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Canary wine aboard the ''Mary and Joyce'' for Accompt of the sayd
Canary wine aboard the ''Mary and Joyce'' for Accompt of the sayd
Thomas Warren, the arlate William Warren did lade divers
Thomas Warren, the arlate William Warren did lade divers
other pipes pf Canarie wine which (as hee beleeveth) were for
other pipes of Canarie wine which (as hee beleeveth) were for
the proper Accompt of him the sayd William, but the number hee
the proper Accompt of him the sayd William, but the number hee
soe laded as for his owne Accompt hee remembreth not, soe that hee
soe laded as for his owne Accompt hee remembreth not, soe that hee

Revision as of 22:27, May 18, 2014

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end of January or beginning of ffebruary 1657 (old style) And being
come thither the sayd William Warren did with the assistance of this
deponent there dispose of part of the sayd shipps then ladeing consisting
of Gold peeces of eight and other Merchandizes and invested the same
in Canarie wynes and therewith laded aboard the sayd shipp in the
Port of Oratava in the sayd moneth of ffebruary 1657 a hundred and
fiftie pipes or thereabouts of Canarie wines for Accompt of the sayd
Thomas Warren to bee thence transported for London and there
delivered to the sayd Thomas or his Assignes And further to those
articles hee cannot depose/

To the 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation and the bill of
ladeing therein mentioned hee saith that hee knoweth that at the
tyme of the ladeing of the sayd hundred and fiftie pipes of
Canary wine aboard the Mary and Joyce for Accompt of the sayd
Thomas Warren, the arlate William Warren did lade divers
other pipes of Canarie wine which (as hee beleeveth) were for
the proper Accompt of him the sayd William, but the number hee
soe laded as for his owne Accompt hee remembreth not, soe that hee
knoweth not exactly how many pipes there were laden in all for both
their Accompts, but beleeveth there were a hundred and nynty pipes
laden by the sayd William in all for both Accompts, And further
hee cannot depose for that hee was not privie to the signeing
of the bills of ladeing for the sayd wynes yet upon perusall of the
bill of ladeing to the allegation annexed hee saith hee well remembreth
that the greatest part of the wines soe laden upon both Accompts were
marked with the first marke in the margent of the sayd bill of ladeing
and others of them with the second marke in the margent of the sayd
bill And saving hee saith hee is very well acquainted with the hand
writeings both of the sayd William Warren and of the arlate Phillipp
Stafford the Master of the sayd Mary and Joyce and verily beleeveth that
the filling up of the sayd bill of ladeing is the proper hand writeing of
the sayd William Warren and that the firme or signeing of the sayd
bill was and is the proper handwriteing of the sayd
Phillipp Stafford and that the sayd bill is reall and true and
not colourable And saving hee saith that the sayd hundred and
fifty pipes of wine were provided and put aboard the sayd shipp
out of the goods and effects and for the proper Accompt of the sayd
Thomas Warren And therefore verily beleeveth that noe person
save the sayd Thomas had or hath any right with the sayd hgundred
and fiftie pipes of Canary wynes./
