MRP: HCA 13/125
HCA 13/125
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18/05/12, CSG: Created page
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- 4 Sample transcriptions
- 4.1 Case: Libell on the behalfe of Jeremie Crewe: Personal answer: John Moore: Date: XXXX
- 4.2 Case: Libell against them on behalfe of John Harris and John Powicke: Personal answers: Edward Bellamye and Thomas Day: Date: XXXX
- 4.3 Case: Libell on the behalfe of Thomas Pearse, John Maddox, & others: Personal answer: William Thomas: Date: XXXX
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Sample transcriptions
Case: Libell on the behalfe of Jeremie Crewe: Personal answer: John Moore: Date: XXXX
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//sail to Marselles, and then to
Barbary and backe to Marselles
againe where this rendent by order
and w:th the consent of all or the
Maior part of her Owners left
her in the possession of another master
the ffreight of allw:ch voyages except
the ffreight of the yoyage wherein
the said ship was in the service of
the State; this rendent beleeveth
he receaved and hath
accounted for the same unto the
Owners of the said shipp And
otherwise for his part, he doth not
beleeve the said posicon to be true
in anie pt thereof,
To the ffowerth p:rted posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth that the
voyage from hence to Newfound
land and soe to Mallaga and hence
to London the said shipp cleered in
the whole shipp 105:li & not above
as he beleeveth, and in the next
voyage from hence to Mallaga, &
home againe 107:li & not above as
he beleeveth 14:li whereof more
than his share & Randall Crewe
receaved of under M:r Roydeon and
for the voyage in the service of//
//of the State the said shipp iXXXX XXX
had beene XXX ?did cleere betwixt
eight and nine hundred poundes about 500:li
whereof is still unpaid and the remainder
beinge about 400:li and Daniel Bright
one of the Owners of the said shipp
receaved & paid to everie Owner
as he beleeveth theire XXXXX XX
shares thereof And for the last voyage
from hence to Barcellona and
then to Marselles and soe to Barbary
and Marcelles againe this rendent
beleeveth there was losse uppon the
said voyage about 440. or 450:li by
reason the said shipp was imbargoed.
att Marcelles by the space of sixe
monthes the Plague beinge
then aboard her And otherwise for
his part savinge his former annswers
he doth not beleeve the said posicon
to be true in anie part thereof
To the ffyfth prtended posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth that hee
this rendent beinge w:th the same
shipp the Jerimye att Marcelles
& haveinge extraordinary occasions
of his owne by reason of some estate
which fell unto him here in England//
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//ba the death of an Uncle to come home
for England this rendent did intimate
the said occasions and necessities
unto M:r Gilbert Morrewood M:r
Richard ?Shute and M:r Daniel
Bright being the principall Owners
of the said shipp, and desired of
them that they would be pleased
to signifie this rendents necessities
unto the rest of the Owners of the
said shipp or the Maior part of them
Leave for this rendent to come for
England, and allsoe to have libertie to
leave the said Tymothie Crave as
M:r in the said shipp in his steade
w:ch request this rendent beleeveth
they or some of them did signifie
& make knowne unto all or the next
of the Owners of the said Shipp the
Jeremie and thereuppon the said
Owners or the Mairor pte of them
as he beleeveth did give leave unto
this rendents comeinge for England
and leaveinge the said Craven (sic) as M:r
in his steede and there thereuppon this
rendent beleeveth that he haveinge
receaved the said order he did leave
//the said sshipp in the possession of the said
Cravens as Master of her, and came away
for England And this rendent beleeveth
the same was donne wthout the knowledge
of the said Jeremie Crow?ehothon &
Still being as this rendent beleeveth
in the East Indies And otherwise for
his pte he doth not beleeve the said
posicon to be true in anie pte thereof
To the sixth pretended posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth XX that
after such tyme as the arlate Craven
came into the said shipp the Jeremie
he did make onlie one voyage w:ch was
from Marcelles to Scanderoone and
soe to Marcelles againe, and that att
his returne thither before his fraight
was paid as this rendent beleeveth his
Merchant broke soe that he lost all his
freight as he beleeveth And
otherwise for his pte he doth not beleeve
the said posicon to be true in anie
pte thereof
To the seaventh ?the sd posicon he
answeareth that for his pte he doth
not beleeve the same posicon to be
true in anie pte thereof
To the eight (sic) pretended posicon he
answeareth & beleeveth that after the//
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//the foresaid breakeinge of the said
Merchants freighters, the said
Cravens not haveing monies to paye
the marriners theire wages for the
said voyage the said Marriners
arrested the said shipp for the same &
by course of Lawe att Marcelles the
said Shipp was condemned and sould
for the payment of the said
Marriners wages & other debts then
due, uppon her the said Owners not takeing
order to pay the said wages, and other
debts then due uppon her
in tyme And otherwise
for his pte he doth not beleeve the
same posicon to be true in anie pte
To the nineth pretended posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth that the
shipp the Jeremie when Shee went
to Sea uppon her last voyage under the
said Craven was worth the summe of
600:li and not alone as he beleeveth And
otherwise for his pte he doth not
beleeve the said posicon to be
true in anie pte thereof
To the tenth the sad posicion he//
//he answeareth and beleevth that att such
tyme as this rendent first came to be
M:r of the shipp the Jeremie arlate he
had and receaved from the Owners of her
whereof the said Jeremie Crow was
none the summe of 400:li and not above
as he beleeveth for the stocke of the
same shipp for w:ch this rendent hath long
since accounted unto the Owners thereof
And otherwise for his parte he doth
not beleeve the said posicon soe
farr as the same concerns the ?said
Jeremie Crowe to be true anie
pte thereof.
