HCA 13/72 f.245v Annotate

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[XX] ad Interr fol. 5 [XX]ned.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated the second of March before
doctor Godolphin./

Phillip Griffin [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the same allegation

Rp. 2us

Edward Barton of the parish of Saint Peter neere
Paules Wharfe London Merchant aged twenty two yeares
and upwards a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
hee this deponent was in the yeares 1655 and 1656 arlate Agent at the
Barbados for the arlate Isaack Barton and one Mr Samuell Pixley and Richard
Pixley and Captaine John Wills who were the Owners of the arlate
shipp the ffreindshipp which shipp was by them as Owners consigned to
this deponent as their agent at the Barbados and was (as by letters of
Correspondence sent from them to this deponent hee was given to understand
fitted and furnished for the voyage in question videlicet for a voyage to bee
made with her from London to the Bite in Guinney and thence to
proceed with Negroes to the Barbados and thence to be dispatched
by this deponent for London And the arlate hyatt was appointed Master of her the
sayd voyage and continued Master of her untill after her arrivall in the
Barbados where the sayd hyatt falling distracted as hereafter more at large
is in this deponents declared this deponent hyred an other to [returne GUTTER]
theare for London as Master And hee saith that Thomas Towers Oliver [Xedge= GUTTER]
more R[XXXX]n Griffin Jarvis Browne William Pollard William ffrost and John
Trigg in the sayd second article mentioned and other the Mariners of the sayd shipp
did in the Barbados acknowledge and confesse to this deponent that they
were hyred by the sayd hyatt to goe from London to Guiney
and thence to the Barbados and thence to London and by his agreement
with them they were to receave their wages at their returne with the sayd
shipp from the Barbados to London only the Owners as they sayd had
promised to pay the their wives or freinds such as they should order to receave
it two months pay in their absence And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 3: 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith That
after the sayd shipp the ffreindshipp arrived at the barbados the arlate [XXXX GUTTER]
Griffin Trigg ffrost Pollard and others of the Marriners of the sayd shipp and one Sheldon Kightley Chirurgion of the sayd shipp did sue
the sayd hyatt the Master in the Court there upon a bond whoch (as it was there made apparent
upon the oathes of Anthony higgs and Thomas Parramore Mates of the sayd shipp
they had forced him to sett his hand to for payment of their wages at the
Barbados, which bond (as by the sayd higgs and Paramore their oathes it appeareth
they had forced the Master to seale, to appease a mutinie raised by them neere [CXXXXX GUTTER]
before the sayd shipp came into the Bite in Guinney whether shee was bound, in
which mutiny as by the same oathes appeared the sayd Towers and others the Mariners


Primary sources



C 9/24/39 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/24/48 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/24/47 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/26/40 Cock v. Pixley 1661
C 9/228/51
- C9/228/51 is a suit brought by John Cocke and his wife Anne Cocke (née Pixley) against the London merchant Thomas Pearle, the executor of Anne's deceased brother, the Smyrna based merchant John Pixley. The suit was brought in ?1659 and concerns Pearle's alleged withholding of moneys due to Anne as portion money sent as goods to Pearle in 1648 or 1649, and also Pearle's alleged failure to distribute funds realised from his subsequent executorship of John Pixley's estate. These latter funds allegedly should have been payed first to John's brother, Samuell Pixley, subsequently deceased, and then, by Samuell's will, to Anne and her sister.
- C 9/228/51 f.1
-- Concerns with will of the deceased John Pixley in a suit brought by Thoasm Cock. Mentions bequest to and transactions with Samuell Pixley
- C 9/228/51 f.2
-- Demurrer and plea of Thomas Pearle Defendant to the Bill of Complaint of John Cock and Anne his wife complainant
C 9/228/178 Pixley v. Cock 1661
C 9/409/267 Pixley v. Cock 1662

C 10/99/150 Pixley v Cocke 1663

C 22/237/44 Cox v Pixley. Between 1558 and 1714


PROB 11/221 Bowyer 52-106 Will of John Pixly, Merchant of Smyrna, Turkey 16 March 1652
- John Pixly described himself in his will as "of the Citty of London now resident in the Towne of Smyrna within the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Turky." He was almost certainly a factor for the London merchant Thomas Pearle, whom he made his sole executor. In Smyrna he was probably in partnership, or at least in a close trading relationship, with Mr. William Alvey, to whom he assigned "all Commissions or estate that may come recommended to my selfe and him joyntly." At the time of writing his will, when he was already sick, Francis Gough was his apprentice, having previously had William Gough, Francis' brother, as an apprentice. John Pixley left four siblings; two brothers and two sisters. The brothers were Samuell and Richard Pixly and the sisters Winifred and Ann Pixley. Samuell Pixley was also a merchant, and like Thomas Pearle, was a subscriber, after John Pixly's death, in the SVJS.
PROB 11/286 Will of Samuell Pixley, Merchant of London 01 February 1659

- Will refers to brother Richard Pixley, who was made Samuell Pixley's executor (" I give and bequeath to my brother Richard Pixley one hundred pounds to be paid Twelve months after my decease"; " I make and ordaine my loveing Brother Richard Pixley sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament nothing doubting but he will pay my debts and see all things performed as above and see mee decently interred "

Secondary sources

Willoughby A. Littledale (ed.), The registers of St. Bene't and St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, vol. 1V-burials London (1912)