MRP: Style Sheet One

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Style Sheet One

Editorial History

14/05/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Synthesis
See Transcription

To do

Style Sheet details


  • Meaning of abbreviations
  • Representing abbreviations
  • Use of superscript lines

Blotting out

  • Use of blotting out in primary text
  • Representing blotting out in transcription


  • Detecting capitalisation in primary text
  • Use of capitalisation in primary text
  • Representing capitalisation in transcription


  • Use of colons in primary text
  • Representing colons in transcription


  • Use of commas in primary text
  • Representing commas in transcription

Crossing out

  • Use of crossing out and cross hatching in primary text
  • Representing crossing out and cross hatching in transcription


  • Different use of dashes in primary text
  • Representation of different uses of dashes in transcription

  • Double dashes
  • Single dashes


  • Use of dots in primary text
  • Representing dots in transcription

Full stops

  • Use of full stops in primary text
  • Representing full stops in transcription

EXAMPLE: "in the yeare 1652. and moneths therein"


  • Recognising different scripts

Headlines or headers

  • Use of headlines or headers in primary text
  • Representing headlines or headers found in primary text

Line length & line runover

  • Determining line end in primary text
  • Variable line length
  • Text run on to next line


  • Reading marginalia in primary text
  • Reproducing marginalia in transcription


  • Reading numerals on primary text
  • Representing numerals in transcription

  • Arabic numerals
  • Roman numerals

Page layout

  • End of page
  • Start of page
  • Text in LH or RH margin
  • Text on LH side of page
  • Text on RH side of page


  • Determining use of paragraphs in primary text
  • Indicating start and end of paragraphs in transcription


  • Recognition and transcription of mid-C17th punctuation

See Colons
See Commas
See Full stops
See Semi-colons


  • Use of semi-colons in primary text
  • Representing semi-colons in transcription

Signatures (and Marks, if illiterate)

  • Reading signatures in primary text
  • Reading signature marks, where interrogate is illiterate
  • Reproducing signatures in transcription
  • Reproducing signature marks in transcription

Text size

  • Use of different text size in primary text
  • Representing text size in trancription
