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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.586v.

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To the 14th hee saith hee beleeveth the Interrogate damerell to
bee an able and experienced seaman for Greeneland voyages and to have bin there
severall voyages and to understand well what it is to goe thither, And
further hee cannot answere/

To the 15th Interrogatorie hee hath knowne the Interrogate Kirton for
about these tenn yeares last past, and first sawe him aboard the Elizabeth
aforesayd whereof Captaine hare was Commander, the sayd Kirton then
going with this deponent in that shipp to Greeneland, And saith the rest
of the parties Interrogate hee hath knowne only during the voyage in
question and since, and sawe them first on board the Owners Adventure
And saith the sayd Kirton hath of this deponents knowledge bin two voyages
at Greeneland the one in the sayd shipp the Elizabeth and the other the
voyage in question, and whether the rest of the parties Interrogate were ever
at Greeneland before the voyage in question hee knoweth not, And
as touching their honesty hee saith hee knoweth not of what repute
they are, And therefore cannot further answere./

To the 16th hee saith hee hath observed in those voyages that hee hath
made to Greeneland, that the Ice there doth use to open and shutt
according as the winde or Current of the stream drives and
forces it, and therefore beleeveth that those who make voyages thither
must for the better and more safe getting to harbour observe and
watch their oportunitie of the opening thereof and soe get in accordingly

To the seaventh hee saith hee verily beleeveth and is perswaded in
his conscience that in case damerell after hee was come out from
the Ice as aforesayd had commanded his Company in againe to
make a Port they would not have disobeyed him but have
readily performed their duty and have endeavoured soe much as
they could to gaine the same And saith the Ice soe farr as hee
observed was noe better to passe through in such places where
the sayd damerell went with his shipp the Owners Adventure
after her comming out of the Ice, then it was while shee was in
the Ice as aforesayd, And alsoe saith that hee heard the sayd Maundrie
Councell and advise the sayd damerell to goe to the Northwards
And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

Jeremiah Jolley [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Godolphin


The 28th of ffebruary 1656/

Examined on the sayd allegation./


John Pibus of Greenwich in the County of Kent
Mariner Master of the shipp The Adventure of hull
aged forty fower yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth of his this

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner