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'''Rochell''' ("Did you know the said shipp called the ''Willingminde'' of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
'''Rochell''' ("Did you know the said shipp called the ''Willingminde'' of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
'''Roome''' ("shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
'''Roome''' ("shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
'''Ross''' ("Did you know the said hipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
'''Ross''' ("Did you know the said shipp called the ''Willingminde'' of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))

Revision as of 00:34, August 9, 2012

Geographical and Place Terms

Editorial history

08/08/12: CSG, created page
08/08/12: CSG, copied content across from bron.wikispot.org from page Geography

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See Abbreviations
See Alphabet of ships
See Commodities
See Common Latin Phrases
See Currency and Specie
See Legal Terms
See Marine Terms
See Weights and Measures



Achean (= Achin; Achine; Acheene)("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73))
Achine ("y:e Queene of Achine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Allecante (= Alicante) (" went from Ligorne to Allecant and there tooke in goods & went therewith to Lisbon" (HCA 13/73))
Amsterdam ("shee carried in her from Amsterdam linnen, woollen, silkes, and XXX pipes of wine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "y:e Sole & propper Account of the said Alfonso Gomez Dias, Merch:t of Amsterdam" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "JOHN JOHNSON BOSCH of Amsterdam Mariner aged 27 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Andra Ponza = Indra Ponza, Sumatra ("the said ship as aforesaid at Andra (sic) Ponza" (HCA 13/73 Part two))
?Antiego ("hee was absent at ?Antiego upon the imployment of the arlate Luke Woods whilst the things arlate were transeacting" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Badajos ("this Depo:t [MANUEL DE FONSECA of London Merchant, aged 21 yeeres] was borne at Badajos in Spaine, and is a Batchelo:r and hath lived for theise six yeeres last in this City, and for foure yeeres before hee lived in ffrance and Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Bantam ("the said Van Voozt on or about the said Nineteenth of Octob:r 1657: Caused the sd Captaine Taylo:r and Company to Depart from Indra Ponza, and sailed with the Bantam ffrigot in her way to Bantam. neere w:ch place arriving the said Van Voozt, nor any other of the Dutch shipps Lying before Bantam, soe that y:e Bantam ffrigot was Constrained to goe to Battavia" (HCA 13/73 Part two))
Bantam Roade ("there were aboard the said Ship ffrancis and John two and thirty Musketts w:ch were taken by this depot for the sayd ships use after her coming into Bantam Roade" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Barbadoes ("The Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73))
Bermudas ("were upon the said seizure taken by the said Captaine James and XXXX XXX (in their said man of warr) and carried to Bermudas"(HCA 13/73))
Barbary ("the rest of the said goods w:ch shee had on board, were by direction & advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said Ship, to the Coast of Barbary" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Batavia (" Godfrey ?Jonas (whom hee XXXX know) was Gunner of the ship the ffrancis and John (Laurence XXXXing Mr) and departed this life at Batavia in East India about fourteene monthes since" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Battavia ("this Depo:t, and Captaine Isaac Taylo:r were Comanded to Appeare before the arlate John Martsuyker the Generall of and for the Dutch East India Company at Battavia w:ch they according (sic) did" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Biscay ("JACOME JUAN of ?Deva in Biscay Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Braseele (" Thomas Ewans her Master did take upon him a new Voyage to be made from Lisbon to Braseele & thence back to Lisbon" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
The Brazeele ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))
Brazil ("y:e said Wood was to be transported in y:e said Ship to London for y:e Account of the Portugall Brazil Company" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Brest ("the said Ship Thomas. about two yeares before. shee was seized by y:e sd three brest men of warr and sawe heer last in Brest harbour after y:e sd time that she was seized" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "hee hath not seene y:e sd Ship Thomas or any of her Anchors Cables. or sailes since her, being in Brest Harbo:r" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Burdeaux ("Did you know the said hipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))


