aged 24 yeares [f.200r]
Thomas Barsham parochia beta Maria ad Montem civitatis London salter, aetatis 59 annorum [f.200v]
- cites being offered prices of 40 s per 1000 of oranges and the like for lemons, but sold them some days later for 50 s
- well experienced in trading in oranges and lemons
- "it is usuall to have many oranges and lemmoms amongest such as are brought from beyond the seas in shipps, rotten at the time of their arrivall and delivery here" [f.201r]
George Go[?ver] parochia beata maria ad Montem cite London salter, aetatis 28 annorum [f.201v]
- if ship Phenix had arrived onn March 7th 1650, or within three weeks of that date, the oranges would have been worth 30 s per 1000 and the lemons 50 s per 1000. "the same being Gallicia oranges and lemmons, but for Sevill oranges hee knoweth that there was here offered to Mr Thomas Lenthall about the 14th of March last 40 s per thousand which hee refused and sold them at a farr greater rate"; "in or about the 13th of Aprill last the market for oranges and lemmons was much fallen and the price of them abated and growne much lower than before, which hee knoweth dealing in these commodities" [f.201v]
Johannes Pardy parochia Sancti Salvatoris in Burgo de Southwarke [?Tinctor] annos agens 35 [f.202r]
- a dyer; testified regarding Argall stowed in casks amongst the ballast, which had become wet; saw water running down the insides of the ship, wetting the ballast
Johannes Robinson parochia Sancti Dunstan in Oriente London Joyner, aetatis 25 annorum
- Mr Thomas Lenthall brought a ship to London about March 16th 1650 bringing many oranges and lemons and "sold the oranges after 50 s per thousand and some at 55 s others at 3 li and 3 li 10 s and the best at 4 li per thousand, and those hee solde for 50 s per thousand were foule and dirtie and not soe good as those of Mr Chambers his" [f.202v]
- "upon the arivall of the said shipp bery many of the said oranges and lemmons brought in her were at the time of their delivery here putrified and rotten and utterly spoiled and good for nothing, amd on the thirteenth of Aprill last and some what before the market for oranges and lemmomns was much fallen by reason of many that were come in shortly before, and the price of them much abated and fallen lower" [f.203r]; refers to the market being "glutted"
Captaine Jacobus Berkdell parochia Sancti Botolph extra Bishopsgate London nauta, aetatis 49 annorum [f.203v]
- John Driver "a very idle and debauched person, much given to drinking, swearing and for swearing, lying and pilfering, and many other enormities" [f.203v]; Driver stole sugar and strong water on board a ship on an East India voyage
- Another seaman named Jones "was often the said voyage drinking and playing at cards at unseasonable times in the said shipp the said voyage, which to prevent and to keep good irder aboard, the said Swanley did often putt out the candle in the night time and otherwise hindered hom and his companions from such their drinking and playing" [f.204r]
Edwardus Bigland parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke Naupegus, aetatis 49 annorum [f.204v]
- Case involving large number of named lighters
Johannes Major parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke Naupegus, aetatis 24 annorum [f.205r]
Garardus Lloyd parochia beata Maria ad Montem London mercator, annos agens 25 [f.206r]
Johannes Marston parochia Sancta Anna Blackfryers London mercator, aetatis 50 anorum [f.206r]
- Hath inspected the "Registrie booke of the Ciustome house London..."
Henricus Bill parochia beata Maria Athill London mercator , annos agens 21 [f.206v]
Phineas Andrewes parochia Sancti Olavi Hartstreete London mercator, aetatis 50 annorum [f.206v]
Willimus Westlake de Limehouse in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 22 annorum [f.207r]
Richardus Irons parochia Sancta Maria Somerset London [?XXX] Woodmonger London, aetatis 45 annorum [f.207v]
- Mentiosn Kings Bench prison in Southwarke to discuss due wages
Thomas Champneys parochia Omnium Sanctorum Minoris civitatis London civis et [?Tuicker] London aetatis 38 annorum [f.208r]
Robertus Major filius Jacobi Major parties producen in hac causa aetatis sua 23. annorum [f.208r]
Isaacais Maijor filius Jacobi Maijor partis producen in hac causa aetatis sua 21. annorum [f.209r]


Georgius Bartlet de Redriffe in comitatu Middlesex nauta, aetatis 42 annorum [f.210r]
Edwardus Haswall de Horsey Downe parochia Sancti Olavi inm Burgo de Southwarke nauta, aetatis 36 annorum [f.210r]
Edmundus Keisleigh parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke nauta, aetatis 39 annorum [f.210v]
Thomas Haselwood de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta, aetatis 42 annorum [f.211r]
- This deponent is a master "trading to Newcastle for coales and having soe donne constantly for theise 16 yeares last past or thereabouts..."; the ship the London Merchant imployed in fetching coals from Newcastle in 1641; Newcastle came under control of the King in 1642 for three years, and shortly after King's seizure of Newcastle Parliament published a declaration that all ships trading with Newcastle were lawful prize; states that owners of ships belonging to London, Ipswich, Harwich and other places, were loyal to Parliament and wer laid up
Johannes Leigh de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 35 annorum [f.211v]
- DEponent was a master traing in coals from Newcastle
Henricus Day de Witham in comitatu Essex Anchor=Smith, aetatis 27 annorum [f.212r]
Miles Arundell citizen and merchant taylor of London, aged 45 yeares [f.212v]
- Goods brought from Barbados taken from him and found in a sellar in Glascoe; deponent went to magistrates of Glascoe and Dumbarton; arrest warrant issued in favour ofg Mr Pennoyer; refes to schedule showing orders and proceedings in the parliament in Scotland
Willimus Gillam de Brighthampson in comitatu Sussex nauta aetatis 37 annorum [f.214r]
Robertus [?Stowe] de Brighthamston in comitatu Sussex nauta aetatis 19 annorum [f.214v]
Josephus Jackson vivitatis London mercator, aetatis 26 annorum [f.215r]
George Harrison de Colchester in comitatu Essex Clothier ubi mora fecit a nat[?XXXX] sua [?XX] [?artus] aetatis 60 annorum [f.216r]
Thomas Bradbridge de Wapping in comitati Middlesex nauta aetatis 40 annorum [f.216v]
Carolus Yeo parochia Sancti Botolphi extra Algate London nauta, aetatis 50 annorum [f.216v]
Robert Porting of Shadwell in the parishe of Stepney and County of Middlesex Marriner aged 36. yeares [f.217r]
Thomas Byam of the Libertie of the Tower of London mariner, aged 46 yeares [f.217v]
- knows John white who is both a merchant and a grocer; tobacco for White from Virginia
Robert Jones of the parish of Saint Saviours in Southwarke Mariner, aged 22 yeares [f.218r]
Captaine Isaack Woodgreene de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.218v]
Edwardus Mapplesden de Reddriffe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis sua 28. annorum [f.219v]


Rolandus Carr de Sheilds in comitatus Palatinate durham nauta, aetatis 34 annorum [f.220v]
- Ship or barke the Speedwell, of which Carr was master, was en route from Newcastle to London when taken by a pirate and carried to Newport in Flanders
Henry Liddall of the Libertie of the Tower of London mariner aged 26 yeares [f.201r]
Thomas Fisher de Deale in comitatu Cantabrij mercator aetatis 37 annorum [f.221v]
George Dethick de Poplar in comitatu Middlesex gentleman aetatis 24 annorum [f.222r]
- The Mayflower, the Peter and the Beniamin; freighters put £5000 of goods on board at London
- Captain William |Jacket was to be captain and chief commander of all there vessells, and chief factor or agent for the trucking away and disposing of the said cargazon the said voyage
- Dethick wenty on the Mayflower the said voyage as one of the master's mates
- Jacket was given instructions, that should he copme within the dominions of the King of Spain, he should not come within the command of any Spanish castle or garrison, and that he should not go on shore himself or trust any considerable quantity of goods or negros amongts the Spaniards "unlesse hee had sufficiencie of retournes first on board his shipps in lieu thereof"
Timothy Crusoe civitatis London mercator, aetatis 57 annorum [f.224v]
Jeffrey Dare of Rodderhithe in the county of Surrey mariner aged 31 yeares [f.225r]
Walter Walker of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex Mariner, aged 17 yeares [f.225v]
William Scott of Wapping in the County of Middlesex Mariner aged 40 yeares [f.226r]
Petrus Cornelison de Boer de Amsterdam nauta, aetatis 62 annorum [f.227r]
Henricus Rugge de Gravesend in comitatu Cantabrij [?XXXX] aetatis 40 annorum [f.227v]
Willimus Thompson Milton prope Gravesend in comitatu Cantabrij Chirurgus aetatis 50 annorum [f.228r]
- waterman struck and wounded in head near Gravesend; three pieces of his skull broken into his head!; struck with a boat hook
Stephen Kinge of the parish of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London, Saylor aged 24 yeares [f.229r]
Hugh Skipper of the towne and County of Southampton Sayler, aged 25 yeares [f.229v]


Abrahamus Russell parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London cives et mercator London aetatis sua 30 annorum [f.230r]
Thomas Keirston de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex [?XXX] [?coquus] [?navis] [?XX] Peter
Bonadventure [?pres] aetatis sua 28. annorum [f.230v]
- 200 passengers; "whilest the said ship the Peeter Bonadventure was at sea there happened a very great and dangerous sicknes abord the said ship of which many dyed both of the passengers and seamen thereof"; arrived at Antego; took on salt at Anguila, and then for Virginia
Johannes Puglesse de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 50. annorum [f.231v]
Johannes Bent parochia Sancti Fida [?subter] Exchange divi Pauli London mercator cives at mercator scissor London aetatis 27 annorum [f.233r]
- Deponent was a mercer
Thomas Treene de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 45 annorum [f.233r]
- the ship the Starre surprized by the revolted fleet in 1647 in the Downes coming home from a Ginny voyage; claims that the arlate Elias Jourdaine was one of the men in the revolted fleet ("the said Captaine Jourdaine and Sir William Batten then being allsoe abord the same [prince Rupert's own ship]")
- "1648, Nov. [18-]28. The Hague. Testimonial in favour
of Sir William Batten and Captain Elias Jourdan on their
resigning their commands in his Majesty's fleet." HMC, Report on the Pepys Manuscripts (Hereford, 1911), p.235
Joseph Brensby de Redriffe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis 36 annorum [f.234r]
Johannes Kendall de Westsmithfeild infra parochia Sancti Sepulchri extra Newgate London [?XXXXius] aetatis sua 61. annorum [f.235v]
- Bridgehouse Key; ship the William; two barges of different sizes from Hamersmith; ship had inadequate ballast and leaed over once corn taken out
- roape of crane fastned to ships side; ship toppled over and crushed and sank one of the barges; brought up a hulk to help save the ship; failure to fasten ship properly to key via ropes to rings of iron
Griffinus Rogers paarochia Sancti Salvatoris in Burgo Southwarke [?Operaruis] aetatis 60. annorum [f.237r]
Georgius Gilbert parochia Sancti Salvatoris infra Burgum Southwarke Operarius aetatis 52. annorum [f.238v]
- porters hired to move barley


Willimus Bundock [?unns] Commissionas de Trinity house infra parochiam Sancti Butolphi extra Allgate London [?romoran?X] aetatis sua 60 annorum [f.240r]
Edmundus Grove de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 54 annorum [f.240r]
Egidus Lynscott de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 27. annorum [f.241r]
Anna Lynscott uxor [?prefati] Egidij Lynscott aetatis sua 34. annorum [f.241v]
Petrus Alazure famulus domesticus Johannis Hall[?ee] partis produ{?ton] in hac sua aetatis sua 18. annorum [f.242r]
Richardus Rose parochia Sancti Martin infra [?Campus] London Chirurgus aetatis sua 62. annorum [f.243r]
Nicholas Barnesley parochia Sancti Martin [?XXX] [?sassXX] aetatis sua 29. annorum [f.243r]
- living in Newstreet at the upper end of Bedford very near St Martins Lane
Elizabeth Gilbert serva [?XXfamula] domestica [?mXX] Johannis Hallee partis production in hac sua aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.243v]
Johannes Robinson de East smith infra parochiam Sancti Butolphi extra Algate London nauta aetatis 26. annorum [f.244r]
Franciscus Jaggard parochia Sancti Maria ad Marten civitatis London Grocer, aetatis 46 annorum [f.245v]
Augustinus Alexander de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.246r]
James Alexander of East Cowes in the Isle of Wight merchante aged about fiftie yeares [f.247r]
Robertus [?CloXXe] famulus et Apprnticius Thoma George [?unius] partis [?production] aetatis sua 20. annorum [f.247v]
- The two barges and the William and corn
Edwardus Eldersrawe de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex grocer aetatis sua 35 annorum [f.249r]


