HCA 13/68 f.244r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 244 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 10/011/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0045.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/11/10 |
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Marine Lives Tools
The 24th of November 1653
The Keepers of the Libertie of}
England by authoritie of Parliament}
against the Hope, Marine Marinson Master.}
Rowe dt.
Marin Marinson of hamborough
Mariner, master of the said shipp the
hope, aged 46 yeares or thereabouts sworne
as in the acts of Court and examined
upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of the Common wealth, saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee hath bin master
of the said shipp the hope for theise six yeares last past, during which space
shee hath belonged to the port of hamburgh, where this deponent first
came aboard her, and where hee was borne and hath dwellt all
his time, and hath bin maried and kept house and family there for
theise twenty yeares last past and upwards./
To the second, third and fourth Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
the said shipp the hope when shee was seized was bound and going for
hamborough the place of her designed deliverie, and came from Malaga
about seaven weekes since laden with about 150 fatts of wine and raisins
by severall merchants and factors at the said port of Malaga
referring himselfe for their names and for the more particularitie of his
Lading to his papers and bills seized in the said shipp, and brought as
hee beleeveth into this Court as alsoe for whose accompt and to
whom to be delivered. And saith the said shipp began her outwards
voyage from hamburgh about fower monthes since bound for Malaga
laden with pipe staves, and some piece goods by Mr [?Rate], Mr Wolfe
Michaell English and other hamburgers, which were delivered at Malaga
by this deponent to the marchants and factors there to whom the same
were conisgned namely Simon Melfort, George Roole Mr
Alders and Brandt and others most or all of them
hamburgers and of other places of high Germany; And that the
said outwards lading was for the accompt of the shipps owners and other
Marchants all hamburgers and dwelling in hamburgh, by whom
the shipp was freighted by Charter partie, and further that the said shipp
hath bin in noe other port since her departure from hamburgh to the
time of her seizure but Mallaga, saving in her outwards proceeding shee
came into the fleete of this Commonwealth before the Texel, by
whom after declaration of her designe and whence shee was, shee was
dismissed with other hamburgers with a passe or certificate from the said
fleete; And lastly that the said shipp in the next voyage before this past
proceeding from hamburgh for Nantes was brought into Portsmouth
by one of the shipps of this State, and released by authoritie of this
State, and thence went and fetched her lading of wine and delivered
the same to hamborough to a merchant there, and after shee had staid about
six weekes at home shee departed on this present voyage. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth and 6 hee saith hee was constituted master by his owners, and that
one Joachim Westphalia a hamburger was master next before this deponent
and this deponent bought her for accompt of himselfe and part owners
of the said Joachim Westphalia, and saith shee was
built at Lubeck and that this deponent paid 6500 marks Lubecks for