Cadiz ("James Drawater did at Amsterdam about eight monethes since take the shipp the Anne aforesaid to freight for a voyage to be made with her from Amsterdam for Cadiz, there to deliver such goods as the said freighter should lade or cause to be laded aboard her, and to receive such other goods as by his order should at Cadiz be provided and brought to be reladed aboard her for this port to w:ch shee was to retourne therewith" (HCA 13/73 Part two))
Calves ("y:e Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Canaryes ("there was Newes brought thither that the English had taken Dunkirke, and had put all the Spaniards to the Sword after they had given them. quarter, And thereupon the Spaniards at the Canaryes were very much incensed ag:t the English And saith this was Publique and Notorious at Oratavo, & in the Road, and places thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Channell ("roaving up and downe in the English Channell" (HCA 23/19))
Chatham ("John Bourman, of Chatham, Kent, Shipwright, aged 38" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Chelsey Colledge ("there were about twenty men belonging to the said Ship the said Voyage; whereof Seaven (with the said John Lopes are Spaniards, and foure of them are nowe in London being this day brought hether from Chelsey Colledge whereof this depo:t is one" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Island of Chepalonia ("kept the sayd Hosyer and ?his Company for some tyme prizoners in chaynes and afterwards turned them on shoare in the Island of Chepalonia" (HCA 13/73))
City of London ("JOHN STANNIAN of the citie of London gent., aged 26 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Coast of Barbara ("the foresaid Voyage both at Canaryes Maderas, and on the Coast of Barbara and all other places the said Ship the Lisbone ffrigot was at the Voyage in question" (HCA 13/73))
Coast of Barbary ("the rest of the said goods w:ch shee had on board, were by direction & advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said Ship, to the Coast of Barbary and there sold, and Bartered the same for wax, and other Comodityes to y:e best Advantage to the said ffreighters" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Colestaires ("in the moneth of November last, as this depo:t was goeing to y:e Waterside; neere Colestaires, hee sawe one John Tyler, & some others talking and discoursing in a Carpenters yard with one Mordecay Yonge" (HCA 13/73))
Comana ("she departed in or about November 1657 to ?Comana a coast on the terra firma" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Comann ("hee came first aboard the shipp the S:t Mary interrogated on Comann in the West Indies, whence hee was hired and shipped by John Lopes, who apppeared there as Captaine of her" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Corfe ("WILLIAM BEST of Corfe in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Cyprus ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of y:e ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sauled back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of y:e said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Dansick (Whether have the said James Mills and Benjamin Harrison both or one of them bee not allowed Twenty Pounds upon an East Country voyage from Dansick or Quinsbrough to London, besides the ?dennidge and severall other priviledges belonging to them or one of them as a Master of a shipp" (HCA 23/19))
Debtford ("JOHN CARRIER of Debtford in the County of Kent Shipwright late Carpenters Mate of the Lady ffrigott aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Deptford ("HENRY HUGHES of Deptford in the County of Kent Merchant aged 28 or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Deva ("JACOME JUAN of ?Deva in Biscay Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Dorset ("WILLIAM BEST of Corfe in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Dover ("John Tilly for about for about Nine or Tenne yeeres last hath lived and resided at Amsterdam as a merchant Stranger, and for about tenne yeeres bifore (sic), the said Tilly lived at Dover here in England, where this Depo:t first knewe him, and there the said Tilly his Mother lived with the said Tilly for many yeeres who was an Irish woman: & Could speake noe other Language than Irish" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Duke Streete (in parish of Stepney) ("this depo:t was p:rsent as this depo:ts house; at the signe of the Ship neere Duke ?Streete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Dunkirke ("there was Newes brought thither that the English had taken Dunkirke, and had put all the Spaniards to the Sword after they had given them. quarter" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


The East Indias ("after y:e Departure of the said Bantam ffrigot from the East Indias as a foresaid shee set saile for Legorne" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Elgeta ("BENITO DEYRIGOIN of Elgeta in Biscay Mariner aged 18 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
English Channell ("roaving up and downe in the English Channell" (HCA 23/19))
Europe ("(From the Spanish West Indies) and ?then departed to goe for Europe" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the said Ship set saile from Batavia for Europe w:th such Pepper as shee had taken in before the said 11:th of October, shee not being pmitted to take in any goods whatsoever afterwards in those parts that this depo:t knoweth of" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Exchange ("y:e said Bridges advised this depo:t XX delivered the said Letters to y:e merch:ts to whom they were directed and the said M:r Bridges to that End went along with this depot to the Exchange; where hee delivered the said Letters according to thir Superscriptions" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


ffalmouth ("y:e said ship in her outward voyage lay about thirteene dayes windbound at ffalmouth and Pendennis Castle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
ffalmouth Harbour ("the said Ship lay winde bound at ffalmouth Harbour on her outward Voyage for about thirteen dayes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?ffloowbridge ("THOMAS FISHER: Living at ?ffloowbridge London Fishmonger, aged 46 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
fflowers ("y:e Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))


Gazachico "after she went away from Oratava either to Gazachico [near Oratavo Road]" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Genoa (" her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights and there discharged her outward ladeing" (HCA 13/73); " hee beleeveth there was peace, and Amity betweene the Comonwealth and the State of Genoa. and their subjects the time arlate" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Gravesend ("the sayd shipp the Peace being in the yeare 1656 fitted for the voyage in question fell downe from London to Gravesend" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
The Great James [in Bishopsgate Street, London]
Guinney ("this depo:t put into y:e Guinney frigot about three weekes before y:e sd disaster happened" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Gulf of Honduras (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Guelfe of Honduras ("the ?Guelfe of Honduras" (HCA 13/73))


Hamburgh ("the said Otto hath lived there [Amsterdam] for theise twelve yeeres last: And for soe long hee hath bin a Subject of the States of the United Netherlands, but was borne at Hamburgh" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Havana ("goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73); "Santa ?Cruse was built in CoXXXpeXye in the West Indies about foure yeeres since, where the said Captaine Joseppo Sinnego bought her and brought her to ?Vera Cruce wheare the said Captaine XXXed her with goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Holland ("ALLEN ALLENSON of EuXXXXX in Holland Mariner, aged fourtie yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Honduras ("the said Ship went from Amsterdam to an Island, w:ch as hee taketh is called Trinidad. and from thence went to Comana, and thence to Truxilla and there delivered out severall of the said outward goods and thence went to Honduras and there delivered the rest of the said outward goods. and tooke in Chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Hope ("the sayd shipp about the latter end of the sayd moneth of January 1648 fell downe to the Hope" (HCA 13/73))
Horne ("y:e said Otto and Thompson or Tymison, have had their Dwelling places in Holland namely y:e sd Otto at Amsterdam; and the said Thompson or Tymison neere Horne, in North Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Horsey Downe ("RICHARD ROLFE of Southampton, but lodging at present in Horsey Downe mariner, late Boatswaine of the ship the Lisbone ffrigot, aged 23 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Indra Ponza (" the said Captaine Van Voozt, did send one of ?his foresaid pinnaces about thirty men therein, to lye at the Rivers mouth at Indra Ponza to hinder and did hinder the goeing in and coming out of the Captaine and Company of the Bantam frigot (sic), to and from Indra Ponza and from bringing any goods from thence on board y:e said ship Bantam ffrigot (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Indra Ponza Roade ("hee saith that Indra Ponza Roade is and ought to be a place free for the English to trade in over w:ch place y:e Queene of Achine (whom this depo:t well knoweth having lived with her about five yeeres) was and is the supreame Governournesse; who did about three yeeres since?there: and at all other of her Dominiones proclaime ffree Trade to the English Nation; And saith hee hath a Copy of the said Proclamacon now in his Custody" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Indria ?Ponza ("set saile in her from this port to ?Indria ?Ponza in y:e island of Sumatra in y:e East Indias" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Ireland (" this depo:t well knowe the said John Tilley ?is, ffather and Mother, who were both Commonly accomted Natives of Ireland; and spoke both of them y:e Irish Language" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Island of Trinidad
Island of Nevis
Island of ?Pullegand:o (" from Bantam to the sayd Island of Pullegand:o where the shipp the Olive Branch ridd) (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Italy ("the said Tye came in the said Ketche:rs Boate on board the said Ship, and told the said Ketcher, and the Company that the Spaniards would not upon any ?Tezines, whatsoever permit the said Ship to trade there in regard shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 part One))


Jamaica ("goods for Havana and there tooke in other goods and after some ?time of ?stay departed with her and her lading for Sta Domingo where hs designe was to deliver the said goods and there to embarque ?soldiers for Jamaica"(HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Knasburrough ("Lawrence Broadbolt, of Nevis, in the West Indies, Merchant, borne at Knasburrough, Yorkshire, aged 44" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Leeward islands ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73); "the said Ship was bound from Newfoundland, to the Leeward Islands as well as to the Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Leferno ("?Leferno in ffrance" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Leghorne (" y:e said ship y:e Bantam ffrigot after her Departure from Battavia, sayled to Leghorne and there safely arrived on or about the 18:th day of August 1658: and there her said pepper taken in at Indra Ponza was delivered" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Ligorne ("the said ship the Lixon ffrigot was Laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other Comodityes" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "ffosse Tucker & Howgate with the rest of the sayd shipp Scipio her company proceeded upon her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights & there discharged her ladeing & tooke in some goods there & went with them to Ligorne where fayling of their designe they landed the goods brought from Genoa and went from Ligorne to Allecant" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Limehouse ("JOHN CARTER of Limehouse in parish of Stepney Blockmaker aged 61 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Madera Islands ("the said Ketcher and his Company finding that there was not practick to be gotten at the Canaries, for their said ship did upon a serious Consideracon saile the said ship to the Madera Islands, and there safely arrived" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Marcellis ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of y:e ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sauled back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of y:e said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Maderas ("shee sailed to the Maderas againe: (she being ordered soe to doe by the said Pickford or Ward before her goeing from the Maderas to the Coast of Barbary. (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Martinice ("hee hath heard some of the said Ships Company say, that they heard the said Luke Woods order the said Grove when hee had missed the Barbadoes to saile to Martinice and soe to Nevis") (HCA 13/73 Oart Two)
Mevis = Nevis ("hee well remembreth that at Mevis this deponent & Robert Grove Cheife Mate of the Peace & William Tizard another mate of the sayd shipp & one Robert Chipp the Gunner of her were produced as witnesses before Captaine Morton Captaine Russell Captaine Smith & other officers under the Governour at Mevis upon Interrogatories given in before them against the sayd Thomas Grove the Master" (HCA 13/73))
Middleborough ("CLAES WILLEMS of Middleborough Mariner, late M:r of the ship the Morning Starr aged 38 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One)
Midds ("CAPTAINE LAURENCE BROWNING of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney and County of Midds Mariner M:r or Comander of the Ship the ffrancis and John: aged 52 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Milford Haven ("taken by y:e Lizard ffrigot (Cap:t Baker Comander,) being in y:e Imediate Service of this Comonwealth and by him & Company Carried to Milford Haven" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Morea ("certayne English Merchants of the Maria (OR, Morea) Company tradeing for Turkey to goe from London to Polerao & other places beyond Seas" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Morlaix ("being in her Course for this Port & coming from Morlaix" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Nevis ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Newcastle ("Last in Company of a greate ffleete of English Colliars Consisting of about threescore and tenne saile; And y:e arlate Ship the Abigail, came likewise out from Newcastle in Company of the said ffleete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Newfound Land ("the Pease being come out some few dayes before from Newfound Land the shipp the Pease & her company of espied XXXX shipps at Sea which they thought to be some of her consorts bound for the Barbados"(HCA 13/73))
New found land ("upon the departure of the shipp Pease from the New found land" (HCA 13/73))
Newhaven ("this Depo:t did in a former voyage carry about three hundred Quintalls of Brazeel wood, from Lisbone to Newhaven for y:e account as hee beleeveth of the said Brazil Companie" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
North Holland ("y:e said Otto and Thompson or Tymison, have had their Dwelling places in Holland namely y:e sd Otto at Amsterdam; and the said Thompson or Tymison neere Horne, in North Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Nova Hibernia ("the said shipp the Santa Cruse belonged to the port of VXXX CXXX in ?Nova ?Hibernia in the Dominion of the king of Spaine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Old Swan ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73))
Oporto ("whether hee was in the shippe the Nativity when shee began her last voyage and from What port was shee sett out when she was bound for Oporto Port" (HCA 23/19))
Oratava ("y:e Roade of Oratava" (HCA 13/73); "the Lisbone ffrigot, the said Voyage arrived in the Road of l'Oratava on or about the 25:th of July 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "Tye tooke and went the same day therewith on shore in a Dutch Boate to the Port of Oratavo aforesaid (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Pendennis Castle ("ffalmouth and Pendennis Castle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the ship should be sailed downe to Pendennis Castle (being about two Miles from ffalmouth Harbour) and there ordered this depo:t (who was Cheife mate of the said Ship. all the sd Voyage to ly there at Anchor untill day light, in regard it is a very dangerous place for Rocks, & Shelves" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Pillow ("Whether Thomas Benson was not on board the Shippe in controversy at Pillow neare Quinsbrough" (HCA 23/19))
Plymouth ("betweene ffalmouth and Plymouth the said Wood did Cleare foure men off of the ship" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Plymouth Sound ("y:e said Grove lay ready & staid in Plymouth Sound about a fortnight purposely for y:e said Wood, who was ashore" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Poltrao (the Road of ?Poltrao" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Poplar ("JAMES BERBLOCK of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd mariner aged fifty one yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Port of Ligorno ("this deponent goeing Purser in her to Ligorno knoweth that in the Moneths of ffebruary and March 1657 in which moneths the sayd shipp Olive Branch was & remayned in the Port of Ligorno XXXX pepper was brought in XXXX was there frequently and commonly sold at the rate of twenty peeces of eight per hundred English weight" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Port of London
?Pullegand:o ("from Bantam to the sayd Island of Pullegand:o where the shipp the Olive Branch ridd) (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Quinsborough (Whether have the said James Mills and Benjamin Harrison both or one of them bee not allowed Twenty Pounds upon an East Country voyage from Dansick or Quinsbrough to London, besides the ?dennidge and severall other priviledges belonging to them or one of them as a Master of a shipp" (HCA 23/19))


