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4) That he that shalbe heard to Sweare or Blaspheeeme the name of God for everie tine soe
doeing, shall have three Blowes with a smale Roapes End such is a halfe
there [?XXXXX], soe hard as it Can be laide on, and to be [?laide] by him that heard him, and who=
soever shall [?cause] on the other falselie shall receive the same punnishment/

Revision as of 08:06, October 4, 2014

HCA 24/110

Created page, 04/10/14 by CSG


1. IMPRIMUS That whoseoever shall sleepe in his watch in his Cabbin, his hand shalbe seised up to the
maine Halliards as farr as he can reach, and a Quarter Cann of watter Powred downe his
Arme, and if he sleepe on the decke in his watch, that then there bee a Buckett of
watter throwne on him as he lyeth/

2) That whoseoever shall Presume to sticke one of the other, and fall togeather by the Eares one with
the other, unlesse it be the Master or Boateswaine and in there absence there Mates, and not
they neither, unlesse it be for neglect of the shipps buisinesse, or for the keepeing of good
order, anie but theise shall [?SXXXX] without watter one Glasse/

3) That he that shalbee found in his Cabbin, or other place asleepe, after the Bell hath wrunge and
the Boatswaine called up to Prayer shall have Six mens [?Capties]/

4) That he that shalbe heard to Sweare or Blaspheeeme the name of God for everie tine soe
doeing, shall have three Blowes with a smale Roapes End such is a halfe
there [?XXXXX], soe hard as it Can be laide on, and to be [?laide] by him that heard him, and who=
soever shall [?cause] on the other falselie shall receive the same punnishment/










13. That Every morning the first thing that is done the shippe by made cleane, both [?XXXX GUTTER]
and washes if it be att sea by them that shall have the morning watch, and likewise [?XXXX GUTTER]
evening by the other watch, but when wee are in harbor by whome the Boatswaine and [?XXXX GUTTER]
shall thinke fitt to appointe

The orders above mentioned which I appointe to be strict
lie observed, and kept, by all who are now under my com=
mand for the whole tearme of this our now Intended
voyage, not desireing to execute anie one of them, but
rather hope that this wilbe a meanes to Perswade them
not to deserve the least, or anie one of them whereto I
submit my name aboard the May=flower, the 5th day
off July: 1647