Notes on HCA 13/67 depositions
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The claime of Adrian Goldsmith and company for the shipp the Morning Starr Henry Lawreson Veger Master
- Owners of the ship were Adrian Goldsmith (1/2); Giles Billet ("in right of Vincent Clingenbergh of Hamborough), and Phillip da Papa of the rest; Henry Lawreson Veger Master (of Ostend) (1/16)
- NOTE: Philip da Papa may well be "Philip da Paep - living at Ostend; merchant; consignee on behalf of George Boschaert, merchant of Antwerp, of silver sent from Boschaert's three factors in Cadiz"
- Henry Lawreson Veger described Adrian Goldsmith as a "merchant of Antwerp", saying he dwelled there with his wife and family for the last two years; Veger described Gilles Billet as an inhabitant at Gant for the last 20 months, and that "Phillip da Papa dwelt formerly at Dunquirke but hath lived at Ostend ever since the ffrench tooke Dunquirke which was about 6 yeares since"
- July 1652 owners of the Morning Starr set out and imployed her from Ostend for Mallega, "and to touch by the way at Biscay a porte of Spaine thereabouts to put men ashore that were transported from fflanders for the service of the Kinge of Spaine"
- Took in a lading of wine and fruite at Mallega and returned for Flanders
- Seized by the English in her course for Ostend