Thomas Bedham de parochia Sancti Maria Magdalena Bermondsey infra Burgum Southwarke nauta aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.250v]
- Galliot or man of war
Robertus Dennis de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney [?unus] [?MagXXX] de Trinity house aetatis sua 49. annorum [f.251v]
Johannes Gore de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 27. annorum [f.251v]
Stephanus King de parochia Santa Catherin[?ae] prope Turrim London nauta aetatis 24 annorum [f.252v]
James Waller de Yarmouth in comitatu Norff[?XX] nauta aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.253v]
Jonathanus Hart de Gipsico in comitatu Suffolk[?X] nauta aetatis sua 28. annorum [f.254v]
Peetrus Edgcomb de Shadwell infra paarochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 34. annorum [f.255r]
Edwardus Doggest de Sudbury in comitatu Suffolk[?X] nauta aetatis [?XX] sua 22 annorum [f.255v]
Radulphus Langley de civitate Exon in comitatu Devon mercator aetatis sua 45. annorum [f.256r]
Johannes Fox parochia Sancti Buttolphi extra Allgate London nauta aetatis sua 29. annorum [f.257v]
Egidius Shellye de Horsey Downe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis sua 40. annorum [f.258v]
Samuel Perkins parochia Sancta Catherina infra libertates Turris London woodmonger aetatis sua 19. et dim[?XX] annorum [f.259r]
- Lighter called the James arrested by James Mayer (its builder) was owned by Zacharas Perkins


Thomas Edwards parochia Sancta Catherina prope Turrim London waterman aetatis 43. annorum [f.260r]
Thomas Cowley parochia [?ein] [?Scorum] Barking nauta aetatis sua 24. annorum [f.261r]
Johannes Browne parochia sancta Catherina Coleman London mercator, aetatis 34 annorum [f.262r]
Georgius Leader parochia de Salehurst in comitatu Sussex mercator, aetatis 25 annorum [f.263r]
Samuel Holditch parochia ex parte Goldsmith dat[?X] examinatus civis et Barb[?on]tonsea [?LanXXX], aetatis 24 annorum [f.264v]
- an inferior officer, videlicet boatswaine
Willimus Richardson civitatis cestria inholder aetatis 24 annorum [f.265v]
Richardus Hacktree de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 40 annorum [f.266r]
Richardus [?Drmot] de Liverpoole in comitatu yeoman aetatis 36 annorum [f.267r]
Johasnnes Hall parochia Sancti Btolphi extra Algate London cooper annos agens 50 [f.269r]


William Thomson of Tunsbry in Norway sayler aged 36 yeares [f.270r]
Johannes Potts parochia Sancti Olavi in burgo de Southwarke Leather dresser, aetatis 40 annorum [f.270v]
- case of battery
Andreas Dalton parochia Sancti Olavi in burgo de Southwarke Parchment maker, aetatis 56 annorum [f.270v]
James Prestman of Wapping in the county of Middlesex mariner, aged 48 yeares [f.271r]
Richardus Turner de Layton parochia de [?Nesson] in comitatu [?Cestia] nauta, aetatis 50. annorum [f.271v]
Richardus Fry de Limehouse in paarichia de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta, aetatis 38 annorum [f.272v]
Richardus Fry [f.273v]
Johannes Barrell de Yarmouth in comitatu [?Norfolk] naupegus aetatis 56 annorum [f.274r]
- Carpenter in the ship the Mayflower, case of Vassall et al con Jacket
Isiah Blofeild de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex [?generosus] natas apud Warmington in comitatu Northampton aetatis 23 annorum [f.277r]
- Edward, William and Samuel Mico
William Marten parochia Sancti Andrew Hubard London napegus, aetatis 31 annorum [f.277v]
Richardus Fry de Limehouse in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.278v]


John Potts of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk mariner, aged 25 yeares [f.280r]
John Murrey of the parish of Saint Catherines neare the Tower of London mariner, aged 34 yeares [f.280r]
William Lucas of Weymouth in the county of Dorsett mariner aged 35 yeares [f.280v]
Thomas Page de Debtford in comitatu county nauta, aetatis 33 annorum [f.281r]
- Ship the Priam of Debtford seized en route from Newcastle to London, and its coals carried to Holland
Thomas Bellin parochia Sancti Dunstan in Orient[?XX] London civis et skinner Lonon aetatis 32 annorum [f.282v]
Mauritius Gardiner de Wembury in comitatu Devon mercator, aetatis 42 annorum [f.283r]
Isaack Woodgreene de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta annos agens 32 [f.283v]
Ralph Conniers of Corke in Ireland merchant aged 28. yeares [f.284r]
- Luke Lucie
Edwardus Wilkinson de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 63 annorum [f.284v]
Johannes Boide de ffarly in Regno Scotia nauta aetatis 61 annorum [f.285r]
Johannes Patterson civitatis London derry in Regno hibernia mercator, annos agens 42 [f.286r]
John Harvey of Wrexton in the county of [?deneigh] grocer, aged 34 yeares [f.286v]
- Deponent lived with producent Mr Edmund Peasely as a journeyman and as his cash keeper and keeper of his accounts; tovbaccoe
Willimus Dolby parochia Sancti Andrew Holborne cite London mercator, aetatis 43 annorum [f.287r]
John Joukes de Horne in Hollandia nauta,, aetatis 39 annorum [f.287v]
Emanuel Guevara civitatis Sancti Luca [?unlogo] Sancti Lucars in Regno hispania mercator, annos agens 30 [f.289r]


Franciscus Shammon de Wappinge in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 23 annorum [f.291r]
- this deponent well speaketh and understandeth ffrench
Thomas Powell de Pembrooke nauta, astatis 22 annorum [f.291v]
Edward Wallis citizen and wax chandler of London aged 49 yeares [f.292r]
Edwardus Browne testis ex parte Hacktree [f.293r]
Johannes Barley de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex waterman natus apud [?Owboms] in comitatu Bedford aetatis sia 22 annorum [f.294r]
Mathaeus Purdy de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex waterman aetatis sua 22 annorum [f.295r]
Richardus Lenton parochia Santa CatherinaCreechurch London girdler cives et girdler London aetatis 43 annorum [f.296r]
- Deponent employed by Mr Fernandez, merchant of London, to take in his goods landed at London; went down to Ralphes Key to receive chests of sugar
Jacob Vanderlack parochia Sancta Catherina infra precinct Turrim London Gentleman aetatis sua 19 annorum [f.296v]
- "this deponent haveing knowledge of and in the Dutch Tongue was desired by the producent Hance Claeson (who mett this deponent in Saint Catherines where hee liveth) to goe along with him and in regard hee could not speake English, that hee would bee assistant to him in procureing some hands to helpe his shippe the Saint Jacob frpm off the Anchor stocke of Anchor of the ship the Phillip arlate upon which shee then sate" [the ship was at Dickshore]
- ship had a lading of oats
Randolph Orton de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex naupegus aetatis 38. annorum [f.297v]
Syme Everingham parochiam Sancta Mary Magdalena infra Burgum Southwarke nauta aetatis sua 44 annorum [f.298v]
Samuell Gardner parochia Sancti Olavi Hartsteet London mercator aetatis 22. annorum [f.299r]
Richardus Bridges de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 30. annorum [f.299v]


Gualtarus Codd parochia [?ein] [?XXX] Barkeing nauta aetatis sia 30. annorum [f.301r]
Rocus Bastiansen of Rotterdam in Holland sayler aged 27 yeares [f.302r]
Christopherus Delay de Lymehouse infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 34. annorum [f.302v]
- Hickman con Jacket (deposition 1)
Christopherus Delay [f.304r]
- Vassall Crandley et al con Jackett
Captaine John Greene of East Smithfield in the parishe of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell in the countie of Middlesex marriner aged 40. yeares [f.306v]
Rogerus Corben de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 27. annorum [f.307r]
Johannes Parker de Wapping Wall infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex civis et mercator [?XXXXX] London aetatis sua 37. annorum [f.308r]
Richardus Alford de Talliton in comitatu devon mercator annos agens 27 [f.309r]
Georgius Serle civitatis London mercator, aetatis 33 annorum [f.309r]


ffranciscu le Clerc de Bologne in Picardie in Regno Gallia nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.310r]
Petrus Clerc de Bologne in Gallia nauta, aetatis 38 annorum [f.310v]
Jurian [?Jansen] civitatis Amsteladamensis nauta aetatis 40 annorum [f.311v]
Petrus Pirou de Insual de Teneriffa mercator, aetatis 26 annorum [f.314r]
Bernardo Armandaris civitatis Pampalona in Regno hispania mercator, aetatis 22 annorum [f.317r]
Thomas de Guzman civitatis London mercator, annos agens 24 [f.319r]
Johannes Sydracksen de fflushinge in Zelandia nauta aetatis 39 annorum [f.319r]
Cornelius Robull de fflushinge in Zelandia nauta aetatis 29 annourm [f.319v]


Jurian Jansen civitatis Amsterdamansis nauta Magr navis the Prince de Amsterdam annos agens 40 [f.320r]
Thomas Kendall de Kensington in comitatu Middlesex mercator aetatis sua 44. annorum [f.320r]
Claudius Savage de fflushinga in Zelandia nauta [?naparchus] navis the ffortune pred annos agens 29 [f.321r]
Claudius Bigot insula de Teneriffa in Regno hispania mercator annos agens 21 [f.321v]
Johannes Gourdon de Villa et comitatu kingstonij supra hull nauta, aetatis 35 annorum [f.323r]
Edwardus Johnson de lingston supra hull nauta, aetatis 19 annorum [f.324r]
Johannes Gourdon [f.324v]
Anthonius Tierens parochia Sancti Swithini London mercator annos agens 48 [f.324v]
Johannes Cannett de Shadwell infra parochiam, de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta [f.325r]
Ludovicus Wallis de Yarmouth in comitatu Norfolk nauta aetatis 50 annorum [f.327r]
William Welsh filius Thoma Welsh partis producend in hac causa de Yarmouth in comitatu Norlfolk nauta aaetatis sua 21. annorum [f.327v]
Gulielmus Bundocke parochia Sancti Botolphi extra Allgate nauta aetatis sua 62. annorum [f.328v]
Georgius Dethicke de parochia infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex gentleman aetatis sua 24 annorum [f.329r]
- Case of Hickman con Jackett


Johannes Johnson de civitate Cestrie mercator, annos agens 40 [f.331v]
Phillipus Bab de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 48. annorum [f.332r]
Johannes Carter de Novo Castro nauta aetatis sua 21 annorum [f.332v]
Josephus Sibley parochia Sancti Stephan Colemanstreete London civis et Tallowe Chandler London annoa agens 47 [f.333v]
Patrick Shelley Insula de Teneriffa in Regno Hispania mercator aetatis sua 31. annorum [f.334r]
Georgius [?Reime] parochia Sancta Maria Matsellon alias Whitechappell in comitatu Middlesex Cooper aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.335r]
Robertus Fleetwood de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex naupegus aetatis sua 39. annorum [f.336r]
Henricus Ring de parochia Sancta Catherina Creechurch London scriptor aetatis sua 40. annorum [f.337r]
Johannes Bradstreet parochia Sancti Botolphi extra Algate London civis et Tallow Chandler [?XXXX] civitatis aetatis 50. annorum [f.338r]
Johannes Mallen de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 45. annorum [f.338v]
Andraus Painter de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 26. annorum [f.339v]


Humphridus Hickman parochia Sancti Swithini London civis et Brewar London aetatis 37 annorum [f.342r]
- Vassall con Jackett
Edward Emmery of the parish of Saint Buttolph without Allgate London ship chandler aged 38 yeares [f.344v]
Samuel Selwen of Wapping in the parish of Stepney Browne Baker aged 40 yeares [f.344v]
Dennis Liddell of Wapping in the parish of Whitechappell compasse-maker aged 39 yeares [f.344v]
Franciscus topp civitatis London mercator annos agens 27 [f.345r]
Johannes Greene parochia beta Maaria Matsellon alias White Chappell London nauta aetatis 43 [f.345v]
Thomas marsh de villa et comitati [?Gypheiri] nauta, aetatis 52 annorum [f.346r]
Jurian Jansen de civitate Amsteledamensi nauta aetatis 40 annorum [f.346v]
Benjamin Baron de Plimouth in comitatu devon mercator annos agens 30 [f.347r]
Georgiius Serle civitas London mercator aetatis 33 annorum [f.348r]
Edward Roddon parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London mercator, annos agens 32 [f.348v]
Richardus Leader de Villa Boston in Nova Anglia mercator aetatis sua 41. annorum [f.3349r]


Mathaeus Curr de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex lanator aetatis sua 40. annorum [f.352r]
Johannes Russell parochia Sancti Michaelis propa Dowgate London aquarum distillator aetatis sua 50 annorum [f.352v]
- ship lay near Blaackwall staires; two sufficient cables, of which one was a basse cable and the other a hempen one
Gregorius Milner de Redriffe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis sua 31. annorum [f.353v]
Gregorius Milner [f.354v]
Gregorius Milner [f.355r]
Gregorius Milner [f.355v]
Gregorius Milner [f.356v]
Gregorius Milner [f.357r]
Gregorius Milner [f.357v]
Benedictus Stafford de Deipford in comitatu Cantabrij nauta aetatis sua 20. annourm [f.358r]
- herrings from London to Venice
Thomas Prestwood parochia Sancti Sepulchri London salter aetatis sua 39. annorum [f.358v]
- Deponent was a corn chandler by trade; cargo of oats badly damaged
Johannes Bosworth de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.359r]
- Teares of lading of tobaccoe
- "a planke in her larbord side which had such rents and seames in it tjat this deponent hath himselfe thrust his knife into the same up to the heft, which said rents hee saith would often open when her larbord tacke was abord, through which said infirme plancke much water as hee saith must of necessity bee let into her for want of a well£


