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Line 62: Line 62:
hee is nowe examined hee saith that hee verily beleeveth
hee is nowe examined hee saith that hee verily beleeveth
the same ws and is one of the said Bills signed by the said Garbarandson for the
the same ws and is one of the said Bills signed by the said Garbarandson for the
sayd goods, and the Contnets thereof to be true, and
sayd goods, and the Contents thereof to be true, and
reall, And saith that about the beginning of the yeeres 1659 [XXX GUTTER]
reall, And saith that about the beginning of the yeeres 1659 [XXX GUTTER]
the said Ship called the ''King of ffrance'' arrived here in
the said Ship called the ''King of ffrance'' arrived here in

Revision as of 21:46, June 8, 2014


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HCA 13/73 f.657v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


7. die mensis decembris 166[?0 GUTTER]

Johannes ffreeman con navem quandam}
vorat the King of ffrance (a[?ijus] Cornelius}
Garbrandson [?corat] [?Magr at] [?drum] Garbrandson}
et omne et cetera: Suckley. Smith.}

Sup Allone arlate ex parte
Dicti ffreeman dat. Ex[?aminate GUTTER]

Rp. jus.

Robertus Brooke de
London Mercator annos ahgens
34 aut [?do] ci[XX]iter testis pro[?ductus GUTTER]
et Juratus dicit et deponit pr[XX GUTTER]
seq[XX] videlicet./

Ad jus. arlum dicit et deponit that for and during all or
most part of the yeere 1658 the arlate Cornelius
Garbrandson was Master and Comander of the ship the
King of ffrance, and went Master of her severall voyages
in two of which this deponent had goods in the said ship [XXXX GUTTER]
the voyage in question and the voyage next before,

Ad 2us. 3[XX]. 4.[XX] 5[XX] arlos dicit that the voyage in question this deponent
did take to freight one halfe of the said ship called the
King of ffrance, and the arlate John ffreeman tooke
the other halfe part of her to freight, and shee beeing soe
ffreighed (sic) shee was by them sent to Riga, in the dominion
of the King of Sweden, where there was laden onboard
her in or about the moneth of November 1658 for account
of the said John ffreeman as this deponent verily beleeveth
and as hee is credibly informed by the bill of Lading
which hee hath seene, two and twenty bundles of Ryne
hempe weighing 59. Ship pounds and Eleven and a halfe
[?liXXpound seaventy bundles of Pashempe weighing
fourty five Ship pounds and Eleaven and a halfe [XXX GUTTER]
[?such] said goods were to be brought in the said Ship to
this Port and here to be delivered to the said John ffreeman and soe the said Garba[?and]son was obliged
to doe by the Charterparty made betweene him and
the said ffreeman which this deponent sawe signed and sealed
by the said Garbrandson: And saith that at or about
the time of the lading of the foresaid goods the said Garbrandson
did at or neere Riga (as this Deponent verily beleeveth signe
three bills of lading for the same, and having nowe
seene the bill of Lading annexed to the allegation [XXX GUTTER]
hee is nowe examined hee saith that hee verily beleeveth
the same ws and is one of the said Bills signed by the said Garbarandson for the
sayd goods, and the Contents thereof to be true, and
reall, And saith that about the beginning of the yeeres 1659 [XXX GUTTER]
the said Ship called the King of ffrance arrived here in
the River of Thames in safety, with many goods in her [XX GUTTER]
[(?here GUTTER]