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|Transcription=him but said they were a man of warr, ad had power[?s GUTTER]

Revision as of 07:04, June 7, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.503v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


him but said they were a man of warr, ad had power[?s GUTTER]
by there Commission to visit every ship they could [XXXX GUTTER]
but would not Declare whose Comission it was and hee asking for this [?Deponent GUTTER] and this
Deponent still fearing the Alexander to be a Spanish man of
warr or that her Captaine had a Comission from the
king of Scotland shewed him. severall; Colourable
Bills of Lading mentioning the said Lading to be for
account of Cristopger [?Boz] an Irishman living at
Amsterdam, and one Mr Ellis, and after the
said mate had perused them, hee went on board the
Alexander againe, and presently after hee came on
board, some of the Company of the Alexander tooke
downe her English Colours and hoysted up the Portugall
Colours and under them fixed a whole broad side upon
the Starr; and her ketch which was with her, alsoe fixed some
Gunns upon the Starr, which said firing was done in a violent
and hostile manner, and without any occasion given by
this Deponent or Company and saith that the hull
sailes and Rigging of the said ship Starr were thereby
Damnified to the vallue of Twenty pounds or thereabouts
and Imediately after the said ffiring this Deponent called
out to the Company of the Alexander and asked them
what their intention was. to which one of them made answer[?e GUTTER]
that if this deponent would not come onboard they would
sinke him, and soe this dDeponent was forced to goe
out of his ship, onboard the Alexander, and upon his
Comming the said Walcup or Warcup trhe Captaine
of the Alexander, told him that hee was as [XXX GUTTER]
as a Prisoner of the King of Portugall might bee
and this Deponent asking him what Power the King
of Portugall had given him to take English Scotch or
Irish, the said Captaine sayd Why Captaine you
told mee you was of Amsterdam, and this Deponent then
told him that hee said soe fearing him to be a Spanishe
man of warr or one that had a Commission from the
King of Spaine or King of Scots XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
then earnestly desired him that hee might goe that night onboard
his ship and fetch his bills of lading, Merchants Letters
Charterparty which would [?verify] soe much and alsoe the Comission which the Major of Dublin
gave this Deponent Declaring and certifying him to be a
ffreeman and householder of Dublin in Ireland,
And alsoe desired him to cleere this Deponent annd not hinder
his voyage the wind being very good, but notwithstanding [?the GUTTER]