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|Transcription image=P1160183
|Transcription image=P1160183
|Transcription=or thereabouts and within Command of the sayd Castle, and saith the sayd shipp shortly
after came into the River and lay with her broad side to shoare
a little above the Castle, and as touching the delivery of gunnes out of her
for the King of Spaines use hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition and
further cannot answere./
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that there did arrive a shipp called the ''mary''
at Saint doming a little before the arrivall of the ''Nicholas'' there, but saith hee
was then at her arrivall a close orizoner in the Pallace (from ehence hee
was afterwards brought to the Castle when hee had more freedome allowed
him) And hee saith that hee heard the Spanish Souldiers while hee was a
Cl;ose Prisoner as afore sayd in the pallace saye that the sayd shipp the
''Mary'' brought Ordnance Match and other amunition for the King of
Spaines use, and hee this deponent being left behinde at Saint domingo by
the sayd Claes Johnson as hee hath before declared, went
a passenger from hispaniola to Santa Cruze in the Canaries in the sayd
shipp the ''Mary'' and in his passage heard the dutch skipper of her and
other dutch men who seved aboard her in the service of the King of Spaine
saye that the sayd shipp ''mary'' brought gunnes and ammunition to Saint
domingo as aforesayd, which shipp the ''mary'' was afterwards after her
arrivall at Santa Cruze under the Spanish Colours burnt and destroyed there by Generall Blake
And further saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth
hee cannot answere/
To the last Interrogatorie the danger of perjury being declared unto him as the Interrogatorie requireth hee saith that the discourse which as is predeposed passed
betwixt him this respondent and the sayd Claes Johnson was in English
(the sayd Claes being able to speake and speakeing English very well) and the
discourse was at three severall tymes at the house of don Whan Moursell
and Irish man living at Santa domingo, and alsoe at severall tymes as
this deponenyt mett with Claes Johnson in the streets at Saint domingo hee this deponent having
then liberty by the Governour to walke the Cittie and haveing
occasion of treaty with the sayd Claes Johnson about getting his
this respondents passage in the ''Nicholas'' for Spaine, and saith that
don Whan Moursell was once present, and heard the discourse
that passed betwixt the sayd Claes and this deponent to the effect predeposed
And further or more particulerly then before hee hath deposed hee cannpt
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
The 22th of March 1657 English style
Interrogatories for perpetuall remembrance of the
matter touching the shipp the ''Isaack'' whereof William
Thomas was Master, and her ladeing
Examined on the sayd Interrogatories

Revision as of 12:01, September 28, 2013

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or thereabouts and within Command of the sayd Castle, and saith the sayd shipp shortly
after came into the River and lay with her broad side to shoare
a little above the Castle, and as touching the delivery of gunnes out of her
for the King of Spaines use hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition and
further cannot answere./

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that there did arrive a shipp called the mary
at Saint doming a little before the arrivall of the Nicholas there, but saith hee
was then at her arrivall a close orizoner in the Pallace (from ehence hee
was afterwards brought to the Castle when hee had more freedome allowed
him) And hee saith that hee heard the Spanish Souldiers while hee was a
Cl;ose Prisoner as afore sayd in the pallace saye that the sayd shipp the
Mary brought Ordnance Match and other amunition for the King of
Spaines use, and hee this deponent being left behinde at Saint domingo by
the sayd Claes Johnson as hee hath before declared, went
a passenger from hispaniola to Santa Cruze in the Canaries in the sayd
shipp the Mary and in his passage heard the dutch skipper of her and
other dutch men who seved aboard her in the service of the King of Spaine
saye that the sayd shipp mary brought gunnes and ammunition to Saint
domingo as aforesayd, which shipp the mary was afterwards after her
arrivall at Santa Cruze under the Spanish Colours burnt and destroyed there by Generall Blake
And further saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth
hee cannot answere/

To the last Interrogatorie the danger of perjury being declared unto him as the Interrogatorie requireth hee saith that the discourse which as is predeposed passed
betwixt him this respondent and the sayd Claes Johnson was in English
(the sayd Claes being able to speake and speakeing English very well) and the
discourse was at three severall tymes at the house of don Whan Moursell
and Irish man living at Santa domingo, and alsoe at severall tymes as
this deponenyt mett with Claes Johnson in the streets at Saint domingo hee this deponent having
then liberty by the Governour to walke the Cittie and haveing
occasion of treaty with the sayd Claes Johnson about getting his
this respondents passage in the Nicholas for Spaine, and saith that
don Whan Moursell was once present, and heard the discourse
that passed betwixt the sayd Claes and this deponent to the effect predeposed
And further or more particulerly then before hee hath deposed hee cannpt

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



The 22th of March 1657 English style

Interrogatories for perpetuall remembrance of the
matter touching the shipp the Isaack whereof William
Thomas was Master, and her ladeing

Examined on the sayd Interrogatories