Georgius Dawes de Wapping infra parochiam Stepney in comitatu Miiddlesex nauta aetatis sua 46. annorum [f.362r]
James Whitehall of the parishe of Saint Catherine Coleman streete London merchant and citizen of London aged 35 yeares [f.362v]
Michaell [?Ungle] of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney and comitatu of Middlesex shipwright aged 73. yeares [f.363v]
- Deponent's yard in Wapping delivered a ship in September 1646
- list of wood lengths
John Quaram of Dartmouth in the Countie of Devon marriner late master of the narke called the John of Dartmouth aged 53 yeares [f.363v]
- Dartmouth measure of wheat (quarters)
William Yong of Dartmouth in the County of Devon marriner aged 50. yeares [f.364v]
Henricus Jacobson Morris de Hochtwoudt prope Horne in Hollandia nauta aetais sua 26 annorum [f.365r]
John Lokier of Lymehouse in the parishe of Stepney and Countuy of Middlesex marriner late master of the ship the William and Ralph alias the Virginia Merchant aged 30ty [f.365v]
- Case of John Skinner, owner of three sixteenth parts of the ship
Thomas Stanton of Ratcliffe in the parishe of Stepney and County of Middlesex marriner aged 26 yeares [f.366r]
Eustatius Cratter de [?Southwold] in comitatu Suffolk nauta aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.367r]
Robert Crowly of Wapping in the parishe of Saint Mary Matsellon alias White Chappell and County of Middlesex Merchant aged 55 yeares [f.368r]
- delivered wood to master of ship
Henricus Waller de Dover in comitatu Cantabrij nauta aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.368v]
Praefatus Henricus Wallopp [f.369r]
Johannes Carter de Dover in comitatu Cantabrij nauta aetatis sua 33. annorum [f.369r]
Prafatus Johannes Carter [f.369v]


John Rivert of the citie of London merchant aged 30 yeares [f.370r]
Randolph Isaackson of the citie of London merchant aged 35 yeares [f.370v]
Edmundus Seaman de Wapping infra parochiam Sancta Maria Matsellon alias Whitechappell in comitatu Middlesex nauta [?XXX] Prafatus sine Captaineus Navis the Endimion pred aetatis sua 39. annorum [f.370v]
Vincentius Beckman de Gottenborgh in Regno Swedland nauta aetatis sua 42 annorum [f.371v]
- Scotch parents
Johannes Offerman de Gottenburgh in Swedland nauta aetatis sua 46. annorum [f.372v]
- John Macleare and John Spalding "they were borne of Scotch parents but have lived in Gottenburgh by the space of theise thirty yeares"
[?Rice] Hastings parochia [?XXX] [?Scorn] Stayneing London nauta aetatis sua 23. annorum [f.374r]
Lucas Blacklock de Bromley iuxta Bowe in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 32 annorum [f.374v]
Thomas Hexam parochia Sancti Andrew Holborne in comitatu Middlesex Chirurgus aetatis sua 22 annorum [f.376r]
Robertus Collier de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 42. annorum [f.377r]
Johannes Skinner de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 50. annorum [f.377v]
- ship the Virginia merchant
Phillipus Stephens parochia Sancti Jacobi dukes place London mercator aetatis sua 28 annorum [f.378v]
- ship the Virginia merchant
Johannes Turner parochia Sancti Benedicti ffincke London cives et Pis[carius] [?einsdem] civitatis aetatis sua 64 annorum [f.379v]


Gweorgius Putt de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 42 annorum [f.380v]
- ship the Virginia merchant
John Chaworth of the parish of hellens the greate London merchant [f.381v]
Peter de Grat of Saint John de Luce in Biscay mariner aged 32 yeares [f.382r]
John de [?Suigay] of Saint John de Luz in Biscay in the dominion of the kinge of ffrance mariner, aged 34 yeares [f.382r]
Domingo de Michelius de Saint John de Luce in Biscay nauta, aetatis 28 annorum [f.382v]
- coast of Greenland
Martin de Le Dardis pf Saint John de Luce in Biscay mariner, aged 24 yeares [f.382v]
Henricus Dootzard de Whitbye in comitatu Ebor aetatis sua 21. annorum [f.383r]
Richardus Swan de Novo Castro in comitatu Northumberland nauta aetatis sua 28 annorum [f.383v]
John Derrickson Mackerell of the citie of Amsterdam in holland mariner, master of the shipp the Mackerell aged 32 yeares [f.383v]
Robertus Lawe de Gottenburgh in Swedlandia nauta, magr navis the Unicorne pred aetatis sua 36. annorum [f.385r]
David Cornega de Stockholme in Swedland in mercator aetatis sua 34. annorum [f.386v]
Captaine William Jacob of debtford in the county of kent marriner aged 40 yeares [f.388r]
- ship's main mast of about 25 yeards in length and 22 inches in thicknes and her maine top mast of 16 yards in length and about 13 inches thicjness and her main top gallant mast of about 6 yards and ahalf in length and 5 inches thicknes were burned and shivered in peeces
Capitaneus Johannes Ellison de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis sua 66 annorum [f.388v]
Johannes Wright de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney mercator aetais sua 33 annorum [f.389r]


William Startute of the parish of Saint Dunstan in the East London merchant [f.390r]
- Deceased Gilbert Morewood
Peter Bandeput of the parish of Saint Margaret Patten London merchant aged 39. yeares [f.391r]
James Stanier of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft London merchant, aged 44 yeares [f.391r]
\Jacob Fortree of the parish of Saint Dennis Backchurch London merchant aged 41 yeares [f.391v]
George Cropnell of Sunderland in the Countie Palatinate of Durham mariner, aged 24 yeares [f.391v]
Timothaeus Cruso parochia Sancto hellena cite London mercator annos agens 57 [f.392r]
Willimus Moore de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex Scrivener aetatis 44 annorum [f.392v]
Tobias Gournitt of the parish eof Saint Buttolphs Allgate gentleman aged 49 yeares [f.392v]
Henricus Toope parochia Sancti Olavi on Burgo de Southwarke nauta, aetatis 34 annorum [f.393r]
Georgius Crane parochia [?Sancta] Maria Bermondsea in comitatu Surria, nauta aetatis 25 annorum [f.293v]
Johannes Laurens Mes de [?AckXXXXX] in Hollandia nauta, aetatis 21 annorum [f.393v]
Adrianus Cornelison de Acker[?sot] in Hollandia nauta aetatis 24 annorum [f.395r]
Christianus Hentzt de civitate Lubecensi nauta, aetatis 55 annorum [f.395v]
Henricus Dubb civitatis Lubecensis nauta, aetatis 30 annorum [f.396v]
Joachimus van Sachten de Lubeck nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.397v]
Hance Dubb of the citie of Lubeck sayler aged 24 yeares [f.398v]
Claus Renderand of the citie of Lubeck sayler aged 30 yeares [f.399v]


