MRP: Humphrey Gayer will

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Humphrey Gayer will


Editorial history

Abstract & context

See Sir John Gayer will (brother of Humphrey Gayer)
See Robert Gayer will (brother of Humphrey Gayer)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN and in consideration that the life of every man in this world is perfectly knowne to be very casuall and transitory and the time and hower thereof to every man uncertaine It is convenient and requisite for every man to sett his estate in such good sort and order that noe bariance strife or debate arise and grow of and for the same after his death

WHEREFORE I Humfry Gayer of Plymouth in the county of Devon Marchant being sicke in body but of perfect memory (praised be Allmighty god) doe make declare and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

IMPRIMIS I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my Maker Saviour and Redeemer and my body to Christian buriall when it shall please God to dispose thereof trusting assuredly by the death of his sonne Jesus Christ to inheritt eternall life

ITEM I give and bequeath to the poore of Plymouth five pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give and bequeath towards the erecting and building of ?Charles Church in Plymouth the summe of fourty pounds lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Gayer my daughter the summe of six hundred pound lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath into Margarett Gayer my daughter the summe of five hundred pouns lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Alice Gayer my daughter the summe of four hundred pounds lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Mary gayer my daughter the summe of foure hundred pounds lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Ann Gayer my daughter the summe of foure hundred


pounds lawfull English money And my will intent and meaning is that each of the severall Legacies soe as afoesaid severally given and bequeathed to each of my said daughters shalbe paid by my overseers herafter named to each of my said daughters as they shall respectively attaine the age of eighteene yeares or be married which shall first happen together with sich proffitt and beneffitt as by my said overseers in the meane time shalbe made and gotten by the imployement thereof And my will intent and meaneing alsoe is that if either or any of my said daughters shall dye before shee or they shall attaine the said age of eighteene yeares or be married That then the portion or portions of her or them soe dyeing shalbe and remaine unto the rest of my said daughters which shalbe liveing equally to be devided amongst them

ITEM I give and bequeath into my said daighters all my wives apparrell Jewells & rings equally to be devided amongst them (one gold ring sett on with a diamond which I give and bequeath into John Gayer my sonne only excepted)

ITEM I give and bequeath into ffrancis ?Jagee my servant for her opaynes and care in my sicknes the summe of five pounds lawfull English money

ITEM I give and bequeath into Radogan Millard my servant twenty shillings

ITEM I doe herby give grant devise and bequeath unto John Gayer my sonne and his heires for ever All my Messuage Lands tenements and hereditaments wherein I have any estate of inheritance and the rente revertion and service whatsoever scituate lying and being in the Countie of Devon and Cornwall or either of them or elsewhere within the Kingdome of England And in case my ssaid sonne shall happen to dye without issue of his body lawfully begotten I give grant devise and bequeath All and singular my said Messuages Lands tenements and hereditaments rente reverconns and service unto my aforesaid daughters Elizabeth Gayer Margarett Gayer Alice Gayer Mary gayer and Anne Gayer and their heires for ever

ITEM I doe hereby make constitute and ordaine the said John Gayer my sonne to bee the sole Executor of this my last will and testament And I doe hereby revoke all former wills and testaments by me made And doe desire S:ir John Gayer Lord Maior of the Citty of London, and Robert Gayer of London Marchant my brothers to each of whom I give a gold ring of twenty shillings vallue Jonathan Sparke Esq:r Edward Calmadye Esq:r Bartholomew Nicholls and William Geffery Marchants to bee the Overseers of this my last will and testament, And in case I dye during the minoritie of my aforesaid sonne and Executor my will is that my aforesaid overseers take letters of Administration of all my goods & chattells during the minority of my said sonne for th euse of my said sonne and satisfie my debts and Legacies And for the better accomplishing thereof I doe hereby will and give full power and authoritie (if needs require unto my said overseers ioyntly or severally to lease lett sell and dispose of my estate in such part therof as in their wisdome and discretions shallbe thought most fitt and conventient

IN WITNESSE whereof I the said Humphrie Gayer have to this my last will and testament sett my hand and seale even the eighteenth day of March in the two and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the greace of god of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith x:r Annoq Dmn One thousand six hundred forty six

Humfrie Gayer

Signed sealed and published in the presence of us and the words wherein /I have any estate of inheritance and the/ first interlyned in the presents of us Jonathan Sparke Jospeh Honney Henry Rexford no:y Pub:li


HONO die Mensis Julij Anno due Millimo Sexcentesimo XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