Ratcliffe ("ROBERT HERCULES of Ratcliffe Mariner aged 40 yeeres" (HCA 13/72 Part Two))
The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete
Rederiff wall ("WILLIAM READING of Rederiff wall in the parish of S:t Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey mariner aged thirty five yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Rippon ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Indra Ponza ("In his passage one of y:e said Dutch Vessells. w:ch came and Anchored at or neere y:e Barre of y:e River of Indra Ponza, sent her boate and alsoe another Boate well manned to seize this depo:t and y:e said Bantam ffrigotts boate & y:e Pepper therein" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Nants (" the said Grove did not take in all y:e salt sent by the sd Wood to be Laden on board y:e said ship in y:e River of Nants" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Thames ("in or about the beginning of the moneth of August 1658, the said ship Warewell arived in the River of Thames" (HCA 13/73))
Roan ("Set out the said Ship, about January 1653 from this Port of London on a Voyage to bee made with her from hence to Roan, & to other places beyond the Sea" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Rochell ("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Roome ("shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Ross ("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))


Satalia [in the Mediterranean] (" upon y:e Death of the foresaid W:m Malim (w:ho
was M:r of the said ship) this depo:t became M:r of her, hee being before: y:e said W:m Malims Cheife mate; And for that hee received at Satalia, of the sayd William Malim ?twenty Eight ryalls of Eight, and at Scanderoone hee received of y:e sd Malim either Eight or tenne Ryalls more (but, whether eight or Tenne he doth not nowe remember having lost most of his Accounts.) and saith that those summes were all that hee receaved the said voyage in pt of his wages for his Service in y:e sd Shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Satalea ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from
that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of y:e ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sauled back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of y:e said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Sattalia ("sailed to Cyprus, and there (after her ballast was heaved out,) shee tooke in a Cargo of Salt & Carried the same to a place called Sattalia, and there delivered y:e same, and having taken in Ballasts sailed back to Cyprus againe, and after her hold was Cleared of y:e ballast, shee tooke ?on another Lading of salt, and Caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there Delivered the same" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:t Bartholomew neere the Royal Exchange ("JOHN SAVAGE of the parish of S:t Bartholomew neere the Royal Exchange London Merchant, aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
S:t Catherines near the Tower ("Laurence Burr, of St Catherines near the Tower, Cooper of the Lady ffrigott, aged 38" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
S:t Christophers ("Nevis and S:t Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
S:t Dunstans ("JOHN LEWIS of the parish of S:t Dunstans XXXX East ?India Merchant aged 47 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:t ?Jones ("the ship then rideing in the harbour of S:t ?Jones which is the safest and best or at least as good and safe a harbour as any is in the Newfound land" (HCA 13/73))
Santo Lazio ("about three dayes or XXXXX before the said Grove Discovered y:e Island called Santo Lazio (by w:ch sight of w:ch Island the said Grove and Company perceived they had overshot the Barbadoes) (HCA 13/73))
S:t Leszus
S:t Lucar ("PEDRO DE MORALIS of S:t Lucar Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
S:t Lusea ("the sayd Thomas by his steering on his owne course contrary to the advise of his sayd Mates did misse the Island of Barbados and came to the Island of S:t Lusea in the moneth of November 1657" (HCA 13/73))
S:t Manes Castle ("Whether Immediately before the said shippe was stayed neere ffalmouth was shee nott chased by a dutch man of Warre or some other shippe upon the seas neere the Coast of Cornwall on the West of ffalmouth and Pendennis, or S:t Manes Castle" (HCA 23/19))
S:t Mary Magdalen ("ADAM BEALE of the pish of S:t Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Shipwright aged forty eight yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:t Mary Matsellon ("THOMAS CAPELL of the parish of S:t Mary Matsellon als Whitechappell Cooper aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:t S:ta Cruze ("replyed they were Vessells carrying of wines to S:t Sta Cruze" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:t Vallazyes [France] ("the said Ship, and her Lading met with Extraordinary ?soule, windy , and Tempestuous weather by w:ch shee was driven upon y:e sand, neere S:t Vallazyes in ffrance; and by meanes thereof split, and broken in peeces.
and utterly lost together with her lading" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
