HCA 13/73 f.584r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.584r.

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HCA 13/73 f.584r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Current Transcription

<series>HCA 13/73</series>
<status>First cut transcription started and completed on 31/08/14 by Thomas Davies; edited on 28/10/14 by Colin Greenstreet</status>
<first-transcriber>Thomas Davies</first-transcriber>

Ad jum 2. et 3 positiones dicit that for and during all the moneths
of September, October and November 1658 and before
the Lillate John Martin was master of the lillate ship the
and had the care and charge of her as Master and was then
commonly accounted to be a part owner of the said ship, and
verily beleeveth that hee became master of her by and with the
consent of her Owners and saith that the deponent made severall
voyages in the said ship, from hence to Newcastle and was
hired to serve in her by the said Martin, who alsoe hired the rest
of the Mariners that served in her and the said Martin.
used to trade from hence to Newcastle for coales. And
hee had the mannageing and ordering of the said ship those
voyages, and used to buy in her provisions, and alsoe the Coles
to lade her, and and hee alsoe sold the same, and did keepe the Accounts
of Receipts and disbursements in, upon , and concerning the said
ship by Consent of her Owners et alr nescit, saving the said ship
is of the burthen of two hundred and seaventy Tons or thereabouts/ [?amount or]

Au 4: 5 et 6. dicit that in or about the month of September
1658 the said ship the Tymothy arrived in the River
of Newcastle, this deponent being then Carpenter of her, and
the same Martin the Master of the said ship did then want and
stand in need of money to buy Coales to Lade the said ship
and alsoe to buy provisions for her Company, And the
said Martin being in such want did repaire unto the lilate
John Taylor of Gateside aforesaid, and acquainted him there which
and intreated and importuned the said Taylor, (in this deponents
presence and hearing) to be ayding and assisting to him the
said Martin in the borrowing of forty or fifty pounds to helpe
to buy provisions and Coales lade the ship, and thereupon
the said John Taylor did use his endeavours to furnish him
and did at his request become bound unto one Thomas
Harrison togeather with him the said John Martin in the summe
of ffourescore pounds for payment of fifty pounds which said
summe of fifty pounds was lent by the said Harrison to
the said Martin to lade his ship with Coales and buy
provisions to the end shee might proceed upon her voyage
and having now seene the first schedule lilate hee saith
the same is the said originall bond, and was signed and sealed
by the said Martin and Taylor in the presence of this deponent
one Mr John Preston and one Thomas Pattison, and to
the rest hee referreth himselfe to the said bond which is true and reall And
further cannot depose saving that the said Martin told
this deponent at his being at Newcastle the said time before
he borrowed the said summe that hee had not above five pounds

Ad 7um et schedulum in eadem mentionat dicit et deponit that
in consideration of the said John Taylor being bound with the said
Martin to the said Harrison as aforesaid the said Martin
did become bound unto the said Taylor and alsoe bound the said