Hendrick Ridder of Lubeck sayler aged 23 yeares [f.400r]
William Loeman of the citie of Lubeck mariner, master of the shipp the Saint Mathias of Lubeck aged 41 yeares [f.401r]
Mathias Johnson of Lubeck mariner skipper of the shipp the Saint Tobias, aged 32 yeares [f.402v]
Christianus Warmer of Lubeck mariner stiersman of the Saint Mathias of Lubeck, aged 33 yeares [f.403v]
Richardus Ell of Twickenham in the county of Middlesex mariner aged 50 yeares [f.404v]
FRancis Duncombe of the parish of Saint Dunstan in the East London mariner aged 21 yeares [f.404v]
Jacob Cornelison of Olsan neare Amsterdam in Holland mariner aged 29 yeares [f.405r]
Christopherus Arnson de Tonsburgh in Norway nauta aetatis sua 43. annorum [f.406r]
Willimus Anderson de Tonsbergh in Norway nauta aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.406v]
Jospehus Potter parochia Oin [?Scorn] Minor London grocer aetatis sua 42. annorum [f.407r]
Christopherus Aronson [f.408v]
Thomas Witze of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk mariner master of the ship the John of Ipswich aged 33 yeares [f.409r]
Robert Aylmer of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk marriner aged 27 yeares [f.409v]
- amber in ship when seized


Thomas Cason de [>GypXXo] in comitau Suffolk nauta aetatis sua 37. annorum [f.410r]
Prafatus Thomas Cason [f.410v]
Johannes Bushfeild parochia Sancta Margareta Westminster civis et mercator London aetatis 40 annorum [f.411v]
- Sunne Taverne upon ffishstreet hill London
Johannes Whittman de redriffe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis sua 50 annorum [f.412r]
Johannes Cox de Devtford in comitatu Catabrij nauta aetatis 27. annorum [f.413r]
John Cotterell of the parishe of Saint Saviour in the Burrough of Southwarke and County of Surry marriner aged 30. yeares [f.413v]
George Warren of Ratcliffe in the parishe of Stepney shipp carpenter aged 28 yeares [f.414r]
Samuel Booking de parochia Sancti Michaell
Bashishawe London mercator aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.314v]
Daniel Searle de civitata London mercator aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.315v]
Johannes Casby parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke nauta aetatis 62. annorum [f.316v]
Johannes Doves parochia Sancti Petri ad Vincula infra libertatis Turrim London nauta aetatis 53. annorum [f.416v]
Capitaneus Willimus Jacket parochia sua Catherina prope Turrim London nauta aetatis sua 31 annorum [f.417r]
- comander of ships for these 8 or 9 years last past, and often to Canaries and other parts of Spain
Georgius Papillon infra parochiam de Creechurch London mercator aetatis 30. annorum [f.417v]
- extract from customs house books
Capitaneus Willimus Hurley de Taunton in comitatu Somerset nauta aetatis sua 25 annorum [f.418r]
Robertus Perryman de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 46. annorum [f.418v]
- ships rigging was old and rotten


Johannes Larington de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Napegus aetatis [?XX] 33. annorum [f.420v]
Johannes Harrison parochias sancta Vatharina prope turrim Londonium Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.422r]
Johannes Baldwin parochia sancta Catherina prope turrim Loninium Nauta, annos agens 33 [f.424v]
Johannes Ley de Shadwell parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta, annos agens 34 [f.427v]
Arthur [?Briet] of Middleborough in Zealand Mariner master of the said vessell the Bonadventure, aged 48 yeares [f.429r]
John Lemkuell of the stillyard London Merchant aged 32 yeares [f.429v]


Henricus Twisell de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.430r]
Cornelius Tybbe civitatis fflushinge in Zealand Nauta aetatis 30 annorum [f.431v]
Johannes Crimsey de Middleborowe in Zealand Nauta, aetatis 31 annorum [f.433r]
Cornelius Tybbe ad Interrogatoria [f.435v]
Johannes Sealey de civitate Exon Mercator aetatis 29 annorum [f.437r]
Robertus Rand parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta, aetatis 43 annorum [f.437v]
Robertus Lawe de Gottenburgh in Swedlandia Nauta aetatis [?XX] 36. annorum [f.438r]


Philippus davies de Limehouse in Comitatu Middlesex Naupegus, aetatis 30 annorum [f.447r]
Thomas Lamberson de Ratcliffe in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis [?se] 28. annorum [f.448v]
Marianus James de Insula Jersey Nauta aetatis [?XX] 24 annorum [f.449r]
Johannes Nicolls infra Unsulam Jersey Nauta, sed comorans apud Saint Malo per spatia 3um annorum aut eo [?XXXX] aetais [?XX] 32. annorum [f.449v]


Hancans Coplow de civitate Lubecensis [?Lanis]. [?XXXX XXXXXX] navis [?XXXX Eillimus Loeman] erat [?Caymans]. per naves Parliamentarius [?XXXX]. aetatis 60 annorum [f.450v]
Georgius Churchey de Limehouse in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta, aetatis 20 annorum [f.451r]
John [?Slooie] of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex mariner aged 26 yeares [f.451v]
Johannes Tilley parochia sancti Buttolphi extra Allgate London Nauta aetatis sua 30 annorum [f.452v]
Rogerus Smith de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex Natua aetatis sua 28 annorum [f.455r]
- See f.457r (had been in the Spanish service)
William Hurler de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney Comitatu Middlesex Caulker aetatis sua 38 annorum [f.457v]
Robertus Storye de Shadwell infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 24 annorum [f.458v]
Samuell Cooke de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney et Comitatu Middlesex Baupagus aetatis sua 42 annorum [f.459r]
Johannes Baker parochia Sancti DSalvatoris in Burgo de Southwarke Nauta aetatis sua 47 annorum [f.459v]


