Tools: Basic wiki skills & palaeographical tips
[hide]Wiki practice
Creating a short biography
We will practice wiki writing skills by each writing a short text profile and uploading a thumbnail photograph to accompany the text.
The profiles should be published on the page named Biographies
Writing wiki text
(1) Go to the page named Biographies and click on the edit button in the top right hand corner of the page. You will need to be logged into the wiki with your UserName and Password to be able to get into edit mode.
(2) Type in the text of your profile. Use carriage return and a line space if you wish to separate lines in the text when published.
(3) Make use of bold, underlining and italics as you see fit in your text.
(4) Click "Save page" at the bottom of the page in edit mode to save and publish the text
(5) To change the content, highlighting and layout return to edit mode, make your desired changes and save the page again.
(6) To view earlier versions of the page click "View history" in the top right hand corner of the page
Uploading a photograph for your profile
To upload a photograph you will need to do the following:
(1) Go to the Tools header in the vertical sidebar of the MarineLives wiki and click on "Upload File"
(2) Use the browse option under "Source file" to find the name of the photograph you wish to upload, and select this file
(3) Click the "Upload file" at the bottom of the "Upload file" window
(4) A new window will open which will display the file you have uploaded
(5) Insert the uploaded file into your profile of yourself using the following code: XXXXX
Adding to the HCA 13/63 index of deponents
We have begun to create an online index of deponents (witnesses) for the volume of English Admiralty Court depositions named HCA 13/63
To practice creating text links within the MarineLives wiki, we would like each of you to add to this index.
Go to the index, which you will find at the top the HCA 13/63 summary page, or you can right click on HCA 13/63 Deponents - by folio to open the index in a separate window.
Introductory reading on the English Admiralty Court