HCA 13/71 f.558v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.558v.

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1. past during which time hee the said Butt hath cinstantly hadd and held
2. his family and domicile at Middleburgh in Zeeland and was and
3. is a Subiect of the States Generall of of the United Provinces, and
4. for and as such generally accompted reputed and taken. Which this
5. deponent well knoweth by familiar acquaintance with the said Peter
6. Butt in regard that the deponent inand during the time aforesaid
7. hath severall times from this Port of London transported and
8. delivered goods and merchandises consigned to the said Peter Butt
9. at his house in Middleburgh aforesaid. And further cannot depse
10. To the second hee saith hee knoweth notthing thereof, saving that this GUTTER
11. deponent hath credibly heard and understood as and for a thing
12. notorious and publique, That the said Peter Butt for severall
13. yeares before the time predeposed had resided and kept house and
14. family at dover in this Commonwealth.
15. To the third, 4:th and 5:th articles hee saith, That hee this deponent
16. well knoweth that the said Peter Butt hath in Companie with
17. this deponent made and performed severall voiages in and with
18. the said shipp the Waterhound as master thereof, and hath for
19. and in all those voiages and at all times since this deponent first be= GUTTER
20. came acquainted with him beene generally esteemed and reputed the
21. whole and sole Owner of the said shipp, and a Subiect of the
22. States aforesaid, without having any relation to Spanish fflanders
23. so farr as hee this deponen hath over heard or understood. And
24. further cannot depose
25. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true(/:.
27. To the Crosse Interrogatories;/ CENTRE HEADING
28. To the first hee saith hee knoweth not where ˹nor when˺ the Vessell interrate
29. was first built nor by whom, nor upon what accompt, And otherwise
30. negatively, saving his foregoeing deposition, to which hee referreth himselfe
31. To the second hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./
32. To the third hee saith, hee knoweth not of what Countrey the said XXX GUTTER
33. is Priginary, but saith his wife ˹now˺ liveth at Middleburgh, and that this
34. deponent hath severall times there delivered goods to her ˹particularly about two yeares XX GUTTER˺ upon the
35. sayd Butt her husbands accompt, for which shee payd this deponent
36. ffraight in the absence of her said husband.
37. To the 4:th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof
38. To the 5:th hee knoweth nothing thereof.
39. To the 6;th hee saith, That hee examinate well knoweth the interrate
40. Levinzs ffranck, and saith hee is a Burgher of Middleborough
41. a Merchant of great creditt and repute there and there hee
42. hath for many yeares successively dwelt and still dwelleth ˹and is a subiect of the said States˺ And
43. otherwise begatively, and cannot further depose
44. To the 7:th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, saving that hee
45. this rendent is a Subiect of the States aforesaid./

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner