Tools: Linkage tips
Linkage tips
Editorial history
Created 19/06/13, by CSG
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B is for Brandenburgh and Bushell, 25/05/2013
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[hide]Linking types of fact
Linking events
Linking people
Example: William Venus, shipwright, of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey
HCA 13/65 f.?v P1180290
William Venus identifies himself in a deposition in HCA 13/65 as a 41 year old shipwright of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalene. He is illiterate, signing his deposition with his mark, and identifies the Charterparty of the ship the Thomas and Sara having seen it and "heard reade unto him". The Thomas and Sara was a ship of 260 tonns burthen, commanded by Thomas Greene, who was also a part owner of the ship ("Thomas Greene and Company".
The same day (XXX) Examined upon
the said allegation
Rp. 2.
William Venus of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen
Bermondsey, Shipwright aged 41 yeares or therabouts
wittness Examined and sworne deposeth as followeth videlicet
HCA 13/65 f.?r P1180291
HCA 13/72 f.88v
34. On the 27th of August 1657.
35. <margin value="Left">Rp 2</margin>
36. William Venus of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen[e GUTTER]
37. Bermondsey in the County of Surry Ship wright,
38. aged about 42 yeares, a wittnes produced, sworne
39. and examined deposeth as followeth videlicet./
40. To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and saith
41. That he the deponent well knoweth the arlate shipp the Six
42. Brothers having gone fower voyages in her as Carpenter of
43. her, and that the last voyage the sayd shipp made ˹was˺ from
44. Porto=port in Portugall from to this Port of London
45. in the months arlate, during which time the arlate William
46. Greene, was of this deponents certaine knowledge Master and
47. Commander of her
HCA 13/72 f.115r
William Venus, again described as aged 42, deposes alongside his contest Thomas Greene, mariner, of the parish of Saint mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, age 34, both having been requested to inspect the lighter attending the Six Brothers, in which William Venus sailed as a ship=carpenter. The Six Brothers was commanded by William Greene (presumably a relative of Thomas Greene), as is stated by Thomas Greene in his deposition. (HCA 13/72 f.XXX)
Comparing markes of William Venus in HCA 13/65 and HCA 13/72
Linking places
Linking ships
Linking within a deposition volume
Linking between deposition volumes
Linking between different HCA record categories
HCA depositions & HCA instance papers