Thomas Ricket de Limington in Comitatu [?Hantz] Nauta aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.460v]
Thomas Hawley parochia Sancti Gregorijpropa [?Eecham] divi Pauli London mercer aetatis 30. annourm [f.461r]
Jacobus Randall de [?Plymouth] in comitatu Devon nauta aetatis 40. annorum [f.461r]
Francis Lawrey de Plymouth in comitatu DEvon nauta aetatis sua 31 annorum [f.462r]
Johannes Prince de Tassell in Hollandia nauta aetatis sua 28. annorum [f.463r]
Willimus Benger de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex napagus aetatis 32 annorum [f.464r]
- the ship the Jonathan and Abigall; Mr Jancy and company
Robertus Moyer de Leigh in comitatu Essex nauta aetatis sua 29. annorum [f.465v]
Johannes Maxfeild famulus Roberti
Earle infra parochiam Sancti Dunstan in Oreintalis London Scriptoris, aetatis sua 21. annorum [f.467v]
Jacques Bucket of Rotterdam in Holland mariner aged 48 yeares [f.468r]
Samuel Cooke of Rotterdam in Holland mariner pilote of the said shipp the Boares Head, aged 50 yeares [f.469r]
- 102 cases of windowe glasse


Nicholas Bichard of the parish of Saint Lawrence in the Isle of Jersey master of the said vessell the George aged 34 yeares [f.470r]
Rout Ruellan of Concord neare Saint Malo's in ffrance mariner master f the shipp the George aforesaid aged 38 yeares [f.470v]
William Peters of Jersey mariner, late master of the said shipp the Pellican aged 24 yeares [f.471r]
William [?Vibert] of Jersey mariner master of the said shipp the Esperanza, aged 33 yeares [f.471r]
Thomas Le Riche of Jersey sayler, one of the company of the shipp the Esperansa aforesaid, aged 24 yeares [f.471v]
Thomas Vincent of Jersey sayler one of the company of the shipp the Pellican aforesaid, aged 28 yeares [f.472r]
Philip Brideau of Jersey sayler one of the company of the shipp the Guift aforesaid, aged 22 yeares [f.472r]
Richardus Ell parochia Sancti Dunstan in Oreintalis London nauta, aetatis 50 annorum [f.472v]
Willimus Smyth de Apsham in comitau dDevon nauta aetatis 33 annorum [f.473r]
Willimus Smyth de Apsham in comitau dDevon nauta aetatis 33 annorum [f.473v]
Brum Rois of Hamborowe mariner aged 36 yeares [f.474r]
Edmund Waddle of Colchester in Essex sayler aged 31 yeares [f.474r]
- ship the Goulden fflounder
Christofer Ulford of Hamborowe mariner aged 30. yeares [f.474v]
Willimus Heayne de civitate Exon mercator aetatis sua 34 annorum [f.475r]
Willimus Hayne de civitata Exon mercator aetatis sua 39. annorum [f.475v]
Johannes Wood de civitata Exon mercator aetatis sua 30 annorum [f.476r]
Johannes Wood de civitata Exon mercator aetatis sua 30 annorum [f.476v]
Thomas Webster de Wapping in comitati Middlesex nauta aetatis 30ta annorum [f.477v]
Johannes Dirrickson Mackerell de civitata [?XXX] [?damensi] nauta; aetatis 31 annorum [f.478v]
Thomas Horth parochia Omnium Sanctorum Majorum London mercator annos agens 54 [f.479r]
- the ship the Hermite in voyage to Greenland
Alexander Lizard of Saint John de Luz in Biscay mariner master of the said shipp, aged 43 yeares [f.479v]


Martin de La Riga of Saint John de Luce in Biscay mariner aged 28 yearesor thereabouts pilot of the said shipp the Saint Martin [f.480r]
John Lenard of Saint Mallo's in ffrance mariner, one of the company of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis, aged 26 yeares [f.480v]
Nicholas Ofry of Saint Malos aforesaid carpenter of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis, aged 26 yeares [f.481r]
John Durrell of the towne and county of Newcastle upon Tyne mariner aged 60 yeares [f.482r]
John ffoster of Sunderland in the county Palatinate of Durham mariner aged 36 yeares [f.482v]
William Hendricks of Rotterdam in Holland skipper aged 59 yeares [f.483r]
Derrick Jansen de Amsterdam in Hollandia nauta aetatis sua 20 annorum [f.483v]
Jan Derrickson Macquerell de Amsterdam, naut, magr navis the Maquerell pred aetatis sua 32. annorum [f.484r]
Dirrick Janson de Amsterdam in Hollandia nauta aetatis sua 20 annorum [f.485r]
Edwardus Pelling de Gravesnd in comitatu Cantabrij gentleman, aetatis 32 annorum [f.485v]
Sebastianus Perez de Porto Porte in Lusitania nauta aetatis 25 annorum [f.486r]
Alexander Barbalio de Porto in Lusitania nauta, aetatis 28 annorum [f.487v]
Charles ffrith of the paarish of Saint Buttolph without Bishopsgate London mariner aged 35 yeares or thereabouts, masters mate of the said shipp the Mayflower, Samuel Greeneway of Ratcliffe mariner aged 31 yeares or thereabouts, alsoe masters mate, Robert Midgeley of the parish of Saint Catherin neere the Tower of London Chirurgeon aged 30 yeares or thereabouts, Chirurgeon of the said shipp and William Malin of Redriffe in the county of Surrie mariner aged 28 yeares or thereabouts, alsoe masters mate of the said shipp [f.489r]
Nicholas de Ferrarj parochia Sancti Butolphi extra Algate London mercator, annos agens 50 [f.489v]
Anthonio Fernandez Caravashall citate London mercator, annos agens 51 [f.489v]


