HCA 13/73 f.441r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.441r.

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HCA 13/73 f.441r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and saith that soe farr as ever hee could heare, noe shipps of holland or hollanders
nor others whatsoever that were not Spaniards or subiects of the king of Spaine have
bin or are permitted to traffique in the said places of the West Indies, or to carry any
goods thence, and soe strict are the Spaniards there, that they will not suffer fflandreanes
or other forreine subiects of the king of Spaine to traffique there, nor any but what
are meer Spaniards, and saith that as this deponent hath non informed by two of
the officers of the said shipp Mary, the said goods seized, were laded by Mexia de Herera
a Spaniard, and (as they said they beleeved) for the account of Spaniards, And
further hee cannot depose saving what followeth.

To the second, third, and fourth hee saith that severall of the company of the Santa
Maria, as alsoe the dutch master and pretended Sopracargo have confessed and
acknowledged in this deponents presence shortly after the said seizure, that the said
shipp was set out from Santa Crice under the command of the arlate Juan
Mexia de herera, and there were severall Spaniards there shipped upon her
to the number of twenty, and that they sailed from thence to Santa domingo, and
that they did weare the Spanish colours both at Santa Cruce and at Santa domingo
during the time of her stay there, and that the outward cargo of the said
shipp was sold by the said Mexia de herera, and the shipp careened and
fitted for her retourne by his order, and when soe fitted, the hides, [?cacoa]
and other her said goods were laded aboard by him at Santa domingo, And
this deponent verily beleeveth, that the said shipps cargo that was soe seized
would have proved without any further testimony to be for the account
of Spanish subiects by the papers that were aboard, and were throwne
overboard by the said Spanish Captaine Juan Mexia de herera or his order, as
severall of the company confessed that they were, and saith that the dutch master
and pretended sopra cargo, could not denie the same when the truth thereof
was demannded by Admirall Stokes in this deponents presence. And
further deposeth not.

To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that hee hath alsoe heard severall
of the said company of the Mary say and acknowledge to the effect [?deXXX]
in this article, and further hee cannot depose.

To the sixth hee saith that hee hath alsoe heard severall of the said
shipp Mary her company confesse and say that upon her retourne after having
touched at Santa Cruce and comming towards the coast of Spaine, they discovered
a fleete of ffrench shipps comming from Newfoundland towards the streights
mouth, and not knowing what they were and fearing that they might be
examined by them, the said Spanish Capataine Juan Mexia de herera did
cause his Spanish colours and papers to be put into a bagg, and that they
were given into the hand of a boatswaines mate of the said shipp, to be
heaved over board, and that the same were heaved over board accordingly,
and soe much the said boatswaines mate himselfe confessed to this
deponent soone after the said seizure. And further deposeth not.

To the seaventh article hee saith that hee hath heard the effect of the
said article acknowledged by most of the said shipps company. And further
deposeth not.

To the eighth hee saith that this deponent found the said shipp the Santa
Maria on or about the 29th of October 1658 in the night in the
Bay of Gibraltar dischardging part of her goods into a fflute that
was sent from Cadiz to receive them, the master of which flute did at