MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will

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Jeremy Blackman senior will

PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Jeremy or Jeremie Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 25 November 1656

See also will of Captain Blackman's eldest son: PROB 11/327 Hone 58-102 Will of Jeremy Blackman, Gentleman 31 August 1668

Editorial history

30/11/11, CSG: Made minor edits

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Sir William Ryder will
See Maurice Thomson will

To do


The transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked, 26/10/11, CSG

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Nynthday of October in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred fiftie and six I Jeremy Blackman of the Parish of S:t Andrew Undershaft in London Esquire being sicke and weake in Bodie but of good and perfect memorie through the mercie of my God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say)

FFIRST I Committ my Soule into the hands of Almightie God in full assurance of the free pardon of my Sinnes by and through the precious meritts death and passion of my saviour and Redeemer Jesus Cchrist by whome through free Grace onlie I expect life and Salvation and to live with him for ever in his Everlasting Kingdome prepared for all Beleevers My Bodie I Committ to the Earth from whence it came in hopes of a  ?myfull resurrection and to be buried in such decent manner as my Executors hereafter named or either of them in the others absence shall thinke fitt And for that protion of this World which the Lord hath here made mea Steward of I dispose of the same as followeth

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare Wife Elizabeth Blackman all the Householdstuffe plate and Jewells which she brought with her to me valued att Seaven hundred pounds and upwards and likewise all the Jewells which I gave her heretofore being about the value of one Thousand pounds sterling And I alsoe give and bequeath to her the said Elizabeth my Wife a Joynture in Land for her lifetime to be purchased and setled out of my Estate by my Executors hereunder named to the value of fower hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England in performance of an agreement made upon our intermarriage as is att large declared, which said household stuffe plate Jewells and Joynture of fower hundred pounds per Annum by me given and bequeathed as aforesaid to her the said Elizabeth my Wife I will shallbe in full of all such Dower rightsand Title which she or anie other pson pr persons to or for her use can or may Claime of in or to anie other part of my EstateLands Tenements monies Jewells plate householdstuffe and goods whatsoever whereof I shall die possessed

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my youngest Sonne Lucy Blackman the Inheritance of the said fower hundred pounds per Annum given as aforesaid for his Mothers Joynture to be setled on him by my said Executors or the Survivour of them in due forme of Lawe To have and to hould the same to him and his heires for ever from the Tyme of the death or decease of her the said Elizabeth my now Wife And moreover I give and bequeath to my Sonn Lucy Blackman the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid him att his age of one and twentie yeares And if my said Sonne Lucie Blackman shall decease or die before his said said age of one and twentie yeares Then I give and bequeath the said summe of Two hundred pounds and alsoe the said Inheritance of fower hundred pounds per Annum (after the decease of the said Elizabeth my Wife to my Sonne Jeremy Blackman To have and to hould the same to him and his heires of his Bodie lawfullie to be begotten for ever and for want of such issue to the right heires of me the said Jeremie Blackman for ever

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Susan Blackman in full of such part and portion which she Can or may Clayme in or to my Estate over and above her Jewells and wearing Apparrell the summe of ffower Thousand pounds of lawfull mony of England to be paid


Unto her att her marriage att her day of marriage or age of Eighteene yeares which shall first happen And if my said daughter Susan shall decease or dye before her said day of marriage or age of Eighteene yeares Then I give her said portion of ffower thousand pounds in forme following that is to say Two thousand pounds thereof unto my Sonne Jeremy Blackman One Thousand pounds thereof unto my Sonne Maurice Blackman and the other one Thousand pounds thereof to my Sonne William Blackman

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne Maurice Blackman my Lease and Tearme of Yeares right and Title of and in my dwellinghouse Tenements Warehouses and Premisses with Thappurtenances in Saint Mary Acts (sic) in London valued att one Thousand pounds Sterling And I alsoe give to him the said Maurice Blackman my part Stock and Share in Shipp Welcome which Cost me five hundred pounds together w:th the gaine and proceeds thereof And I give to him my said Sonne Maurice the summe of ffifteene hundred pounds

ITEM I give to my said Sonne William Blackman the Summe of Two Thousand pounds and the Increase thereof which I have in Stock att the Sugarhouse in Woolwich in Comp:a with Master Luke Lucie and Captaine William Ryder to be imployed for his advantage untill he shall attaine to his age of one and Twentie yeares as my Executors and Overseers shall direct (he running the hazard of Losse that may hapen therein And I give to my said Sonne William the summe of one Thousand pounds more of lawfull monie of England to be paid when he shall attaine to his age of one and Twentie yeares

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Loveing Brother Joseph Blackman the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid within one yeare next after my decease if he be then liveing to receive the same

ITEM I give and forgive to my brother Thomas Prince the Summe of five hundredpounds which is part of the summe he oweth me and I give to my Sister Prince now Wife of the said Thomas the summe of twentie pounds per Annum to be paid her by my Executors and alsoe one yearely summe or payment of Tenn pounds per Annum to be paid her by my Executors out of my Estate during theTearme of her naturall life And I give the Children of my said Sister The summe of one hundred pounds a peece of lawfull English mony to be paid att the day of marriage or age of twentie yeares of each of them respectivie which shall first happen

ITEM I give to Aphuerus Ridgmorter and William Ridgmorter Sonnes of my now Wife Elizabeth Blackman by her former husband the Summe of twentie pounds a peece of lawfull English monie and to my freind Captaine John Manne and his now Wife I give the summe of ffiftie pounds which Iformerlie Lent her (sic) and I give to Elizabeth Snelling the Summe of fiftie pounds to be paid out of the hundred pounds her Mother oweth me

ITEM I give to the Children of my Cozen William Hargreaves the Summe of Twentie pounds a peece and I give to my Cozen Jefferyes and her Children the like Summe of Twentie pounds a peece

ITEM I give to ffrancis Abrathwaite (sic) and James Abrathwaite the summe of tenn pounds a peece and to John Bull I give the summe of Twenty pounds

ITEM I give to Mistris Mayer whoe doeth attend me in my sicknesse the summe of Twenty pounds and To Susan Temple I give the summe of Twenty pounds And


I give to Elizabeth the Wife of [BLANK] Wheeler the Summe of Twentie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare freind Maurice Thomson Esquire and Coll: George Thompson and Cap:t William Ryder the Summe of Twentie pounds a peece as a remembrance of my Love

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Olives Southwarke the Summe of Tenne pounds per Annum in ffee Simple forever to be purchased in some convenient place and setled on them in due forme of Lawe by my Executors hereunder named with the advice of my Overseers

ITEM I give and bequeath the summe of one hundred pounds towards setling of a free Schools for poore Seamens Children to be educated in the knowledge of Christ and in reading and writing to be paid when the said Schoole is setled att East India house in Poplar soo as the same Schoole to be there setledwithin Seaven yeares next after my decease and I give to Master Cooper and Master ?Pening preachers of Godsword in the said parish of Olives Southwarke the summe of Tenne pounds a peece

And my will and minde is that if anie more of my Estate Then the Summe or value of One Thousand pounds shall miscarrie or be lost before the Legacies of my said Children Susan, Maurice, and William shall be paid them Then I will that the same Losse shall be equally borne and sustained betweene them proportionably according to their respective Legacies And in case my said Sonne Jeremy Blackman shall decease or die unmarried my Will is that the whole Estate and Executorshipp by this my last Will bequeathed unto him shall be had and for ever inioyed by my said Sonne Maurice Blackman his heires Executors and assignes And if the said Maurice Blackman his portion of Three Thousand pounds shall in such casebe equallie had and inioyed betweene the said William and Susan Blackman or by the Survivour of them And if the said Maurice & William or either of them shall happen todecease before his or their portion shall be due Then the portion or portions of him or themsoe deceasing shall be had and inioyed one halfe by the said Jeremy and the other halfe equallie betweene the Survivour or Survivours of his two Brothers and Sister And I doe require my Executors that nothing be acted or done Concerning this my Will without the Consent of my Overseers And I doe Charge and require all my children on the blessing of a tender ffather to ffeare God to love one and another and to be advised by my Executors and Overseers hereafter named Concerning their disposall in marriage and if anie of my Children shall refuse to followe that Councell and direction given them to feare God and be advised as aforesaid by my said Executors and Overseers Then in such Case I give and bequeath a full moyetie or halfe part of his her or their portion whoe shall not be advised as aforesaid unto my other Children to be devided amongst them as my said Executors and Overseers shall thinke fitt and they to stand in place and stead of me theire ffather when I am gonn to God my Saviour

All thereof of my Messuages Lands Tenements Shipping monies plate Goods and Estate whereof I shall die possessed or interested in my aforesaid Legacies and my debts and funerall charges first paid and deducted I wholie give and bequeath unto my said Sonne Jeremy Blackman for ever



I ordaine and make the said Captaine William Ryder and my said Sonn Jeremy Blackman ffull and sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament And Overseers thereof I nominate and appoynte the said Maurice Thomson and George Thompson Esquire

In Witness whereof to this my last Will and Testament written in six sheetes or Leaves of paper each of them subscribed with my owne hand being fixed together I have sett my Seale the day and yeare first above written

Jer Blackman

Signed sealed and delivered and as for the last Will and Testament of the said Jeremy Blackman the Testator pronounced in presence of us Maurice Thomson John Bull ?Huw Towne Scr.

THIS WILL WAS PROVED ATT LONDON The Twentie first day of November In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred fiftie and six before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations Lawfully authorized by the oath of Cap:t William Ryder one of the Executors named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased was granted and Committed he being first Legallie sworne trulie and faythfully to administer xr Power being ?referred to Jeremy Blackman the Sonn and other Executor (sic) to make like probate when he shall comeand in legall manner desire the same


See possible primary sources


C 5/94/7 Short title: St John v Blackman. Plaintiffs: Elizabeth St John. Defendants: Lucie Blackman. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Jacob Lucie of St Katherine Colman, London. Document type: bill, answer. SFP 1690
C 5/95/50 Short title: Turney v Blackman. Plaintiffs: George Turney and Anthony Turney. Defendants: Lucie Blackman and others. Subject: personal estate of the deceased George Turney. Document type: bill, answer, and schedule. 1691
C 5/100/55 Short title: Van den Bemde v Blackman. Plaintiffs: John Van den Bemde. Defendants: Lucie Blackman and another. Subject: property in Fenchurch Street, London. Document type: bill, two answers and schedule. 1691
C 5/125/44 Short title: Vandenbende v Blackman. Plaintiffs: John Van den Bemde. Defendants: Lucie Blackman. Subject: property in Fenchurch Street, London. Document type: answer only. 1697
C 5/191/33 Short title: Vandenbende v Blackman. Plaintiffs: John Van den Bemde. Defendants: Mary Blackman, Anne Blackman, Elizabeth Blackman and Susan Blackman. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Lucie Blackman. Document type: answer only. 1697
C 5/191/56 Short title: Vanderbende v Blackman. Plaintiffs: John Van den Bemde. Defendants: Lucie Blackman and another. Subject: property in Fenchurch Street, London. Document type: bill, two answers. 1691
C 5/128/43 Short title: Webb v Blackman. Plaintiffs: Richard Webb. Defendants: Anne Blackman widow. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, and schedule. 1697

C 9/302/72 London, St. Catherine Coleman, Churchwardens of v. Blackman, Lucie 1692