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in order to the preservation of the Freeman and her ladeing form being driven on shoare
in order to the preservation of the Freeman and her ladeing form being driven on shoare
by the Mary And further he cannot depose.
by the Mary And further he cannot depose.
To the last hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition to the 1:2 and 3 artlcile to which
To the last hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition to the 1:2 and 3 artlcle to which
hee referreth hee cannot depose.
hee referreth hee cannot depose.
To the Interries
To the first Interr. hee saith hee was quarter master of the Freeman the tyme interrate and
came to testifie the truth of his knowledge in this cause being soe required to doe
by John ?Lightly the Commander of the Freeman and saith the Mary came fowle of the
Freeman in manner predisposed in the forenoone when the tyde was about three quarters.
fludd And further hee cannot answer.
To the 2 interr. he saith see paid all his wages save 12 shillings which he saith is stopped
our of the same and the like out of the wages of others of the Freemans company
for certayne tobaccoes which appeareth by the boatswain tooke to be laded aboard the
Freeman in Virginia and were nor found aboard her at her lading at London and
otherwise hee cannot answer having heard nothing touching any such resolution
or declaration as is interrate.
To the third hee saith that Peter Witty and this deponent

Revision as of 23:42, October 26, 2014

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HCA 13/70 f.512r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


d:smith (LEFT H MARGIN)
The same day
Examined upon the sayd allegation.
John Clarke of the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex.
Mariner a Quarter master of the Shipp Freeman aged 29 yeares or
thereabouts a witness sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth
To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that
the shipp the Freeman being goeing downe towards gravesend with the benefitt of
a smale gale of winde and the arlate shipp the Mary coming up towards London with
the benefitt of the tyde of Fludd the Company of the Freemand (for that their shipp
was a shipp of good burthen of about five hundred tonnes and did drawe about sixteene
foote water and held goods in her to a very considerable value and was as neere the South
shoare of the Thames as conveniently she could goe without goeing aground and
perceiving the shipp Mary to make towards them did call out to the company of the
Mary (while the Mary was at a good distance off yet soe neere that the company
might very well heare what was sayd unto them) and desyred them to put their sayd
shipp astayes which they might easily have done if they pleased and told them if they did not soe doe shee would runne on board the
Freeman or words to that effect which not withstanding the master and Company of
the Mary gave noe answere that this deponent heard but braced their mayne topp
sayles a back stayes and put their helme a weather and by that meanes ranne
their sayd shipp directly athwart the hawser of the Freeman which they
did in a negligent and carelessse manner as he believeth soe that they might if they
had pleased easily have avoided falling fowle of the Freeman by putting their sayd
shipp a stayes or steereing her a little more northerly (the Freeman being as neere
the South shoare as she could conveniently toe being a shipp of good burthen) and the Mary being a
smale shipp and having the greatest part of the Thames to have gone cleere of the
Freenman if her company had pleased soe to have shaped her course
soe that the damage contraversed happened only though the fault of the company of the Mary and not any
fault of the company of the Freeman as hee verily believeth and is perswaded in his conscience (LEFT H MARGIN)
[and] deposeth being an eye witness and one of the Company of and aboard the Freeman
when the premissed happened And further cannot depose.
To the 4th hee saith he knoweth not that any of the compnay of the Freeman did cut any
of the tackle of the Mary but saith if any were cut hee believeth the same was soe cut
in order to the preservation of the Freeman and her ladeing form being driven on shoare
by the Mary And further he cannot depose.
To the last hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition to the 1:2 and 3 artlcle to which
hee referreth hee cannot depose.

To the Interries
To the first Interr. hee saith hee was quarter master of the Freeman the tyme interrate and
came to testifie the truth of his knowledge in this cause being soe required to doe
by John ?Lightly the Commander of the Freeman and saith the Mary came fowle of the
Freeman in manner predisposed in the forenoone when the tyde was about three quarters.
fludd And further hee cannot answer.

To the 2 interr. he saith see paid all his wages save 12 shillings which he saith is stopped
our of the same and the like out of the wages of others of the Freemans company
for certayne tobaccoes which appeareth by the boatswain tooke to be laded aboard the
Freeman in Virginia and were nor found aboard her at her lading at London and
otherwise hee cannot answer having heard nothing touching any such resolution
or declaration as is interrate.

To the third hee saith that Peter Witty and this deponent