Johannes Ely de Redriffe in comitatu Surria nauta aetatis 27, annorum [f.490r]
Johannes [?Clart] famulus Willimus White partis producens in hac sua aetatis sua 18. annorum [f.490v]
Edmund Painter of Plimouth in the county of Devon mariner aged 40 yeares [f.491r]
James Physick of the parish of [?Rame] neare Plimouth in the county of Devon mariner ahed 33 yeares [f.491v]
Christianus Wariner de civitate Lubecensi nauta aetatis 33 annorum [f.492v]
Gasparus Coopman de civitate Libicensis nauta, aetatis 32 annorum [f.493v]
Thomas Aldworth arochia Sancti Botolphi Bellensgate London civis et ffishmonger London annos ahens 32 [f.494r]
Josephus Willigresse famulus et apprenticius [?GXXX] Yong partis product[XX] in hac causa aetatis sua 23 annorum [f.494v]
Antonius skipper famulus et apprenticius Mgr Georgij Yong oartis producti[?XX] aetatis sua 18. annorum [f.495r]
Bernardus [?kmes] civitatis Lubecensis nauta, annos agens 47 [f.495v]
Alexander Lizardi de Saint John de Luz in Biscaia Nauta, annos agens 43 [f.496v]
Martinus de Chibahery de Saint John de Luz in Biscaia Nauta, aetatis 30 annorum [f.497r]
Jacobus Stanier parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London Mercator, annos agens 44 [f.498r]
- Captaine Rider and John Robinson owners of the ship the Golden Catherine bound from London for Venice (1648). Deponent Stanier has known Rider and Robinson for about 10 years {Fpr commercial relationship between William Rider and John Robinson see José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII (Alicante, 2008), p.114]
Johannes Lane parochia Sancti Botolphi rxtra Algate London Nauta annos agens 70 [f.498v]
Rene Augier parochia Sancti Martini in [?Campis] in Comitatu Middlesex Armiger, annos 55 [f.499r]
Thomas Speede of the citie of Bristoll Merchant aged 27 yeares [f.499v]


Willimus Tyrrell parochia [?beate] Maries Magdalena Bermondsea in Burgo de Southwarke Ropemaker, aetats 36 aannorum [f.500r]
Willimus Yems parochia beate Maria Magdalena in Burgo de Southwarke Naupegus annos agens 44 [f.500v]
Richard Ell parochia sancti dunstans in [?oriemte] London Nauta, aetatis 50 annorum [f.501v]
Samuell Deane de Limehouse in Comitatu Middlesex Naupegus annos agens 30 [f.502v]
Roland Wilson of the citie of London Merchant aged [?64] yeares [f.503r]
Thomas Crafton of the parish of Saint Mary At Hill London Merchant aged 27 yeares [f.503r]
William Carter of the citie of London Merchant, aged 30 yeares [f.503v]
Lestrange Fermyn civitatis [?Westin] gentleman, aetatis 60 annorum [f.503v]
Valentine Totnell of dover in the County of Kent mariner aged 23 yeares [f.503v]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.504r]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.505r]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.505v]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.506r]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.507r]
Robertus Snelling de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum [f.507r]
Johannes Trippet de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 60 annorum [f.507v]
Johannes Trippet de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 60 annorum [f.508v]
Johannes Trippet de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 60 annorum [f.509r]
Johannes Trippet de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 60 annorum [f.509v]
Johannes Trippet de deale in Comitatu Canta[?brium] Nauta, aetatis 60 annorum [f.509v]


Richardus Ayler de deale in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta, aetatis 29 annorum [f.510r]
Richardus Ayler de deale in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta, aetatis 29 annorum [f.511r]
Richardus Ayler de deale in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta, aetatis 29 annorum [f.511r]
Richardus Ayler de deale in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta, aetatis 29 annorum [f.511v]
Thomam Bradus Arnoldum] Bradus Guaelerum [?Braenuret] Thomam harfleete [f.511v]
Thomas Fosku de dover in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta aetatis 50 annorum [f.511v]
Thomas Fosku de dover in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta aetatis 50 annorum [f.512v]
Thomas Fosku de dover in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta aetatis 50 annorum [f.513r]
Thomas Fosku de dover in Comitatu [?Cantabri] Nauta aetatis 50 annorum [f.513r]
Thomam Bargrave Arnoldum Barae[?us] Walterum Bradius and Thomam harfleete [f.513r]
Robertus Stanton de dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.513v]
Robertus Stanton de dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.514r]
Robertus Stanton de dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.514v]
Robertus Stanton de dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.514v]
Adam Spratlinge Walterum [?Branes] Thomam Bargrave et Thomam harfleete [f.514v]
Thomas de la Val de Dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nautas aetatis 31 annorum [f.515r]
Thomas de la Val de Dover in Comitatu Cantabri Nautas aetatis 31 annorum [f.516r]
[?XXXX XXXX] Walterum [?Brarens] Arnoldum [?Braerens] Thomam harfleete Adamum Spratling Thomas Johnson [f.516r]
Titus Cubit de Yarmouth in comitatu Norfolk Nauta, aetatis 25 annorum [f.516r]
Johnannes Eastey parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta annos agens 38 [f.516v]
Johnannes Eastey parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex [?nauta] aetatis 38 annorum [f.518v]
Johnannes Easty parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.519r]
Johnannes Easty parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 38 annorum [f.519v]
[XXXX] [f.519v]


Johnannes marshall famulus et Apprentis Roberti Earle paarochia Sancti Dunstans in Orientaes London Scriptor aetatis 21 annorum [f.520r]
Robertus Jeffreyes parochia Sancti Antholini London Grocer, Apprenticius Thomas Potter parties pro[?ductus] [?unius] aetatis sua 22 annorum [f.520r]
Willimus Seymer parochia [?XXX] Stay[?ing] London, Civis et draper London aetatis [?XX] 30 annorum [f.520r]
Robertus Trunell de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Naupegus aetatis sua 32 annorum [f.520v]
Peter Holman of Ratcliffe in the parishe of Stepney Mariner aged 34 yeares [f.522v]
George Bingley of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London Wine Cooper aged 30 yeares [f.523r]
Thomas Garner de Wapping in comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis 41 annorum [f.523v]
Christopherus Sedgwick de Wapping in Comitatu Middlesex Cloath-worker [?et] Civis London aetatis 55 annorum [f.524v]
Egidius Sisson de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Caulker aetatis sua 40 annorum [f.526r]
Willimus Lovell de Wapping infra parochiam de Stepney et Comitatu Middlesex Naupegus aetatis sua 31 annorum [f.527r]
George Riscovla of ffoy in the Countie of Cornewall Merchant aged 32 yeares [f.528r]
Michaell Russell of Falmouth in the Countie of Cornewall Merchant aged 44 yeares [f.529r]
Capitaneus Thomas Willoughbye de Willoughbyes Hope in comitatis Norfolk in Virginia [?XXX] aetatis sua 52 annorum [f.529v]


Richardus Heamen oarochia [?ein] [?Scoon] ad Muriam London Mercator aetatis sua 48 annorum [f.530v]
Richardus Jennings de Insuala Bermudas in Indijs occidentales Mercator aetatis 57 annorum [f.531v]
Johannes Tilley de Ratcliffe infra parochiam de Stepney et comitatu Middlesex Nauta aetatis sua 29 annorum [f.532v]
Isaackus Herrault de Insula de Jersey Nauta aetatis sua 26 annorum [f.533v]
Johannes Herrault de Insula Jersey Nauta aetatis sua 26 annorum [f.534v]