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'''Richard Bone''' of Plimouth in the County of devon
'''Richard Bone''' of Plimouth in the County of devon
Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or thereaboutes, and '''George''
Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or thereaboutes, and '''George'''
''Strode''' servant to Mr Moses Goodier of London Merchant
''Strode''' servant to Mr Moses Goodier of London Merchant
Aged 20 yeeres or thereaboutes, sworne before the right
Aged 20 yeeres or thereaboutes, sworne before the right

Revision as of 20:59, January 28, 2018


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HCA 13/71 f.241r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A. 16.

The tenth of June 1656.

On the behalfe of Moses Goodier}
and Timothy Alsop touching the}
hester of Plimouth}


Richard Bone of Plimouth in the County of devon
Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or thereaboutes, and George
Strode' servant to Mr Moses Goodier of London Merchant
Aged 20 yeeres or thereaboutes, sworne before the right
Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one of the
Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie, say
and depose by vertue of their oathes.

That this deponent Richard Bone as master of the shipp the hester of
Plimouth, and this deponent George Strode as Sopra cargo of the same shipp
being imployed in her on a voyage from Plimouth and Saint Ives for Venice
in or about September last, received on board her at Saint Ives in Cornwall
two hundred fiftie six hogsheads of Pilchards and some tobaccoe for account
of the said Mr Goodier and Mr Timothy Mapp of Plimouth Merchant
and for the particular adventure of the said Mr Goodier thirtie five
peaces of stuffs and seaventie five paire of worsted stockings. And they
say that with all theaforesaid goodes the said shipp set saile and departed
from Saint Ives aforesaid in or about the twentieth of September last, and
in her course of sailing for Venice, coming on the two and twentieth of
November next following neere the Vare of Messina, the said shipp
was set upon and shot at by a ffrenchman of warr having about eighteene
gunes and (as themselves confessed) an hundred and seaventie men, but the
name either of their shipp or commander they would not confesse, but
acknowledged that shee belonged to Tholon; and further that after
severall shott made by the said ffrenchman of warr, and his commanding
this deponent Richard Bone on board, and there going, the Captaine and
companie of the said man of warr, detained him there prisoner, during
which time of his imprisonment, some of the said man of warres company
in two boates, came aboard the hester, and plundered and tooke out of
her and carried away, twenty seaven hogsheads of Pilchards, eight
Rolles of Tobaccoe (the said eight rolles weighing about foure hundred
weight), twenty five peeces of the said stuffs, and all the aforesaid
seaventie five paire of stockings, and having soe donne, they released
the said Master Richard Bone after foure or five houres detention, and
suffered the shipp to procede with the rest of her lading. And lastly
they say that the said Pilchards (soe taken away) were worth and (as they beleeve)
cost betwixt fiftie and fiftie five shillings per hogshead one with another,
the stuffs cost (the first penny) fourtie shillings per peece, the
stockings eighteene pounds and five shillings, and the Tobaccoe cost
in England foure pence per pound or neere thereabouts.



The tenth of June 1656

Page and Coury: against Basse.}
Clements Smyth}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2.

Robert Mitchell of the parish of White Chappell
London Shipwright, aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts
Sworne and examined.
