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==Sir Thomas Bludworth will==
#redirect Sir Thomas Bludworth will
'''PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682'''
===Will transcription===
Dnus Thomas Bludworth Miles Vnus Aldermanus Civitalis London” [in RH margin]
In The name of God Amen I Thomas Bludworth of Lo:n Knight and Alderman being (blessed be God) in good health of Body and mind yet considering the ffrailty of man how XXXX the small Thread of life is cutt in XXXXX Doe for the Quiett of my owne mind and (I trust in the Lord) the satisffacton of all persons intressed in me and Related to me make this my last Will and Testament Revoaking all others in manner and forme following
FIRST and that I most cheifely regard is that immortall soule that God hath put into this vile Earthen Body of mine beseaching him in and through the merits of my most blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to pardon all my sinns and Transgressions for upon this ?Rocke doe I anchor my hopes of a Joyfull resurrection of Body and soule unto eterenall life in the meane tyme I doe recommend my body to the dust from whence it came desiring it may be directly interred without any Pomp in some Evening in the parish Church where I shall fall  or have my last residence and it having pleased God to ?lessen me in my Estate  By that dreadfull ffire of London in the year 1667 (sic!)  And for my worthily Estate that it hath pleased God to vouchsafe me I will need bequeath that my beloved wife  shall over and above her Third part of my  personall Estate have Two hundred pounds a yeare paid unto her halfe yearly by her Eldest sonne Thomas out of those lands and Tenements I shall bequeath unto him which I hope she will accept in Ricompensse (sic) of her Thirds of my land and of all other Legacies from my Estate
ITEM I give and Bequeath my Manno:r of ould hall  in the County of Yorke and those lands purchased of  [blank in original ,manuscript] North this [CSG: two words in margin I cannot read] my parte of ??Hausen Grange in the County of Darby my manno:rs Kingswood and ?Thorin Crafts, in the County of Surrey To my sonn Thomas and his heires male  And for want of his heires male To sonne Charles and his heires male  And for want of his heires male To the daughters of my sonne Thomas Equally to their heires for ever
ITEM I doe earnestly desire my Executors and overseers to obtaine that my oin (sic) Third part of my personall Estate may be taken in those Leases I have of the Drapers and Goldsmith Companies  Those of the Debts I owin (sic) to be with the Best Rents and was taken in M:r James Burtons xxxx agreement which is in M:r ?Brates Custody and sett upon with good ffines (sic) which Rents M:r ?Brate hath use to receive and hath dewly made up att: with me (Or, “in”) Twice a yeare for the same and if desired oin (sic) sum will consent to a writt of partition and now I am naming her I desire she may have a Legacie of ffive pounds  And her sonne M:r James Braxx a Ring of Twenty shillings as a Token of my Respect to them  And what more my one Third is able to purchase I desire may be ffirst my mansion house which I live in Maiden Lane and what oin Third comes short (if it doe) to purchase my house I desire may be made up by my Sonn Thomas unto whom I will make good amends out of those Leases of the Drapers and my Mansion howse (sic) soe to be purchased I therefore doe give and bequeath them to my sonn Thomas and his heires for ever  And I doe appoint him to pay to the Lady Mari (sic) my daughter in Law Twenty pounds a yeare during her widdowhood and to her Aunt May [?]  during her life Tenn pounds a yeare  And since it hath pleased  Almighty God to afflict (sic) my daughter Mary soe that a Change of Condicon (sic) must needs be xxxxxxxxxxxxx to her I doe ssssssss desire her to xxxx it to her mother and my Overseers to make a bargaine with one of her Brothers for to pay her an Annuity for her life in Lieu of her Orphanage part or porton (sic) which she is att yeares to agree to and hath often promised me to be content with it being heartily my desire she may have a Good and Comfortable subsistance during her life  And her Relations [?] the better for her
ITEM I give and bequeath to my Bro: in Law  and his wife M:r W:m Beartie [?] Twenty pounds to buy them mourning
