MRP: Tobell Aylmer will
Tobell Aylmer
PROB 11/312 Juxon 103-150 Will of Tobell Aylmer, Draper of London 16 September 1663
[RH Margin] J:m Tabello Aylmer
In the name of God Amen this six and Twente Day of July in the year of our Lord Christ 1657 I Tobell Aylmer citizen and draper of London being in helth of body and soundnesse of mind to God alone be the praised doth make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First I will and bequeath my Soule as God my Maker that gave it trusting above and only in Christ my Saviour By whose merritts and passion is salvation to and me and to all believing christians My Body to be buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named My iust and due debts being paid and ffunerall charges
ITEM I give to my dear daughter Margarett Grigg all my Lands in Southwoode (CSG: or Southwould) after y:e decease of Edith perin with twenty Shillings yearely to be paid by the said Edith perin unto my daughter Margarett whose Estate is only for her life upon the payment of the XXXXXXX Part of the twenty shillings yet owing (?)
And to her heirs forever
ITEM I give moore unto my dear daughter Margaret to whom I have already given a portion and to her Eyres forever all my Lands att Snowmill in Holbourne conduit But my Will and Meaning is that the full proffitt or Rent shall be paid unto my Executrix for seven years after my death for and towards the payment of my debts
ITEM I give to my Grandchild Mary Grigg and to her Eyres forever my five little houses in Clarke Raven Alley in Christ church prsh if she shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeare or day of Marriage
ITEM my mind & will is And I make and ordaine my goode freinde Edith perin of London Widdow my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I give unto her All my Goods and householdestuffe whatsoever as shall my house on Ludgatehill and the house where now I dwell And the Rent and proffitt of my lease of the chequer at Doughgate And my Lease in Carter Lane so long as shee shall live for and towards y:e true payment of my iust debts some of which shee the said Edith is ingagedd with me for and hath promised payment of the Residue being in all abought thurten hundred pounds or ther abouts and for her better security long since I have by deed conveyghed unto her my Lease where now I live and all my householdstuffe & goods whatsoever w:ch now I doe confirme unto her
Also I give and bequeath unto Edith my Executrix for the better Inabling her in paying my debts I give and bequeath all debts Bills Bonds Statutes Doquets whatsoever and oweing unto me of what person soever in this world not ommitting of her care and ffaithfulness in pformeing of this my Will and some as her trust not heare expressed concerning my daughter and Grandchild especially As also concerning some other relations which I wholely leave to her mind and after my debts are iustly paid
IN WITNES hereof I publish this my last will and Testament and sett hereunto my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Tobell Aylmer published in the psence of William CXXXX Henry Sanders (?) Anne Gultford
Probatum fuit Testamentum
Edith perin
See profile of [Tobell Aylmer]