HCA 13/72 f.133r Annotate

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tooke the Sampsons boate from her side as shee rode there in
Carlisle bay, and therewith went aboard the frigot the Marston moore
(Captaine Mings commander) there alsoe riding in the immediate
service of this Commonwealth, and in the evening came aboard againe
into the Sampson, and saith that the next morning the Lieutenant of the
said frigot came aboard the Sampson and demanded him, saying
where is this yong man Cox, that came and proffered his service to
our Captaine last night, whereupon the said Cox presently went
downe and fetcht his clothes and voluntarily went along with the said
Lieutenant in the frigote boate, and soe deserted the said shipp
Sampson, and his service therein contrary to the good will and liking of
the said Norbrooke master of the Sampson, who declared much dislike
of such his departure, and was constrained to hire another man one Morgan
to serve in the place and stead of the said Cox, All which premisses
hee knoweth to be true, because hee was present and saw and heard
the same, and being Carpenter of the said shipp Sampson.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee favoureth and would give the victory (if it were in his
power) according to right, and the producent and hee are of kinn
in a very remote degree of affinity, namely this deponents mothers
brother, maried the said Norbrookes aunt, and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith the said Cox behaved himselfe well while
hee was aboard and performed his duties for ought this deponent
tooke notice to the contrary, And otherwise hee cannot answere saving
as aforesaid, and saving it was against his dutie to take the ships
boate from her side and goe aboard another shipp without leave of
the master or other officer.

To the third and fourth hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the fifth hee saith hee doth not remember how many monethes
the mariners continued at the Sampson after such desertion by
the said Cox, and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 6th hee saith hee doth not remember that any of the
Sampsons company died at the Barbadas the said voyage:

See the third in A.9.

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Godolphin.

John frannsen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The second of November 1657.

Lord Protector against the Tobaccoes}
in the Saint Nicholas aforesaid.}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Row d.t. 3.

Captaine John Aylet of London
Mariner, aged 30 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.

To the first, second, 3. 4 and 5th hee saith that hee this deponent
being prisoner at Santa domingo in hispaniola, saw the arrivall
there of the shipp the Nicholas (Nicholas Johnson master) with
wines and eighteene peeces of Ordnance, and with a person in her
that came from Cadiz and was sent by the king of Spaine to bee
Governour or President of Santa domingo, and saith the said ordnance
were brought for a fortification at Santa domingo, and this deponent
saw them there taken ashore for the kings account And such arivall of the said vessell was