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Line 63: Line 63:
Item I give and bequeath unto
Item I give and bequeath unto
Edward Hicks and John hIcks my sisters Children to be paid unto them
Edward Hicks and John Hicks my sisters Children to be paid unto them
severallie and respectively when they shall have accomplished thire
severallie and respectively when they shall have accomplished thire
severall and respective ages of ffower and Twentie yeares the severall
severall and respective ages of ffower and Twentie yeares the severall
Line 103: Line 103:
Hardwicke: The first day of September One Thousand Six=
Hardwicke: The first day of September One Thousand Six=
Hundred ffifty Eight for and as his last Will and Testament
Hundred ffifty Eight for and as his last Will and Testament
in the presence of: Hen: Mosse Notary Piblique: Tho: Maddock
in the presence of: Hen: Mosse Notary Publique: Tho: Maddock
Jere: Jenoway Servant to the said Notary
Jere: Jenoway Servant to the said Notary
Line 123: Line 123:
and Joseph Hardwicke the brothers and other Two Executors when
and Joseph Hardwicke the brothers and other Two Executors when
they shall Come and in legall manner desire the same.
they shall Come and in legall manner desire the same.
<u>Benjamin Hardwicke</u>
<u>Joseph Hardwicke</u>
<u>Thomas Hardwicke</u>
<u>Edward and John Hicks</u>
Children of Humphrey Hardwicke's unnamed sister
<u>Thomas Murthwaite</u>
Friend of Humphrey Hardwicke. Named Overseer of the will

Revision as of 16:02, April 14, 2014

PROB 11/296/306 Will of Humphry Hardwick, Merchant of London 08 December 1659

Editorial history

14/04/14, CSG: Transcribed probate record and item posted to MarineLives-Tools wiki

Abstract & context

Digital Image

SEE Ancestry Digital Image

Suggested links

To do


Humphrey Hardwick [LH MARGIN]

trhe first day of September in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand
six hundred ffifty and Eight I Humphry Hardwick of London Marchant
being I praise God in perfect health of Bodie and of sound minde
and memory: knowing that I must Certainly dye though undertaine
when doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament as
followeth (that is to say) ffirst and principallie I Committ and
Commend my Soule unt o the hands of Almighty God my Creatour
Redeemer and Sanctifyer the Holy and blessed Trinitie in Unity
The ffather sonne and Holy-Ghost Trusting only by the merritts of
my loving Saviour Jesus Christ to have free pardon of all my
Sinns and to inioy life everlasting And my Body to the Earth
from whence it Came which I appoynt according to the direc
=tion of myne Executors hereafter named) to be decently buried
in the parish Church of Much Hadham the County of Hertford
neare the bodyes of my ffather and Mother whoe lye there
interred And as touching such Wordly Estate as God of his
goodnes hath made mee Steward f in this life I give and dis=
=pose the same as followeth (videlicet) Inprimis I give and bequeath
all and every my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in Hadham
aforesaid and elsewhere unto my loving brother Thomas Hardwicke
and his heries And I alsoe give unto my said brother Thomas
Hardwicke the summe of One Thousand pounds

Item I give and
bequath unto my loving brothers Jispeh Hardwicke Benjamin
Hardwicke and E[?ssex] Hardwicke the severall like Summes of


One Thousand pounds a peece

Item I give and bequeath unto
Edward Hicks and John Hicks my sisters Children to be paid unto them
severallie and respectively when they shall have accomplished thire
severall and respective ages of ffower and Twentie yeares the severall
Summes of Two hundred pounds a peece And my will and mea=
ning is that in the meane tyme the same shall from time to tyme
be putt forth att interest by myne Executors and the Survivours and
Survivour of them att the Hazard of the said Edward and John And
that such interest be paid and disbursed for the maintenance and education
of them the said Edward Hicks and John Hicks:

Neverthelesse my
further will intent and meaning is that if either of them shall depart
this life before he shall have attained the said age of ffower and twenty
yeares Then the whole ffower hundred pounds shall be paid unto the
Survivour of them the said Edward and John when he shall have
attained to his said age of ffower and Twenty yeares and that in
the meane time the same shall be putt forth att interest as aforesaid
for the maintenance and education of such Survivour

Item I give
and bequeath unto the poore of the said Parish of Much Hadham
ffive pounds The rest and residue of all and singular my Goods
Chattells and personall Estate I give and bequeath equallie unto
and amongst my said Brothers: Thomas Joseph and Benjamin
there and there alike And lastly I ordaine and appoynte the said
Thomas Hardwick Joseph Hardwick and Benjamin
Hardwicke my Brothers Executors of this my last Will and testament
Charging them all to act lovingly and as Bretheren together and
not apart in the execution and performance of the same faythfully
and without prejudice or wrong to each other or any other the Legattees
herin named And Overseer of this my Will I name and appoynte
my loving ffreind Thomas Murthwaite of London Marchant
and for his paines herein to be taken I give him ffiftie poundes
and mourning Apparrell In wittnesse whereof to the first and
last sheetes and thus farr of this fourth sheete of paper I
have putt my Seale and unto everie sheete thereof I have subscribed
my name the day and yeare first above written: Hum: Hardwicke
Sealed subscribed published and declared by the Testator Hump
Hardwicke: The first day of September One Thousand Six=
Hundred ffifty Eight for and as his last Will and Testament
in the presence of: Hen: Mosse Notary Publique: Tho: Maddock
Jere: Jenoway Servant to the said Notary

THIS WILL was proved att LONDON THE
Eight day of the Moneth of December In the yeare of
our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffifty and
Nyne before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting
Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of Beniamin Hardwick
the Brother and one one of the Executors named in the above written
Will To whome Administration of all and singular the Goods Chat=
[=]tells and debts of the said Deceased was graunted and Com=
=mitted he being first legallie sworne truly and faythfully


To administer the same Power being first reserved to make like
probate and grant like Administration unto Thomas Hardwicke
and Joseph Hardwicke the brothers and other Two Executors when
they shall Come and in legall manner desire the same.



Benjamin Hardwicke

Joseph Hardwicke

Thomas Hardwicke

Edward and John Hicks

Children of Humphrey Hardwicke's unnamed sister

Thomas Murthwaite

Friend of Humphrey Hardwicke. Named Overseer of the will





Possible primary sources




PROB 11/296/306 Will of Humphry Hardwick, Merchant of London 08 December 1659

Possible secondary sources