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singular beono[?r] Amnium et Credito[?r] dicti defunct De bene et fidelitio Administrand
singular beono[?r] Amnium et Credito[?r] dicti defunct De bene et fidelitio Administrand
eadem [XXX] sitta Dei Evangelia ([XXXXX] [CCCCCCinis) Jurate./ [XXX]
eadem [XXX] sitta Dei Evangelia ([XXXXX] [CCCCCCinis) Jurate./ [XXX]

Revision as of 20:15, January 11, 2014

PROB 11/360/45 Will of Cuthbert Carr, Mariner of Ipswich, Suffolk. 03 June 1679

Editorial history

11/01/14, CSG: Transcribed item and posted to wiki

Abstract & context

SEE HCA 13/72 f.466r

Digital Image

[Add link to Ancestry Digital Image, if available]

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Cuthbertus Carr./

In The name of God Amen
This ffive and Twentieth day of March in the One and Thirtieth yeare
of the Raigne of our Sov[?y]ra[?n]gne Lord King Charles the Second over
England etcetera Ann[XXX] 1679. I Cuthbert Carr of Ipswich in the
County of Suffolk Marriner Being through mercy of sound mind and
memory though weak in Boddy Doe make and ordaine this my last will and
Testament in manner following

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my
deare and Loving wife Sarah Carr All that my Messuage or Tenement
wherein I now dwell scituate in the parish of Saint Mary att the Key in IPswich
aforesaid with all the howses buildings yards gardens Easments Stables
warehouse Room and hereditaments with the appurtenan[?t]s To have hold
and enjoy the same presently after my decease for and during the Terme
of her naturall life And the Revertion or Remainder thereof from and
after her decease I give and bequeath into Cuthbert L[?i]st the Second sonn
of Elizabeth L[?i]st my daughter in Law and to his heires and ass[X]ynes
for ever

Item I likewise give and bequeath into her the said Sarah my
wife All my Messuages and Tenements scituate and being in the parish of Saint
Mary att the Key aforesaid which I purchased of Rupert Browne with all
and singular the appurtenances to her the said Sarah my wife and to her heires
for ever

Item whereas Anthony List my Late sonne in Law deceased Did in


his life time Surrender to me and my heires the P[?aice] of land conteyning
his Estimation Six and Thirty Acres more or lesse Coppy hold holden of the
mannor off Caddenham Saint Ja[?m]es upon Condition for my [?security] That
whereas I was bound with the said Anthony in an Obligation in Two hundred
pounds beareing date the Six and Twentieth day of ffebruary in the yeare
of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Sixty and Six to one James
Gardner for the payment of one hundred pounds of Lawfull English
money to the said James within Six moneths after the decease of Anthony
List and ffrances his wife ffather and mother of the said Anthony the
sonne And alsoe whereas I was bound with the said Anthony in one
other obligation in the penall summe of one hundred and Sixty pounds
bearing date the same 26th day of ffebruary to one John List then of
Caddenham yeoman brother of the said Anthony the sonne for the payment
of eighty pounds to the said John List at a day now long since past
which said last obligation to the said John List was paid by the said
Anthony List in his lifetime and the said obligation given in and cancelled
And whereas my daughter in Law Elizabeth List Administratrix of the said
Anthony List her late husband deceased hath paid into my hands the summe
of one hundred pounds in discharge of the said other obligation Entered into
by me with the said Anthony List unto the aforesaid James Gardner I
doe hereby declare That I have noe wayes beene damnified by my Entring
into the said Obligations or either of them as aforesaid And I doe hereby
discharge the aforementioned Surrendred premisses of and from the surrender
aforesaid and the Provisoe and Conditions therein expressed

Item I likewise
give and bequeath unto her the said Sarah my dearly beloved wide All my
goods Chattells householdstuffe Plate moneys shipping or parts of
shipping with their severall stocks or parts of stick furniture and
apparell thereunto belonging And all other my personall Estate After my
debts Legacies and ffunerall Charges and Probate of this my will is discharged
To hold and enjoy unto her the said Sarah my wife as her owne proper
goods and Chattells

Item I give and bequeath unto George Carr the sonne
of James Carr my brother deceased and to John Bell the sone of James
Bell and to George Carr the sonne of George Carr my Brothers sonne
and to every of them respectively Twenty shillings

Item I doe nominate
Constitute and appoint the said Sarah my deare wife to be sole and onely
Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe hereby revoake
all former wills by me made And doe hereby declare what is conteyned in
These Two sheets or Leaves of Paper to be my last will and Testament: To
eiether of which I have subscribed my name with my owne hand And to
the Topp of the ffirst Isheete sett my seale in Confoirmation of all the pre=
misses the sayd and yeare ffirst above weitten in the presence of the witnesses
whose hands or names are here alsoe sett and subscribed./ Vuthbert Carr./
Subscribed sealed and published in the presence of us Willm Ittmby
Robert Reach Tho: R[?eyner]./

Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram
venerabili vira duo Leolino Jenkins Milit[?e] Legum Doctore Curea Prerogativa Vant[?nar]
Mag[Xo] Custod sive Comissaris [XXXX] Constituti Tertio die Mensis Junij Anno
Diu Millimo Sextentesimo Septuagisimo Nono Juramento Sara Carr Relicta
dict[?e] defuncti et Exectricis in hum[?oi] Testo [XXXXte] Cin Commissa fuit St[XX] omnium et
singular beono[?r] Amnium et Credito[?r] dicti defunct De bene et fidelitio Administrand
eadem [XXX] sitta Dei Evangelia ([XXXXX] [CCCCCCinis) Jurate./ [XXX]


Possible primary sources




PROB 11/264/386 Will of James Carr 13 May 1657
PROB 11/360/45 Will of Cuthbert Carr, Mariner of Ipswich, Suffolk. 03 June 1679

Possible secondary sources