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==John Hoddesdon will==
==John Hoddesdon will==
'''PROB 11/302 Nabbs 260-312 Will of John Hoddesdon, Merchant of London 10 November 1660'''

Revision as of 10:46, October 20, 2011

John Hoddesdon will

PROB 11/302 Nabbs 260-312 Will of John Hoddesdon, Merchant of London 10 November 1660



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Seveenteenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God (accordingt to the Accompt used in England) One Thousand Six Hundred ffifty and ffive I John Hoddesdon of London Merchant, beinge in good and perfect health of Bodie, and of perfecte mynde and memory (praised be God therefore) but beinge now bound forth on a Voyadge to Surratt in Persia in the good Shipp called the Smirna Merchant whereof Nicholas Read is Commander) and Considering the ffrailitie and incertaintie of the present life and the danger and casualtie of the Sea doe therefore make and ordaine this my present Testament (containinge therein my last Will) in manner and forme ffollowinge (That is to say)

FFIRST and principally I recommend my Soule To Almightie God my maker and Jesus Christ his onely and wellbeloved Sonne my blessed Saviour and Redeemer by whose pretious death merrittes and Passion I stedfastlie beleive To receive full and free pardon and forgivenesse of all my sinnes and life everlastinge

My Bodie I committ to the Earth or Sea accordinge as God shall dispose in that behalfe,

And I Will that all such debts and duties as I shall owe unto any person or persons att the tyme of my decease either in right or conscience shall bee well and truely paid by my Executor hereunder named within a convenient tyme after my decease

And as touchinge such wages as shall bee due unto mee att the tyme of my decease And such goods, chattells, howseholdstuffe, ready moneys, wares, Adventures, debts and other thinges as I shall then bee poseesed of and interested in (my debts by mee oweing att the tyme of my decease thereout first paid as aforesaid, I doe give and bequeath the same, and every of them fully and wholly unto my Loveinge freind Josias ?Maes of London Merchnat, which said Josias ?Maes I doe make ordaine and appointe the full and sole Executor of this my p:rsent Testament and laste Wille,

And I doe hearby utterly Revoake and make voyde all former and other Wills and bequests by mee att any tyme heretofore made and given And doo publish and declare this my prsesent Testament to bee my very Last Will and none other nor otherwise

IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale dated the say and yeare first above written


Signed Sealed
Published, declared and delivered by the said John Hoddesdon as his last Will and Testament in the presence of JOHN ALSOP ?scy THOMAS WATKINS his serv:t THOMAS ?DUKES

PROBATUM fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram Venerabili et Egregio Sir Guilielino Menicke Legum Doctore Curia Prearogativa Cantuarensia MagistrX Custoda sive Commissario XXXX Constituto Decima Dio Mensis Novembris Anno Domini Mellesimo Sepcentesimo Seyagesimo Juramento Josia Maes Execitoris in ?haijesXXXX Testamente XXXX XXX Commissa fuit Administratio Omnium et singular benes Jurad et XXX dict def de bene et fidele adstrandX eadem Ad XXXX dei Evangelia in debita Juria forma Jurat

