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seeing the Premisses And further hee cannot depose./.
seeing the Premisses And further hee cannot depose./.
To the 14:th hee saith. That had the said Ketcher sent his boate
To the 14th hee saith. That had the said Ketcher sent his boate
and foure of his Company, in it on shore at such time as the
and foure of his Company, in it on shore at such time as the
said Spanish Vessells came as aforesaid they would in all likelihood
said Spanish Vessells came as aforesaid they would in all likelihood
have taken the said Ship the Lisbone ffrigot for want of men
have taken the said Ship the ''Lisbone ffrigot'' for want of men
And further hee cannot depose ./.
And further hee cannot depose ./.

Revision as of 08:07, July 29, 2013

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Ketcher and Company perceiving such their Comming towards them
as if they would have Taken the said ship the Lisbone
ffrigott hee caused her Anchor to be weighed, and to put his
ship under saile which soe soone as ever they in the
said Spanish Vessells perceived they Imediately altered their
course againe, and made from the Lisbone ffrigott seeing that
her boate and men were not gone ashore, and therefore
durst not Venture upon the said Ship; which hee knoweth
seeing the Premisses And further hee cannot depose./.

To the 14th hee saith. That had the said Ketcher sent his boate
and foure of his Company, in it on shore at such time as the
said Spanish Vessells came as aforesaid they would in all likelihood
have taken the said Ship the Lisbone ffrigot for want of men
And further hee cannot depose ./.

To the 15:th hee saith that whilest the said Spanish Boate
was by or neere the Lisbone ffrigot the Company in the
said Spanish Boate told the said Ketcher that Captaine
Neale of Dover was with his said Ship trading in Gaza?chim
Road, and thereupon the same being not farr from Oratavo
the said Ketcher thinking it might be true, and that in case
hee were there they might trade the more secure together
did cause his said Ship to be carryed thither, and upon his
arrivakk there; found noe such ship there, nor any others but
foure Spanish Vessells, neither had the said
Neales bin there in many monethes, before And saith that
the said Caroly Tye and all the said Ships Company did
absolutely conclude, and agree that what the said Spaniards,
said, or did was meant onely as a Meanes to betray both
ship and goods, and therefore the said Ships Company
would never be psuaded to goe on shore againe, although
often importuned by the said Ketcher: And further hee cannot
depose ./.

To the 16:th hee saith that for all the time the said Ship the
Lisbone ffrigot remained in or neer the Road of Oratavo XXX
-said, the said Ketcher did severall times Sollicite and Importune
him the said Carolo Tye to goe on shore to get Practicke for y:e
said Ship the Lisbone ffrigot, and did never hinder y:e said
Tye by word or Accon from goeing ashore to the foresaid
Purpose, and the said Tye did twice as aforesaid goe on shore
to the said Purpose; and returned againe without efecting
any XXX therein, And did still say and declare that hee
Could not obtaine Practick in regard the said Ship Came
from Italy, and had (as the said Spaniards on shore said)
goods in her that came from Rooome wherethe Plague
then was, This hee deposeth for y:e foresaid Reasons, And
further hee cannot depose ./.