MRP: Dr Ralph Flyer
Dr Ralph Flyer
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07/02/12, CSG: Created page
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See 20th March 1662/63, Letter from Ralph Flyer to Sir GO, London
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Ralph fflyer of the Kings Colledge in the University of Cambridge Doctor in Phisique doe declare this to bee my last Will and Testament wherein I surrender my soule into the hands of Almighty God my most gratious Creator humbly beseeching him to receive mee to his mercie in his good time through the only meritts and satisfaccon of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Of my worldly goods by the blessing of God bestowed upon mee I give unto the Kings Colledge aforesaid the simme of twenty pounds to buy a peece of plate for the said Colledge
ITEM I give unto my brother in law S:r Henry Chancy the summe of five pounds and to each and every of my Brothers and sisters children five pounds a peece
ITEM I give to my good freind M:r Thomas ?Gearing and M:rs Anne ?Cad widdow each of them the summe of ffive pounds and to the Provost and every one of the senio:r ffellowes of the said Colledge each of them a Ring of Twenty shillings value
ITEM I give unto Ralph ffreeman of ?Apsden in the County of Hertford Esq:r and to his Lady each of them a ring of the value of fforty shillings,
ITEM I give unto James Willmott of Kelshall in the County of Hertford Esq:r and to his Lady each of them a ring of the value of Twenty shillings
ITEM I give unto D:r Jackson of Clare Hall in Cambridge aforesaid Dr Brady D:r Costlyn D:r Hoit D:r ?Paman D:r Brakenbury M:r Robert Drake and M:r Edward Wilson each of them a Ring of the value of Twenty shillings
ITEM I give unto M:r Thomas Bowtell one of the Conducts of the Kings Colledge aforesaid Thomas ?Reader one of the poore Schollars of the said Colledge and Mary (the wife of Thomas Pryer) my Bedmaker each of them the summe of Tenne pounds All the rest & residue of my goods and Chattells as well reall as personall and all my Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my nephew ffrancis fflyer of Brent Pelham in the county of Hertford Esq:r to hold to him and his heires forever whom I make and constitute my sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament hereby revokeing all wills by mee formerly made And I doe appoint him to pay all my legacies herein conteyned within three monethes after my decease
IN WITNESSE whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this thseaventh day of December in the six and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord King Charles the second over England xr Annoq:r Din one thousand six hundred eighty foure Ralph fflyer
Signed Sealed published & declared by the said Ralph fflyer to bee his last will and Testament in the prse of use whose names are here under subscribed and by us subscribed in the prse of the said Ralph fflyer
PROBATUM fuit hunoi testm Londini ?Anderino die mensis ffebruarij Anno Din (Stilo Angl) Millesimo Sexcesimo Ottogemmo quarto coram venti et egregio diro Domino Thoma Exton Milite legum Dtor Surro ventis et egregij viri Dtr Leolini Jenkins Militis legum etiam XXXX Curia Prerogativa Cantuarien Magri custod XXX Commissarij ltime constituti Juramento ffrancisi fflyer Armigeri viri Execut in deo listo nominat Qui Commissa fuit Administraio omnium et singularum bonorum jurid et creditori dei defti de bene et fidli Administrando eadem ad Sitta Deo Evangelia Jurat Ex:r