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Bro: Jos: Bloudworth Tenn pounds I have bei  And to him after his Children
ITEM I give and bequeath to my Bro: Bartholomew Bludworth  out of what he owes me ffifty pounds having given  50:ll to place his sonn Bartholomew Apprentice  And to himselfe and his wife Twenty pounds for mourningIten whereas I have shewed my Love and care to my daughter Ann the now wife of S:r ?Geo:Fife feryes Knight and by giving her a ??marrig portion out of my Estate soe that I cannott much enlarge to her but to much to the lossening [?] of my ffamily (sic) and she being soe plentifully provided for Yet as a token of my love to them, I doe give and bequeath to them the summe of one hundred pounds to buy them and their ffamily mourning if they see good
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Company of vintners my Two Silver Bowles and Covers as a Token of my respect to them haveing not bei wanting to them, in the like kind which I had  And to their Almspeople I give Twenty shillings a yeare to be laid out as the Master and Wardens shall think fitt
ITEM I give and bequeath To the ffeild Officers and Captains of my Regiment if I dye in Cxxxxx of one) Each one a Ring of the value of Twenty shillings, And to my Cap:t ?Lew:t and my Ensigne the same  And to all my servants living with me Twenty shillings apeice
ITEM I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of S:t XX Katharines and to the poore of the parrish of Leatherhead in the County of Surrey ffive poundsa yeare [?] To be distributed at the discretion of the minister Church Wardens and Overseers of the said parishes
ITEM I doe make and appoint my dear beloved wife and her sonne Thomas  Executrix and  Executor of this  my last will and Testament  And doe intreate my good ffreinds S:r William Turner Knight and Alderman and S:r Geo: Jeffereyes to be overseers and ayding and assistants to them and doe give and bequeath each of them Tenn pounds a piece as Tokens of my respects to buy them mourning praying to God to recompensetheir praiers and care
Witnes my hand and Seale to the Topp of this one sheete this 24 November 1680.  And in the 32 yeare of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the 2. over Eng:d
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Two Grandchildren Anne and Mary Jeffereyes the sum of ffifty pounds a piece  And afix this Alteration and Addition made
I doe signe seale and publish this to be my last will and Testament./
In the presence of Elinor Bradshaw Dorothy Bailey Joseph Binkes./
PROBABATUM [CSG. Unreadable.  The Probatum is unusually squeezed into the RH margin]
Brothers: “my Bro: Jos: Bloudworth;”  “my Bro: Bartholomew Bludworth;”
Nephew: “his sonn Bartholomew Apprentice” [son of brother Bartholomew Bludworth]
Wife: “my beloved wife”
Son: Eldest sonne Thomas Bludworth; Charles Bludworth
Daughter: “my daughter Mary”; “my daughter Ann the now wife of S:r Geo: Jeffereyes Knight”
Daughter-in-law: the Lady Mari (sic) my daughter in Law
Brother-in-law: Mr William Beartie
Grandchildren: “my Two Grandchildren Anne and Mary Jeffereyes”
Other: M:r James Burton; M:r Bentes; M:r Brace [?]; M:r James Braxx; “her Aunt May [?] “ [aunt of Lady Mari, the daughter-in-law]; Almspeople of the Company of Vintners; Master and Wardens of Company of Vintners; ffeild (sic) Officers and Captains of my Regiment”; “my Cap:t Lew:t [?] and my Ensigne”; “my servants living with me”
Executrix: TB’s wife
Executor: TB’s son, Thomas Bludworth
Overseers: good ffreinds S:r William Turner Knight and Alderman and S:r Geo: Jeffereyes
Witnesses: “Elinor (sic) Bradshaw Dorothy Bailey Joseph Binkes”
'''Places:''' “my manno (sic) of ould hall  in the  County of Yorke”; “my part of xxxsall Grange in the County of Darby”; “my manno Kingswood  and Charin Crafts [??], in the County of Surrey”; the Drapers and Goldsmith Companies; “my mansion house which I live in Maiden Lane”
'''Events:''' "that dreadfull ffire of London in the year 1667"
'''Institution:''' “the Conpany of vintners “
'''Written:'''  November 24th 1680
'''Died:''' Died May 12,1682
'''Proved:''' July  10th 1682

Latest revision as of 21:07, November 28, 2011

  1. redirect Sir Thomas Bludworth will