To the Eleaventh prted posicon he
answeareth that for his pte he doth
beleeve that he this rendent never
payd unto the said Crowe anie pte
of the proffitts of anie of the XXXX
voyages or ever made him anie Accompte
of the same in regard he was noe
partowner as he beleeveth And otherwise
for his pte he doth not beleeve this
posicon to be true in anie part thereof
To the Twelveth the said posicon he
answeareth and beleeveth that ?for
this rendent haveing notice and
intelligence that the said shipp was
bound from Marcelles to Scanderoone
& soe to Marcelles againe did att
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//the imptantie and desire of M:r Gilbert
Moorewood, and some other of her
Owners and the said Cravens
mother cause an Assurance for the
said voyage onlie and noe longer to
be made uppon the said shipp to the
value of ?700:li and not above as he
beleeveth the Premio whereof this
rendent beleeveth the said Cravens
mother paid w:ch voyage being
ended and the said shipp comeinge
safe to Marcelles againe the same
was discharged, and voyded And
otherwise for his pte he doth not
beleeve the said posicon to be
true in anie pte thereif
To the 13:th and 14:th the said posicons
he answeareth and referreth himselfe
to the Registrie of this Court
To the last he answeareth and
beleeveth what he hath formerly
beleeved: And otherwise negatively
JN:° MOORE His signature//
Case: Libell against them on behalfe of John Harris and John Powicke: Personal answers: Edward Bellamye and Thomas Day: Date: XXXX
//Repeated before
D:r Exton one of
the Judges x:r
1:° Junij 1652
Edward Bellamye and Thomas
Day made to the posicons of a
libell given in against them on y:e
parte and behalfe of John
Harris & John Powicke doe
To the first pretended posicon they and
either of them answere and referr themselves
to the Contracte or Charterpartie made
betwixte these repsondents and the said
Harris and Powicke for y:e said Shippe and
voyage and remayneinge in the hands of the said
Harris and Powicke as they beleeve which
said contracts these respondents beleebe to
bee true and to bee signed sealed &, delivered
by them and otherwise for their partes they
now either of them doe not beleeve the said
posicon to bee true in any parte thereof
To the second pretended posicon they and
either of them answere, and beleeve
that the said shippw was to enter into pay
upon y,e eighteenth day of march 1647
And otherwise for their parts they now either
of them doe not beleeve the said posicon
to bee true in any parte thereof.
To the third pretended posicon they
answere that for their parts they doe
not beleeve the said posicon to bee true
in any parte thereof.//
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//or parte thereof, and on purpose to
deceave these respondents of their
shippe and freight as they beleeve
they tould these responedents the said
shipp was leakye and that they had lost
her at Cales And otherwise fir their pts
they nor either of them doe not beleeve
the said posicon to bee true in any
parte thereof.
To the 15:th pretendsed (sic) they and
either of them answer that for their
parts they doe not beleeve the said posicon
to bee true in any parte thereof
EDWARD BELLAMY [His signature]
THOMAS DAY [His signature]
Case: Libell on the behalfe of Thomas Pearse, John Maddox, & others: Personal answer: William Thomas: Date: XXXX
Repeated before
D:r Exton one of the
Judges x:r)
The psonall answer of William Thomas
made to the posicons of an Allegacon
given in against him on the behalfe of
Thomas Pearse; John Maddox and others
doe follow.
To the first pretended posicon hee answereth that
for his parte hee doth not beleeve the said posicon to
bee true in any pte thereof
To the second pretensed posicon hee answereth that
for his parte hee doth not beleeve the said poscon
to be true in any pte thereof, Saveing that hee
beleeveth that the Citty of Bristoll was in the
moneth of Aprill and May 1643. and untill
July next following under the Power and
commande of the Parliament./
To y:e. 3:d//
//To the .3:d. pretended posicon hee answereth and
beleeveth that in or about July .1643: the citty
of Bristoll, and the porte thereof were taken &
surprized, by the late Kings foreces and were
contynewed (sic) in his possession untill September. 1645
and noe longer as hee beleeveth And otherwise
for his parte. hee doth not beleeve the said posicon
to be true in any parte./
To the .4.:th pretensed posicon hee answereth and
beleiveth that in or about August .1643. the said
shipp the Charles and her ladeing were surprized
and taken as a prize by some shipps under
the command of the late Kinge and brought into
Bristoll and there adiudged and condemned as
Lawfull prize as this rendent beleeveth, And
otherwise for his parte, hee doth not beleeve the
said posicon to bee true in any pte thereof./
To the .5:th pretended posicon hee answereth &
belevieth, that the Boatswayne of the said
shipp the Charles, did live and inhabit in
Bristoll, at such tyme as this rendent first
bought nyne sixteenth parts of the said shipp
the Charles and before, And otherwise for his
pte hee doth not beleeve the said posicon to bee
true in any pte thereof./
To the sixt pretensed posicon hee answeareth that
for his pte hee doth not beleeve the said posicon
to bee true in any pte thereof./
To the seaventh pretensed posicon hee answereth
that for his parte; hee doth not beleeve the said
posicon to bee true in any pte thereof Saveinge
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