S:ta Domingo ("the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for S:ta Domingo" /HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Scanderrone ("soe soone as y:e said ship [the Anne] Delivered her said salt at Scanderrone, y:e said William Malymy:e M:r and Company of the said ship. did take aboard her, a Lading of Cottons, galls and other peeces to be Transfported in her to this port of London" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Shadwell ("RICHARD EDWARDS: of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex aged 42 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
The signe of the Ship ("this depo:ts house; at the signe of the Ship neere Duke ?Streete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Southampton ("Richard Man, of Southhampton, Mariner, aged 31" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Spanish West Indias ("in and about the monethes of May and June 1657: the arlate M:r ffernandez and M:r Page had discourse and treaty with John Lopes about sending a ship and Cargoe from England or Holland to the Spanish West Indies for the Account of them the said M:r ffernandez and M:r Page, and Company" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Spanish West Indies
State of Genoa ("hee hath corresponded with the producent Stephen Pallavicino in y:e wayes of Merchandize, and saith hee was and is comonly reputed a native subject, & Inhabitant of the State of Genoa" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Stepney ("Grace Hogsflesh, of Stepney, Widowe, aged 39" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Straights ("a tradeing voyage from London to the Straights" (HCA 13/73))
The Streights (" the sayd shipp Scipio was lying in the River of Thames takeing in goods for a tradeing voyage for which shee was bound from this Port of London to be made to the Straights or the places neere there about and soe to returne and thence to this port of London" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Sumatra ("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73); "during the time that the said ship the Bantam ffrigot was upon y:e Coast of Sumatra & in y:e East Indias y:e Voyage in question; this depo:t and the said Captaine Taylor and Company of the said Ship Did Carry and demaneane themselves very Civilly, and peacably" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Summers Island ("Thomas Taylo:r and Loys his wife ag:t the Shipp y:e Summer Islands Merch:t and ag:t John Jenkins M:r of y:e said Ship" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Teneriffe ("before y:e silver in question came & arrived here in England, the ffactor of the said producent called don Luis Perez de Vittoria, sent from the Iland of Teneriffe to the XXXX M:r Vandeput, for his the said producents Accompt to the Vallue of betwixt twelve and thirteene hundred pounds sterling in silver" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Thames Streete ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73)
Trinidad ("the said Ship went from Amsterdam to an Island, w:ch as hee taketh is called Trinidad. and from thence went to Comana, and thence to Truxilla and there delivered out severall of the said outward goods and thence went to Honduras and there delivered the rest of the said outward goods. and tooke in Chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Truxillo ("XXXX discharged at Honduras the said shipp returned to Truxillo where she tooke aboard ?Jassonavilla and hides" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


United Netherlands ("the said John Shauternel is a Subject of the States of the United Netherlands" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
United Provinces (" y:e sd John is a Subject of the States of the United Provinces" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Upper Shadwell ("WILLIAM WOOD of Upper Shadwell in y:e parish of Stepney mariner aged 27" (HCA 13/73))


?Vera Cruce ("Santa ?Cruse was built in CoXXXpeXye in the West Indies about foure yeeres since, where the said Captaine Joseppo Sinnego bought her and brought her to ?Vera Cruce wheare the said Captaine XXXed her with goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Wapping ("Thomas Yeomans of Wapping, Mariner, late Masters Mate of the Peace, aged 23" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Wapping dock ("came to an Anchor a little belowe or against Wapping dock" (HCA 13/73))
Waterford ("Did you know the said hipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was M:r: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Waymouth ("at Plymouth and Waymouth y:e said Wood did discharge severall of the Mariners that belonged to the said Ship, soe that it was very dangerous bringing her up to this port" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
West Indias ("to manage the ?Trucking, Selling, and Bartering away of the Outward Cargoe at the said West Indias (sic)" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
West Indies ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))
Westerene Islands ("y:e Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Whitechappell ("THOMAS CAPELL of the parish of S:t Mary Matsellon als Whitechappell Cooper aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))


Yarmouth ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from
that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of y:e ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sauled back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of y:e said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Yorkshire ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Zante ("Zante currans" (HCA 13/73))